The Yorkshire Branch

The Yorkshire Branch

1934. PUBLIC HEALTH. As Associates ;Ashton Percy, L.D.S. (BIRM.); Cubitt, George Stannard,'L.D.S., R.C.S. (ENG.) ; Davies, Quentin Albert, L.D.S., R...

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As Associates ;Ashton Percy, L.D.S. (BIRM.); Cubitt, George Stannard,'L.D.S., R.C.S. (ENG.) ; Davies, Quentin Albert, L.D.S., R.C.S. (ENG.); Pretty, Philip Jack, L.D.S., R.C.S. (ENG.).

Professor W. W. Jameson, in moving a vote ' of thanks to the retiring President (Dr. Charles Porter), said that, of all the Presidents of recent years, not one of them deserved the office of President of the Society more than Dr. Porter, who, in all the years of his connection with it, had thrown himself heart and soul into the work and organisation of the Society. During his year of office he had done a great deal to enhance the prestige of the Society; he had attended all' the meetings and gatherings that the President was expected to attend, and when he had been called upon to speak on behalf of the Society had always been listened to with respect and attention. The Society was extremely grateful to Dr. Porter for all he had achieved, and hoped that he would be spared for many years to continue to give good service to the Society. Dr. A. A. Mussen seconded the vote of thanks and referred to the enormous amount of work Dr. Porter had carried out, for which the Society was grateful. All members would appreciate' the fact that Dr. Porter would now be at liberty to devote his energies again to the editorial duties of PUBLIC HEALTH. The President expressed great pleasure in supporting warmly the vote of thanks to Dr. Porter. Dr. Charles Porter, in returning thanks, said the Presidency carried with it great honour. The past year-ani important one in the history of the Society-had been extremely pleasant. He had been pleased and proud to know that one very difficult matter had been settled or brought to the point of settlement during the session. He referred to the representation of the Group members on the Council of the Society. His term of office as President would not have been half so pleasant but for the uniform kindness and support which he had received from everyone in the Society, and it was for him not to receive thanks but to give thanks to everyone of the members of the Society. Dr. R. Veitch Clark then delivered his presidential address, under the title" Imagination in Public Health," which appears elsewhere in this issue. Dr. E. W. Goodall, O.B.E., proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the President for his


inspiring and unusual address . MajorGeneral P. H. Henderson, D.S.O ., A.M.S., seconded, and the vote was enthusiastically carried. The President briefly acknowledged the vote of thanks for what he described as a very imperfect presentation of a very big idea. THE METROPOLITAN BRANCH. President : Dr. H. W. Barnes, M.O.H., Camberwell. Hon. Secretar,,: Dr. Vynne Borland, M.O.H. t Bethnal Green.

The Metropolitan Council and Branch met on September 28th, 1934, at the Society's house, Dr. Barnes occupying the chair. At the Council meeting the Hon. Secretary referred to the death of Dr. Hutt (Holborn), and the Council rose in respect to his memory. Forthcoming visits by the Branch to places of interest were arranged j and the Han. Treasurer reported that £47 13s. had been received for the Dr. Graham Forbes Fund. Eighteen members were present at the Branch meeting. The Council's report was approved. Dr. Barnes delivered his presidential address on the subject of ." A Public Health Service." At the conclusion, Dr. Fenton voiced the sentiments of the Branch in moving a cordial vote of thanks to the President for his address, which appears elsewhere in this issue. ·,·F uture meetings of the Branch will be held on the second Friday in the month, but ~Y direction of the President there will be no meeting on November 9th, 1934, owing to-the holding of statutory borough councilmeetings on that day. THE YORKSHIRE BRANCH. President: Dr. Gladys 1. C. Russell, Asst. M.O.H., (M. & c.w.), Leeds. Bon . S«rdary: Dr. James Mair, M.O.H ., Harrogate.

The annual meeting of the Branch was held at the Hull City Hospital, on June 22nd, 1934. The President occupied the chair, and twenty. two members were present. Drs. T. N. V. Potts and J. Mair were elected representatives of the Branch on the Council of the Society for the sessio~ 1934-35. Drs. Tattersall and Vallow were elected representatives of the Branch on the Tubercu1osis' Group Committee.



