352 entering the Medical Faculty, on the subjects of the and awared Preliminary by uuutpetitiun Euminatiun. UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN. The curric...

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352 entering the Medical Faculty, on



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by uuutpetitiun


UNIVERSITY OF ABERDEEN. The curricula for the several degrees conferred are nearly the same as in the University of Edinburgh. Professional Examinations will be held twice in each year-namely, in April and July, directly after the close of the winter and summer sessions.


during ar, l!’ai--t six winter months on the medical or surgical practice of a general hospital which accomrnodates at least eighty patients, and during the same period on a course of Practical Anatomy, may he reckoned as one of such remaining Alterdance on thee lect-nrrs of any private teacher in Edinburgh, Glasgow, or Aberdeen, will Dot be reckorped for graduation IU Sr,. Andrews, if the fee for such lectures be of less a mount than is charged for the like course of lectures in the University of Edinburgh, of Glasgow, or of Aberdeen, according as the teacher lectures in those places respectively. Every candidate for examination for the degrees of M.B. and C.M. is required to lodgf a declaration of age, a statement of his course of study, his inaugural dissertation, and

The fees for graduation are the same as in the University of Edinburgh. Matriculation fee, including all dues, for the winter and summer sessions, £1; summer session alone, 10s. Candidates who commenced their medical studies before November, 1861, are entitled to appear for examination for all his certificates, with the Dean of the Medical Faculty, the degree of M.D. after four years’ study, one of which on or before the 25th of March in each year. No candidate (,ff,-iing himself for examination on the first must have been in the University of Aberdeen. Besides the Royal Infirmary, students have the oppor- two divisions of the subjects specified in Clause 12 of the tunity of attending the following institutions: — General regulations will bp considered to have passed in the second Dispensary, and Lying-in and Vaccine Institutions, daily; if he fails in the first; and no candidate offering himself Royal Lunatic Asylum; Eye Institution, in which is given for examination on the three divisions shall be considered clinical instruction on the Diseases of the Eye, and on the to have passed in the third if he fails either in the first or second division. Application of the Ophthalmoscope for thpir diagnosis. Every candidate who fails to pass in any of the divisions Application for further information should he addressed to Professor Brazier, Secretary to the Medical Faculty. will, for a first failure, in any and each of the divisions, forfeit the sum of£22s., and .81Is. for every subsequent failure in each. UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS. Three degrees in Medicine are granted—namely, Bachelor UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN (TRINITY COLLEGE). of Medicine (M.B.), Master in Surgery (C M.), and Doctor Matriculation -All students in the School of Physic in. of Medicine (M.D.). The curricula for these degrees, anc to practise Pbysic must be matriculated, for which tendmg are differ from the regulations under which they conferred, those of the University of Edinburgh only in the particular a fee of 5s. is payable, No student can be admitted for the winter courses fifter Nov 25th. noticed below. Previous Medical Examination.—Candidates for degrees The degree of Doctor of Medicine may be conferred by t.bE and licences in Medicine and Surgery are required to pass mfdical of on St. Andrews University prac. any registered titioner above the age of forty years whose professional a previous examination in Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Pharmacy, and Descriptive Anatomy, position and experience are such as, in the estimation of the Materia Medica to their decree examination. previnns University, to entitle him to that degree, and who shall, on Bachelor in Medicine. - A candidate for the degree of examination, satisfy the medical examiners of the sufficiency of his professional knowledge; provided always that de- Bachelor in Medicme must be a graduate in Arts, and may obtain the degree of Bachelor in Medicine at the same comgrees will not be conferred, under this section, to a greater number than ten in any one year. The examinations are mencement as that at which he receives his degree of B.A., held yearly, towards the end of April. Candidates must or at any subsequent commencement. The medical educalodge with the Dean of the Medical Faculty the following tion of a Bachelor in Medicine is of four years’ duration, certificates, along with application for ad mission to examina- and comprises attendance on a single course of each of the tion : - 1. A certificate of age, being a baptismal certificate following lectures:—Anatomy, Practical Anatomy, Surgery, or an affidavit of age. 2. Holograph certificates from at Chemistry, Materia Medica and Pharmacy, Institutes of least three medical men of acknowledged reputation in the Medicine, Practice of Medicine, Midwifery, Botany, Medimedical profession or in the medical schools, recommending cal Jarisprudence, Heat, Electricity, Magnetism, Comparathe candidate to the Senatus for the degree, and testifying tive Anatomy. Three coursesof nine months’ attendance to his professional skill and position. As only ten can on the clinical lectures of Sir Patrick Dun’s or other metrograduate yearly, candidates will he selected whose service p litan hospital recognised by the Board of Trinity College. and certificates seem to the Medical Faculty to present the Six months’ instruction in Practical Midwifery, including A certificate of personat attendance on highest professional claims, and where these seem equal, Clinical Lectures. with names and dates of cases. Six months’ Fever cases, will to and be of given preference age priority application. 3. Candidates, when notified for examination, shall remit a Dissections are required. Three months’ laboratory inportion of the graduation fee (viz., X15 15s ). This sum struction in Chemistry is rtquired. Any of the aboveshall be forfeited should the candidate fail to appear, or to named courses may be attended at any medical school in Dublin recognised by the Provost and senior Fellows. The graduate, at the time appointed. 4. A satisfactory exami- fee for the Liceat ad Examinandum is £5; for the M.B. and vivd must be the written in folvoce, nation, passed .ell. lowing departments - viz., Materia Medica and General degree Doctor in Medicine -A Doctor in Medicine must be M.B. Medical Practice of Medicine Jurisprudence, Therapeutics, and Pathology, Surgery, Midwifery and Diseases of Women of at least three years’ standing, or have been qualified to take the degree of M B. for three years, and must perform and Children. N ’ one will he received as a candidate for the degree of exercises for the degree before the Regius Professor of Bachelor of Medicine or Master in Surgery unless two yNars at Physic, in accordance with the rules and statutes of the least of bia four years of medical and surgical study shall University. Total amount of fees for thia degree,.613. B’Ichelor in Surgery -A Bachelor in Surgery must be a have been in one or more of the following’ universities or Bache’or in Arts, and have spent four years in the study of St. the of Universities Andrews, Glasgow, colleges—viz, Aberdeen, E tinburgh, Oxford, and Cambridge; Trinity Surgery and Anatomy. He must also pass a public examiof the School of College, Dublin ; Queen’s College, Belfast; Queen’s Col- nation in the Hall before the Professors currithe Physic, hiving completed prescribed previoudly and Queen’s College, Galway. lege, Cork; of study.ll Subject always to the condition here specified, the studies culurn Candidates are required to perform surgical operations on for candidates for the dNgrees of B achelor of Medicine and the dead subject. will be under the following regulations: Master in Surgery Candidates for the degree of Bachelor in Surgery, who The remaining years of medical and surgical study may be either in one or more of the universities and colleges above have already passed the examination for the degree of specified, or in the hospital sethools of L ndon, or in the 11 Students in the Swhool of Physic who matriculated before June school of the College of Surgeons iu Dtibliri, or under such 22nd, 1872 may obtain the degree of Master in Surgery according to the reguas of medicine teachers from time to time re- lations in force previous to the creation of the private may in of Bachelor degree ceive recognition from the University Court. Attendance Surgery. °


