Dr, Taylor mentioned the uses to which a large Poor Law Hospital in Aberdeen had been put after it was taken over by the municipality, and the difficulties met with in carrying" this out. The relation of the tuberculosis, school medical and maternity services to the Poor • Law Institutions was broached by Dr. HauxweI1, who also asked whether an extension of the panel system would be necessary to overcome the difficulty of District Medical Officers. D r s . Milligan and Hall also joined in the discussion, and Dr. Veitch Clark replied to the points raised.
President : Dr. C. E. Tangye, County M.O.H., WHtshire. lion Secretary: Dr. P, H. Stlrk, M.O.H., Exeter.
A meeting of this Branch was held at Bath, on January 21st, 1927, the President in the Chair. Twelve members and three visitors were present: A visit was made to the Baths under the guidance of the Matron. who kindly demonst rated the various forms of treatment, and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks on the proposal of the President. The minutes of the meeting held- on October 22nd, 1926, were read and confirmed. Letters of regret for absence were read from Dr. Nankivell, Dr. Green, Dr. Askins, and Dr. Swan. A letter was read from Col. Herbert Jones thanking the members for their congratulations on the honour recently conferred by the Council. Also, a letter from the Council, thanking the Branch for the gift of a chair. A communication was submitted from the YorkShire Branch requesting support for the nomiriation of Dr. Buchan as P r e s i d e n t . It was resolved to leave this matter to the disci'etion 6f th e Representative. Dr. Carey F. Coombs. of Bristol, read a paper on " A proposed investigation in connecffon w i t h Rheumatic Heart Disease in Children," and a general discussion took place concerning the most convenient prodecure for obtaining the necessary •information for the p~urposes of the investigation. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Di'. Carey Coombs for his interesting address, and, in reply, Dr. Coombs thanked the
members for their enthusiastic promises of help in the investigation. Dr. Blackett presented the Treasurer's Report for the past year, which was accepted subject to audit. The President brought before the Branch the new Rules for Midwives, issued by the Central Midwives Board, and drew particular attention to t h e last paragraph of Rule E.1., and the ante-natal record form drawn up b y the Board, which midwives are compelled under the rule to Use in their ante-natal work. • After discussion, in which several members expressed their surprise at the highly technical investigations required from midwives by the Board, the President proposed, and Dr. Blackett seconded, the following resolution: " T h a t the Branch regards the ante-natal record form of the Central Midwives Board as unadapted to the intelligence and training of midwives, and considers that insistence upon highly technical investig~ations b y midwives is e n t i r e l y useless, and likely to prejudice efficient ante-natal w o r k by medical practitioners." The Branch d e c i d e d that this resolution should be sent to t h e Council of the Society with a request that the matter be taken up with the Ministry of Health and the Central Midwives Board. THE
President- Dr. S. Fox Linton, M.O.H., Searborough. Hon. Secretary : Dr. G. H. Pearce,.M.O.H., Batley.
A meeting of the Council of this Branch was held on January 28th, 1927, at the Education Offices, Calverley Street, Leeds. The President was in the Chair, and there were also present Drs. Betam, Gibson, Mair, Pick, Pickup, Thornley, Scatterty, W e a r , Williams, and the Hon. Secretary. Apologies for absence were received from Drs. Banks and Hill. The Hon. Secretary reported that he had w/'itten to Dr. A. Stewart Hebblethwaite conveying the sympathy of the Branch in 'the great'ioss he had sustained through the death Of his father, Dr. Harold Hebblethwaite, Medical Officer of Health, Burley-in-Wharfedate, for a number of years a Fellow of the Society, a n d read a reply from Dr. Stewart Hebblethwaite expressing appreciation and thanks for the kindly message from the Branch.