E. Biological Oceanography
E40. Area studies, surveys (baselines, ecology, etc.) 84:6181 Parulekar, A.H., 1983. Seabirds and marine mammals of the First Indian Antarctic Expedition (198182). In: Scientific Report of First Indian Expedition to Antarctica. Technical Publication No. 1; Department of Ocean Development, New Delhi, India; pp. 224-230. Brief notes on abundance, occurrence, behavior and zoogeographic distribution are given for the 13 seabird species and 5 marine mammal species observed in the Antarctic and subantarctic regions. Natl. Inst. of Oceanogr., Dona Paula, Goa 403 004, India. (ahm)
E50. General biology, ecology, biogeography, etc. 84:6182 Andryushchenko, A.A. et al., 1984. Peiagial ecosystents. Ekol. mor., Akad. Nauk Ukr. SSR, 16:9-71; 10 papers. (In Russian, English abstracts.) 84:6183 Klumpp, D.W. and A. Van der Valk, 1984. Nutritional quality of seagrass~ (Posidonia austra/is and Hetenm~tera tasman/ca): comparison hetween species and stages of decomposition. Mar. Biol. Letts, 5(2):67-83. Biol. Anstalt Helgoland, Notkestrasse 31, D-2000 Hamburg 52, FRG.
EB0. Plankton (also primary productivity, seston and detritus) 84:6184 Bhaud, Michel, 1983. First observations on the planktonic larva, found in off-shore waters, of a representative of the Paraonidae (Annelida, Polychaeta). Vie Milieu, 33(1):41-48. (In French, English abstract.) Collected in the upper 200 m, this planktonic larva is described for the first time. A review of the reproductive features of the family indicates they are not homogeneous. It appears that the larvae may be that of a deep benthic species. Lab. Arago, 66650 Banyuls-sur-Mer, France. (ahm) 84:6185 Bienfang, P.K., J.P. Szyper, M.Y. Okamoto and E.K. Noda, 1984. Tem0oral and spatial variability of
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phytoplankton in a subtropical ecosystem. Limnol. Oceanogr., 29(3):527-539. Chlorophyll and pheopigment off the leeward coast of Oahu, Hawaii, varied significantly with time; ATP and productivity varied with both time and space. Most (60-80%) of the microbial biomass occurred in the < 3 /xm fraction. Pigment profiles showed distinct maxima at 90 m. Annual primary production was ~60.4 g C m -2 yr~; low nutrient levels and P:B ratios indicated nutrient limitation. Dissimilar inflection depths for nitrate, phosphate, and silicate indicated nitrate availability and phosphate limitation in the lower photic zone. Variations in vertical nutrient supply, related to differences in current shear, caused pronounced temporal variation in productivity, especially below 44 m. Oceanic Inst., Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795, USA. 84:6186 Brand, L.E., 1984. The salinity tolerance of forty--six marine phyto0innkton Isolates. Estuar. coast. Shelf Sci., 18(5):543-556. Acclimated reproduction rates of the isolates were measured in 6 salinities ranging 0-45 ppt. Estuarine species tolerated low salinity better than oceanic species, coastal species being intermediate in their tolerance. Estuarine and oceanic species had salinity tolerances appropriate for their environments, but most of the coastal species tolerated salinity much lower than that from which they were isolated. Univ. of Miami, RSMAS, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Fla. 33149, USA. 84:6187 Brewer, G.D., G.S. Kleppel and M. Dempsey, 1984. Apparent predation on ichthyopiankton by zooplankton and fishes in nearsbure waters of southern California. Mar. Biol., 80(1):17-28. Univ. of So. California, 820 So. Seaside Ave., Terminal Island, Calif. 90731, USA. 84:6188 Fournier, R.O., M. Van Det, N.B. Hargreaves, J.S. Wilson, T.A. Clair and R. Ernst, 1984. Physical factors controlling s n m n ~ r distribution of chlorophyll a off southwestern Nova Scotia. Limnol. Oceanogr., 29(3):517-526. Dept. of Oceanogr., Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, NS B3H 4J1, Canada. 84:6189 Franco, Paolo, 1984. Factors affecting the primary productivity of the northern Adriatic Sea. Boil. Oceanol. teor. appl., II(2):125-140. (In Italian, English abstract.) The northern Adriatic Sea is shallow, thermally variable, and receives freshwater inputs from rivers.