perceived by residents and particular interest groups in the city. The data revealed a generally positive attitude, suggesting that the major publics in the community are supportive of the state and city tourist agencies in prompting winter tourism (bibliography, table, chart). • (TSM) Tourism and the Business Cycle. By Stephan Sehulmeister. Austrian Institute for Economic Research (A-1103 Vienna, P.O. Box 91, Austria), 1979, 141 pp. $15.00 (paper). This publication represents a summary of two earlier studies: Tourism and the Business Cycle (1977), and Forecasting Models for Tourism (1978). This abbreviated version studies the demand for tourism by Austrians within Austria and abroad, as well as the demand by foreigners for tourism in Austria. The publication is divided into several sections: determinants of short-term fluctuations in the demand for tourism; the development of tourism since the energy crisis and its explanation by means of econometric models; model forecasts of tourism for 1978 and 1979; tourism and economic theory; an economic model of the demand for tourism; and on econometric model of short-term changes in the demand for tourism (Tables, Charts, References). • (TSM) Tourism and Crime. By Edwin Fujii. James Mak, and Edward Nishimura. Tourism Research Project: Occasional Paper No. 2. (Tourism Research Project, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Porteus Hall 704, Honlulu, Hawaii 96822, USA), 1978, 17 pp., $2.00. This is a statistical analysis of the relationship between Hawaii tourism and various forms of crime. The paper is written in technical language primarily for an audience of economists, but a summary report in layman's terms is included. • (TSM) Tourism and Environment: Towards Better Reconciliation. By Tej Vir Singh. Tourism Recreation Research (Garhwal University, P.O. Box 12, Srinaya, Garhwal, India), 1978, III(2):5-10. This article discusses the inter-relationship between tourism development and the environment. It concludes with a summary case study in the Himalaya (map, bibliography). • (TSM) Tourism Barometers: The Arizona Case. By M. E. Bond and Bill McDonald. Journal of Travel Research (University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309, USA), 1978 (2):14-17. A growing interest has recently developed in the tourism industry and its impact on state and local economies. Unlike other industries that are indigenous to an area, no clear yardstick of economic performance exists to measure tourism. This article proposes the tourism barometer as a workable measure of this industry, using the Arizona example as a means of examining the concept--the development, initial results, assumed benefits, and most notable weaknesses (table, chart, bibliography). • (TSM) Tourism Planning f o r the Eighties. Association Internationale d'Experts Scientifiques du Tourisme (Case Postale 2597, CH-3001 Berne, Switzerland), 1978, Volume 19, 424 pp., 54 Swiss francs. This is the proceedings of 1978 AIEST congress, containing the papers presented at this international gathering. A large number of the papers are in English: Tourism Planning for the Eighties (C. Kasper); General Approach of Tourism Planning (A. Koch); Tourism Planning: Economic Instruments (N. Vanhove); Tourism Forecasting as the Basis for Planning in Tourism (S. Ostrowski); Italy and Yugoslavia: A Case of ANNALS OF TOURISM RESEARCH Oct/Dec '79