The rapid rat test for pregnancy

The rapid rat test for pregnancy

Volume 57 Number 5 SELECTED serum and plasma alkaline phophatase but all in lower normal limits. All elevation. activity of these ABSTRACTS values...

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Volume 57 Number 5


serum and plasma alkaline phophatase but all in lower normal limits. All elevation.

activity of these

ABSTRACTS values were cases shol\-ed

1031 made, a normal calcemia a normal phosphatemia

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The authors conclude that the decalcification of the lumbosacral and pelvic bones in gustrectomized patients is extremely important. Clinicians must, therefore, consider supplemental therapy in such cases and recognize that other gastric disturbances may cause serious bony changes. Prevention with proper medication may preclude such bony changes. E. FOLSOME.



Harold Pregnancliol


Parks, A. Test, Harper

E., and McDonald, Marian: Hosp. Bull. 6: 33, 1948.





A test for pregnandiol in the urine depending upon the precipitation of unpurified pregnandiol has previously been described; the technique is again described in this article. With this simplified test, the findings closely parallel those obtained with the more elaborate quantitative methods. In normal menstrual cycles, in which the excretion of pregnandiol was correlated with the basal body temperature curve, it was found that excretion of pregnandiol followed the postovulatory rise in temperature. In one case in which a planned pregnancy followed ovulation, temperature levels were sustained and pregnandiol excretion continued, as is typical of normal pregnancy. In cases with irregular cycles, with delayed ovulation, yregnandiol excretion also occurs late in the cycle. The pregnandiol precipitation test has been employed in conjunction with the Friedman test for all specimens submitted for the diagnosis of pregnancy. In 306 urine samples, from patients subsequently found to be pregnant, positive pregnandiol tests indicated a diagnosis of pregnancy correctly in 291 instances (95.1 per cent) ; there were 15 incorrect negative diagnoses (4.9 per cent). The Friedman test on 280 of these urines gave a correct positive diagnosis of pregnancy in 268 cases (95.7 per cent) and a false negative in 12 cases (4.3 per cent). In 275 urine samples from patients who were subsequently found not to be pregnant, the pregnandiol test was negative in 245 (or 89.1 per cent), and falsely positive in thirty, (or 11.9 per cent). For these same urines the Friedman test gave only 4 false positives. In ten of the thirty cases in which the pregnandiol test gave a false positive, no data on the clinical history mere available ; in twelve cases there was no amenorrhea; in six cases the menstrual cycle was irregular; one patient was lactating; and one had a corpus luteum cyst. It is evident that the pregnandiol test gives presumptive evidence of pregnancy only if the urine is obtained in a period of amenorrhea in women whose menstrual cycles are otherwise If the cycle is longer than the usual twenty-eight days, late pregnrindiol excretion normal. is to be expected because of late ovulation. The pregnandiol test was also employed in 105 patients with symptoms of threatened abortion in the early months of pregnancy. In 39 cases the pregnandiol test was negative when the patient was first seen or became negative during the period of observation, and abortion occurred in all but two of these cases. In 54 cases in which the pregnandiol test remained positive, abortion did not occur, but in twelve cases with positive pregnandiol tests, abortion did occur. The prognostic value of the qualitative pregnandiol test in threatened abortion is greatest in the first three months of pregnancy. After that time increasing placental function increases the output of pregnandiol and a quantitative test is necessary to determine if there is a diminished progesterone metabolism. HARVEY R. MATTHEWS. Riley,

Gardner M., Smith, Marjorie H., and Brown, nancy, J. Clin. Endocrinol. 8: 233, March, 1948.








The authors review reports in the literature on the rapid rat test for pregnancy. The test is based on the hyperemie response in the ovaries of immature rats as a result of the injection of pregnancy urine.



The comparative results Aschheim-Zondek test on the various known experimental that it is best to allow four imals, though there appeared



& Gynec. May. 1943

are giveu, using this test and simultaneously the conventional same urine, In addition, the hyperemic response elicited under conditions is described. From these experiments, they deduced to six hours to elapse between injection and sacrifice of the an to be no advantage to lengthening the interval to sixteen hours.

The strongest hyperemic response was imals (weighing 55 to 70 Gm.). This study responsiveness or refractoriness to chorionic the Wistar strain.

obtained most uniformly in the heavier test andemonstrated the desirability of establishing the gonadotropin. The authors
Attention is called to the fact that, in cases of disturbed pregnancy such as threatened or incomplete abortion or ectopic pregnancy, where an intermediate type of response in the Aschheim-Zondek test is found, the hyperemia test is of little diagnostic value. However, the rapidity and simplicity of the test, together with its high degree of accuracy, in cases of normal pregnancy, make it a valuable diagnostic procedure. HERBERT J. SIMON.

Newborn Ware, II. Hudnall,




.J. A. M.

A. 137:



29, 1948.

The author reviews the various types of abnormal presentation and discusses the treatment of each. Throughout the discussion the author stresses the importance of pelvic measurements prior to the onset of labor, and a careful estimate of the fetal size, especially the fetal head. WILLIAM RERUN.

Nielson, Harriet I(., Ferris, Deward O., and Logan, Scrotum and Buttocks of the Newborn Resulting 85, Jan.,

George B.: in Qangrene,

Injury Am.

of the Penis, J. Dis.




The case report from the Division of Surgery and the Section of Pediatrics of the Mayo Clinic concerns a multipara who after a twenty-four hour labor delivered herself of a male child with a breech presentation. At the time of delivery the scrotum was estimated the size of a grapefruit and the penis to be red and about four times normal size. Twenty-four hours later the baby was admitted to the hospital. applied to the scrotum. Penicillin, in doses of 5,000 units, was given every three hours for thirty-nine days. Lines demarcating the gangrenous on the penis, scrotum, and buttocks on the fourth day. On the sixteenth material was removed and the testes exposed and examined. Primary skin grafting could not be carried granulation and epithelization were encouraged of the remaining part of the scrotum. small results.

The patient and fibrotic. Photographs

out in

because order to

A support was intramuscularly lesion formed day, gangrenous

of infection. hring together

Therefore, the edges

returned to the clinic one year later, at which time the left testis seemed The right testis seemed about normal in size. are inclosed showing the preoperative condition and the postoperative -JAMES P. MARR.

Franklin, II. Charles, With the Technical Assistance of Loeb, Laura N.: Bacterial Flora in Eyes of Newborn Infants During First Forty Hours of Life-After Single Instillation of Penicillin and Silver Nitrate, J. Pediat. 32: 251, March, 1918. This report is from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University The study treats of the bacterial flora in the eyes of 200 of Tennessee College of Medicine. infants during the first forty hours of life. One hundred were studied after prophylaxis and 100 after a single instillation of silver employing a single instillation of penicillin, nitrate.