Walt Disney World was developed as part of a fifteen year plan organized by Disney in the years prior to his death. Without the tyrannical guidance to rely on, his successors face the monumental task of continuing the Disney tradition of All-Americanness without becoming an obsolete facility. (Tim O'Neil) MONTHEY, LARRY G., "Wisconsin Alpine-Ski Areas Have Natural Advantages", Recreation Resources Center, University of Wisconsin-Extension, Madison, Wisconsin. Rev. Jan. '74, 14 pp. Free. Climatically speaking, the state is not blessed witt a true "snow belt," where total snowfall exceedslOO" and persists for 100 days or more each winter. However, Wisconsin's natural advantage in the Midwest ski busines: is mainly by virture of its geography. The latter is elaborated in this paper. CHARLES FOWLER, "The Year There Was Less Recreation", Parks and Recreaticn, December 1973, p. 15.
) TOURISM 1 HUTZE, J. "Stars Over Mexico." Saturday Review World, October 23, 1973, pp. -25-28. A look at the.three top resort areas in Mexico. This article has plenty of information to support Each site has a separate mood, with their success. unique appeal to specific clientel. The resorts are examined seperately, painting an excellant picture of each of these destinations. (Tim O'Neill) "1972 FLORIDA TOURIST STUDY." Florida Department of Commerce. Tallahasse, Florida. 1972, A Free Pamphlet. _~ ~~I Thl's study is designed to aid those interested in the development and promotion of the travel Much of the study is based on industry in Florida. visitors surveys at Florida Welcome Stations and on The study deals with, among other cortmiercialairlines. 134
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things, the traffic ;low into Florida on the Federal Highway System, origin of incoming tourists,destinations of tourists within the state, percentage of tourists on first and repeat visits, types of accommodations used, and purpose of the trip. As the pamphlet pointed out, a selective group of tourists were interviewed and the survey may not represent the total tourism industry in Florida. (Joe O'Leary) "THE PLEASURES AND BENEFITS OF TRAVEL." The Royal Bank Of Canada Monthly Letter, Volumn 53, No. .12, December 1972. This issue of the "Monthly Letter" is.designed to give the public basic information and guidance pertaining to the benefits and pleasures of travel. (Joe O'Leary) SEMS,JOE. "Brazil Puts a Boom in the Bosa Nova." October 23, 1973, pp. 42-45. Saturday Review World. Since 1966 when the first national tourism organization was founded, tourism in Brazil has become the. nations premier industry. With the aid of foreign investment and government funds, the construction of hotels, airports , and restaurants is at an all time high and increasing daily. Almost 10,000 new jobs directly related to the tourism industry have been created along with nearly 30,000 indirect (construction It is suggested that within a few years, etc.) jobs. Brazil will be a "Five Star" vacation destination. (Tim O'Neili)
“AIRPORT FOR 2001", Time Magazine, September 24, 1973, p. 92 "TRAVEL, AUSTERITY 1973, p. 25.
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IN THE AIR", Time Magazine, December 24