Triplet-triplet interactions in organic scintillators

Triplet-triplet interactions in organic scintillators


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Volume 7, number 2





15 October 1970




J. B. BIRKS ** CJtemistry




National Laboratory,



Received 25 August 1970

Data on the prompt and delayed scintillation emission of an organic liquid solution are analysed to obtain the triplet-triplet interaction parametera.

An ionizing particle impinging on a unitary organic scintillator X (e.g., an anthracene crystal or an aromatic liquid) yields molecule in higher excited n-electronic singlet and triplet states, which are populated by direct excitation and/or molecular ion recombination, and which rapidly internally convert to the lowest excited singlet (SIX) and triplet (TlX) states, respectively [l]. The scintillation emission consists of a prompt component PX, which decays exponentially in a few nsec with the SIX fluorescence lifetime fX, and a delayed component DX , which decays non-exponentially in a few psec. The yield (per 100 eV) of PX is G(PX) = G(SIX)

+Px ,


where G(SlX) is the SIX yield, and Q~x is the Six fluorescence quantum yield. DX is due to the process

G (DX) = @TX G(SlX)l (kXTT/2”TT)@‘FX,



where GfTlX) is the TlX yield; @TX( = k&kx) quantum yield from SIX; km is the rate of SI~-T~~ intersystem crossing; kX( =1/7X) is * Based on work performed under the auspices of the

U.S. Atomic Energy Commission. ** On leave of absence from The Schuster Laboratory, University of Manchester. Manchester 13, UK, to which reprint requests should be addressed.

soy -sax

+ qy 9


the rate of which is controlled by SIX migration and diffusion [3]. The yield of Py is

G(Py) =

i2) 9 TIX + TIX -S1x+Sox the rate of which is controlled by TIX migration and/or diffusion, and which yields delayed SIX fluorescence and an unexcited molecule SOx [2]. The yield of DX is


the rate of SIX decay; kXTT is the rate parameter of process (2); and kTT is the total rate parameter of TlX quenching by TI~-TI~ interaction. The scintillation emission of a binary organic liquid soluticn scintillator, consisting of an aromatic solvent X, cc._“ining a more fraction c of a fluorescent solute Y, also comprises a prompt component Py and a delayed component DY, each due to fluorescence from Sly, the first excited singlet state of Y. PY is due to energy transfer from SIX to Sly,

G(Slx) (




where uyx (=kyx/RX) is the Stern-Volmer coefficient of S~X-S~X energy transfer; RYE is the rate parameter of process (4); and @PY is the Sly fluorescence quantum yield. Voltz and Laustriat [4],have proposed that Dy in liquid solution scintillators is due to process (2), followed by process (4). An analysis [5] of the DV decay of oxygen-saturated and airsaturated solutions of toluene containing 8 g 1-l PBD in terms of this model gives triplet lifetimes of 110 nsec and 400 nsec, respectively, which extrapolate to a triplet lifetime of 1.3 psec in the absence of oxygen. VoLtz et ai. [5] identify this with the soluenr triplet (TlX} lifetime. This identification is incorrect, since the triplet lifetime of the all@ benzene liquids is only = 10 - 2C nsec [6-81. It is proposed that the triplet lifetime of 1.3 ~1set is that of the solute triplet (Tlu) state, and 293

Volume 7. numaer 2



that DY originates from the following sequence of processes: (i) population of TIX by the ionizing particle and by intersystem crossing from Six; (ii) energy transfer from TIX to TlY, (6) TlX + Soy “Sox + TlY 3 which occurs by electron-fxchange interaction as an efficient diffusion-controlfed process in fluid solutions [S]; and (iii) solute triplet-triplet interaction * TlY + T1Y -%Y+%Y leading to delayed SlY fluorescence. model the DY yield is G(Dy) =



(7) On this

@TX >wX) i ( +oiyyc 1

(8) where suffix 5; refers to Tly; u T( =kZT/kT) is the Stern-Volmer coefficient of H ~x-‘I’~~ energy transfer; k T is the rate parameter of process (6); kT( = 1BTT) is the unimolecular rate of TAX decay when c=O; kyzz is the rate parameter of is the total rate parameter of process (7); k Tly quenchingzz y Tly-TlY interaction; and kZ( = l/rZ) is the unimolecvlar rate of Tly decay. The form of the DY decay is the same as on the Voltz-Laustriat model [4], but CZ replaces TT. At high c O> l/oyx. l/uZT) (5) and (8) reduce, respectively, to GH(PY) = C(Slx) *FY , ‘-+@y)

= 4 cuZ G(Tlx) Lh~y ,

so that

(9) Eq. f9) provides a method of evaluating (YZ. Cundall et ai. [13] have observed GfSlx)/G(TLx)= 1.15 for deoxygenated liquid benzene excited by 4 MeV electrons. Fuchs et aL [ll] have observed GH(PY) = 0.85, GP(Dy) = 0.15, for deoxygenated benzene solutions ‘containing 5 g 1-l (x-NPG excited by 0.624 MeV electrons. (The absolute values of Go and GH(DY) appear low, but the relative values should be reliable. ) ~bsti~~on of these values in f9) gives o!Z = 0.464 for cr -NPo. The possible spin-allowed TlY-TlY quenching processes are: 294


SOY+Soy + kvy, *F f” /+ZY , TlY * SOY TlY +TlY - Sly + SOY \ *GY ; ‘SOY *soy TlY ‘TlY - s0y+50y i


TlY’ TlY -, TIYfSOY If the rate parameters of processes




kYZZ~ kGZZ and kZZZ,

Ub) UC) fm

(‘i’), (10) and respectively,

(la) kzz =kyZZW+Q,Zy)+kGZZ+%kZZZ. There are nine possible (Tl +Tly) spin states: one singlet, which can Becay by processes (7) or (10); three triplets, which can decay by process (1X); and five quintets which probably dissociate into TlY+ Tly. If the 9 spin states are formed with equal probability in TRY - T1Y encounters in a fluid solution, and if processes (7), (10) and (11) occur irreversibly, then

(13) kGZ2) ’ Substi~ti~g aZ = 0.406, @ZY = I-@FY = 0.22 (where CBFY= 0.78 for a!-NPG in benzene [12]} and (13) in (12), we obtain kZZZ

= 3(kyZZ +


=0.036 kyZZ ; kZZZ=3.11

kyzZ .

Alternatively, if we assume ~YZZ >> kGzz, since the latter process involves a much larger energy dissipation (i.e., a much smaller Franek-Condon factor), then we obtain kGzz

(5a) (*a)

15 Octcber

= 0 ; kzzz

= 3.18kyzz.

which is consistent with (13) within the experimental error. It is thus to be expected that

(14) kyZZ = W9) kdiff , where kaf is the rate parameter of diffusioncontrolled Tly-Tly encounters. Groff et ah 1131have obtained an upper limit of f=PXTT ‘XT

&Fx = 0.36


for crystal anthracene from observations of the

magnetic field dependence of the SIX delayed fluorescence arising from Tlx-TIX interaction, and ta.kinZkGTT (the parameter analogous to kGzz) = il. SillC!t?*F = 0.9 [I], this COITE!spends

to aT(=&fT


= 0.40,

in close

agreement with the value of ‘YZ = 0.404 obtained for ol-Nl?O in benzene solution.

Volume ‘i’, number 2


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15 October 1970

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