40 Mohammedans and Jews, who practise circumcisioniboth curative and preventive, whether it be considers in early life as a ritual measure." Among 3,0...

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40 Mohammedans and Jews, who practise circumcisioniboth curative and preventive, whether it be considers in early life as a ritual measure." Among 3,000,000as science or art, quite obviously depends directly Jews in the United States cases of penile cancer- psychology, biology, chemistry, and physics," should be encountered from time to time if the 2 perFoundation is supporting certain activities in con cent. rate of incidence holds good, yet althoughnexion with mental hygiene and psychology, and. other forms of cancer are at least as common inshowing an interest in biology. Here a special fo Jews as in Gentiles, he says that the records ofof aid calls for separate notice, for the Foundatio Jewish hospitals do not seem to mention cancer has granted 350,000 dollars to be spent over a te of the penis except as occurring in their non-Jewish year period in support of the production of a wort patients. Thus in two Jewish hospitals in New York memory for biology " which is the president’s not a single case of this disease is recorded amongst of describing a huge abstracting enterprise to cove 958 consecutive cases of male cancer. If Dr. Wolbarst the estimated 40,000 articles dealing with biology is right in his conclusion as to the comparative 5000 different journals each year. In other fields th freedom of the circumcised, his argument for universal activity of the Foundation continues to show pn.. circumcision is a strong one. If, on the other hand, gress. In China the Peking Union Medical he is misinformed about the rarity of penile cancer carried on as usual in 1925 despite the local in Jews and Mohammedans it should be easy to tractions and the policy of transforming " th It is to be hoped, therefore, College gradually into a Chinese medical centre wiq prove him in error. that practitioners will place on record any cases in a Chinese staff and ultimately a Chinese c which they have seen the condition in Jews or trustees in complete control " is being carried o Ucntilcs circumcised in infancy. effectively. The nurse is also observed with intere by the Foundation, and the president’s review cot.: tains a good summary of the difficulties now present THE ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION. ing themselves in the nursing profession where attractions offered in the public health field are A. BALD statement of the activities of the Rocke- in America at any rate, to be luring the nurse from feller Foundation during the year 1925, for which the smaller and from private work. Th.: hospitals the report has just been issued,l would consist of.a Foundation stands aside in the controversy, devoti1t; catalogue classified in just over 20 sections. itself to the training of leaders in the nursing profe long This in itself would not be without interest and sion in different parts of the world. This point alon certain items demand special notice, but what is could be to demonstrate the policy of tih expanded perhaps more instructive is to observe the trend of Foundation in most of its work, but sufficient b policy of this organisation as indicated in the presi- been said to indicate how it is moving. Its wate dent’s review. 3fr. George E. Vincent points out words, in the language of its president, are " cooperate that the increase in the* number and resources of not rivalry, response not propaganda, economy n privately endowed foundations-notably, but not speculation, temporary aid not continued subsid, exclusively, in the L’nited States of America-raises official responsibility not usurpation of authority, pertinent questions as to the place of these agencies permanent gain not an ephemeral exploit." in the social order and their relation to the work of governments. It is stated elsewhere in the report that 631 formal applications for aid had to be refused during the year 1925), "The types of assistance requested did not fall within the scope of its (the Foundation’s) "activities as determined by its present the Foundation does not make gifts politics," for ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. or loans to individuals, nor contribute to the building Maj. W. J. E. Bell and Capt. T. If. Twigg, are secd. for or maintenance of churches, hospitals (except as service under the Colonial Office. certain hospital features may be included in plans Capts. G. F. Carr and B. II. C. Lea-Wilson (Prov. ant for medical education), and other local institutions, remains seed.) to be Majs. Capt. P. L. C. Carrier retires, receiving a gratuity. nor support campaigns to influence public opinion The positive side on social or political questions." REGULAR ARMY RESERVE OF OFFICERS. to such negative statements of policy is furnished by The undermentioned Cols. having attained the age limit the catalogue already mentioned, some of the details of ( liability to recall, cease to belong to the Res. of Off.: In the C. K. Morgan, late R.A.M.C. and Hon. Brig.-Gen. C. G. V, of which may now be chosen for comment. field of public health, where the private funds come Hunter. J TERRITORIAL AltMY. into relation with the tasks of governments, the Foundation has adopted the policy of working only Maj. O. II. Mavor (late R.A.M.C., T.A.) to be Maj. Its International!’supern. for service with Med. Unit, Glasgow Univ., Sen. with and through governments. Health Board will lend a hand only on the invitationDiv., O.T.C. Lt. H. W. M. Williams resigns his commn. of an official agency, and it is kept constantly in the Lt. J. R. Wheeler R.F.A., Spec. Hes.) to be Lt. foreground that the task of protecting a community supern. for service with(late Med. Unit, Belfast Univ., Sen. Div., against disease must be accepted by a government O.T.C. On these lines in as its own primary responsibility. J. H. Strahan to be Lt., supern. for service with Med. 1925 official anti-hookworm measures involving the IUnit, Belfast Univ., Sen. Div., O.T.C. treatment of nearly 1million people were carried out and yellow fever has been practically eradicated INDIAN MEDICAL SERVICES. from the Americas. With regard to its interest in Lt.-Col. R. F. Baird officiates as Inspector-General o! medical education the Foundation’s policy is based(Civil Hospitals, United Provinces. Lt.-Col. H. H. Broome. on the fact that the backbone of any public health Principal, King Edward’s Medical College. Lahore, to be measure is formed by the medical profession, and a a Member of the Governing Hody of the Punjab State hence the necessity of emphasising the" preventive AMedical Faculty, vice Khan Bahadur Syed Nazirhussain, idea " even in undergraduate days. The dangers r,esigned. attached to this are, of course, realised, and in partiDEATH IN THE SERVICES. cular it is pointed out that if a curriculurn is to be Inspector-General Henry Mantun Murray Deputy with this must permeated preventive idea," there Sedgwick, R.N., died at Southsea on Dec. 23rd, aged 8t). exist " a curriculmn of the right sort to be He entered the Royal Xaval Service as assistant surgeon in meated." Hence the support shown by the Founda863, and saw foreign service on the East Indies station. tion to medical schools in many lands, and the pcuring the Abyssinian war he was medical ofticer of the expenditure of approximately three million dollars in’

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1 The Rockefeller Foundation Annual Report, 1923. York : The Rockefeller Foundation.


f Alexandria. (Alexandria clasp. the Khedive bronze star, and the Order of the Medjidich.) Ile retired in 1892.