BENNO TUNIS, Newark, N.J. THOMAS R. TURINO, Brooklyn, N.Y. FELIX H. VANN, Englewood, N, J. MEYER VITSKY, Richmond, Va. RUDY F. VooT, Louisville, Ky. EMERY A. "WAHI,, New York, N.Y. •TORN A. \VAr,r,, Houston, Texas RAYMOND A. WALI,AcE, Memphi~, Tenn. ROBERT I. WALTER, New York, N.Y. \Vn.r.rAM V. \VEAKr.~;Y, Philadelphia, Pa.
WILI.IAM C. WEIR, Cleveland, Ohio. P. FRANCIS WEISS, Boston, Mass. .T. M. WELDON, Mobile, Ala. THEODORE W. WELLER, Oakland, Calif. BENJ. B. WETCHLER, Fort Bragg, N. C. JOHN \VHITRIDGE, JR., Baltimore, Md . S. W. WILLIS, Bronxville, N.Y. LEO WILSON, New York, N.Y. MAUDE HALL \VrNNETT, Chicago, Ill.
The Second American Congress on Obstetrics and Gynecology The Second American Congress on Obstetrics and Gynecology will be held in St. Louis, Missouri, April 6 to 10, 1942. All of the meetings and both the Com· mercia! and Educational and Scientific Exhibits will be held in the Municipal Audi· torium. The various committees have been set up and the following Chairmen have been appointed: Executive Committee Program Committee Motion Picture Committee Educational and Scientific Exhibits Commercial Exhibits Lay Publicity Professional Publicity Publications Committee Evening Meetings Membership Committee Budget and Finance Committee
DR. DR. DR. DR. DR. DR. DR. DR. DR. DR. .DR.
FRED L. ADAIR, Chicago E. D. Pr,Ass, Iowa City RoBERT D. Mt'sSEY, Rochester H. CLORE HESSELTINE, Chicago PHILIP F. WILLIAMS, Philadelphia ,JosEPH L. BAER, Chicago GEoRGE \V. KosMAK, New York GooDRirH C. ScHAUFFLER, Portlanil ROBERT L. DEN ORMANDIE, Boston Bur'ORD G. HAMILTON, Kansas City WILLIAM C. DAN~'ORTH, Evanston
The general plan for the program will be much the same as that of the :first Congress, which was held in Cleveland, Sept. 11 to 15, 1939, with ~ectional meetings for the various groups (nurses, public health, administrators, educators, and physicians), general sessions for all members attending the Congress and round ,tables. There will be evening sessions open to the general public. Adequate time for registration will be given the fir~t day, before the opening of the sessions of the Congress. Admis~ion to the Congress will be by individual membership card only. These may be f'ecurer1 by payment of the five dollars registration fee, any time after Sept. 1, 1941. At the suggestion of the Medical Exhibitors Association, more time will be allowed for the members of the Congress to visit the Exhibits. The response to a letter sent to the firms handling products of interest to our group telling them of a second Congress has been excellent and we are assured of an excellent Commercial Exhibit. The hotel headquarters have not been assigned to the various groups as yet, but the Medical Section and General Congress Headquarters will be in the Jefferson Hotel. For further information, apply to the Chicago office of the CongresR1 650 Rush Street.
Erratum Jn the article, "Jelly Contraceptives," by Dr. Irving F. Stein, which appeared in the May, 1941, issue of the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY, p. 853, lines 21 and 22, it is stated that Stix has shown that the di~phragm and jelly method is only 76 per cent effective in relief recipients. This figure should be cor· rected to read 85 per cent,