The Hon. Treasurer presented the annual .stat ernent of accounts, which was approved

and accepted. Th e President reported that the Council of the Branch had appointed Drs . Potts and Thornley, Hon , Auditors for the session l!);J4-35. Councillor R. E. Smith (Chairman of the Tuberculosis and Hospitals Sub-Commiuee of the Hull City Council) extended a hearty welcome to the Branch, and after he had been cordially thanked by the President, a discussion on .. Diphtheria" was opened by Dr. Nicolas Gebbie (Medical Officer of Health, Hull) from the administrative point of view, and Dr. H. Mason Leetc (Medical Superintendent, Hull City Hospital) from the r-linical aspect. Most ~)f the members present took part in the discussion, which was both interesting and valuable. l\Jr. Harvey (City Architect, Hull) gave a short description of the City Hospital and condurted the members on a tour of inspection of the institution. Tea was kindly provided by the Hull Corporation.

THE MIDLAND BRANCH. President: Dr. J. A. M . Clark . M.O.II ., Walsall. u-«. S"retary : Dr. R. H . H. Jolly, M.O.H., Wolver-


The first meeting of the session of this Branch was held at the Medical Institute, lM, Great Charles Street, Birmingham, on October 4th, 1934. The President and twentyeight members were present. Apologies for non-attendance were received from twelve members. The new President, Dr. J. A. 1\1. Clark, was introduced by Dr. Anderson, who congratulated him on the honour which he had received and offered him the best wishes of the Branch on his election. Dr. Clark suitably thanked Dr. Anderson, and proposed a very hearty vote of thanks to the retiring President. In his reply Dr. Anderson referred to some of the outstanding features. of his term of office, and expressed the hope that the new President might have an equally successful year. Dr . Clark delivered his presidential address, entitled •• In Search of Utopia." This proved extremely interesting, and g-uve the President an opportunity of putting forward new viewpoints on present-day public health problems. Sir John Robertson proposed, and Dr. Snell


seconded, a hearty vote of thanks to the President for his Address, which will appear in an early number of P UBLIC HEALTH. The Hon, Secretary read a letter from Dr. (;recnwood \Vilson, appealing for assistance for a member who had sustained financial embarrassment as a result of the publication by him of a scientific work. It was decided to leave it to individual members to take any personal action they felt desirable. The Branch Council reported that it had had under consideration the Milk Marketing Board scheme of milk supplies in schools at reduced rates, and recommended the following resohj., lion til the Branch:" In the opinion of the Midland Branch of the Society of Medical Officers of Health, an extra supply of milk for the pre-school child is just as desirable as that for children of school age. This Branch, therefore, requests the Council of the Society to consider the advisability of taking steps to urge upon the Government and the Milk Marketing Board the need for an extension of the present scheme of milk for school children at reduced rates, so as to include the pre-schOOl child ."

.\ fter one or two questions had been asked this resolution was passed unanimously. _• Thc receipt of a letter from the Tuberculosis Group, asking for nominations of MidIana Branch representatives on the Group Corn., mittee for the session 1934-3-5, was reported. The Hon, Secretary's action in submitting the names of Drs. Cyriax, Dixon, Elliot and Gordon Smith, was confirmed.

THE HOME COUNTIES BRANCH. President : Dr. A. A. Turner, M.e ., M.O.II ., Firt<:hley. Hon. Secretary: Dr. R. P Garrow, M.O.H., Hornaey.

;\ meeting of this Branch was held in the Finchley Dance Hall, on October 5th, 193-1. There were present the President (Dr. A. A. Turner), the ex-President (Dr. T. Orr), and some thirty-six members. . Dr. Orr invested his successor, Dr. Adam A. Turner, l\I.C., with the badge of office as President of the Branch for the session 19:14-,15. Dr. Turner then took the chair, and thanked Dr. Orr for his efficient services to the Branch during his year of office. By the kind invitation of the Mayor of (Councillor Vyvyan Wells), the in; vitation to members of the Royal Sanitary Institute to visit the Finchley Swimming