353 Bachelor in Medicine, will be examined in

Surgery only.

Fee for the Liceat ad Examinandum,

of Bachelor in Surgery, 911.



£5 fee for the degree

A Master in Surgery must be a three years’ standing, or have been qualifed to take the degree of Bachelor in Surgery for three years; and must read two theses publicly before the Regius Professor of Surgery, or undergo an examination before the Regius Professor, according to regulations to be approved by the Provost and senior Fellows. Fee for the degree of Master in Surgery, £11. University Licences.—Candidates for the Licences in Medicine or Surgery must be matriculated in Medicine, and must have completed two years in Arts and four years in

Master in

Bachelor in

Surgery.12 Surgery of


medical studies. Licentiate in Medicine.—The medical course and examination necessary for the Licence in Medicine are the same as for the degree of M. B. A Licentiate in Medicine, on completing his course in

for a period of three months; or a midwifery dispensary for the same period ; or ten cases of labour under the isuperintendence of the medical officer of any hospital or dispensary where cases of labour are treated ; and eighteen months’ practice of a recognised medico-chirurgical hospital containing at least sixty bedp, and in which clinical instruction is delivered. There are three University examinations for the degree of Doctor in Medicine. The degree of Master in Surgery and the diploma in Midwifery are only conferred upon candidates who already hold the degree of Doctor in Medicine, and who have also passed a special examination in surgery or midwifery. The University Examinations are held twice in each year-in June a.nd September. Candidates who commence their medical studies elepwhere are admitted to portions of the First and Second University Examinations before proceeding to College. Further idfojmation will be found in theQueen’s University Calpndar," or may be obtained hy application to the SecretalY, Queen’s University, Dublin Castle.

Arts, and proceeding to the degree of B A., may become a Bachelor in Medicine, on paying the degree fees, without

ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON. further examination in Medicine. Fee for the Liceat ad The licence of this College is a qualification to practise Examinandum, .85 ; for the Licence in Medicine,£5. Licentiate in Surgery.—The surgical course and examina- Medicine, Surgery, and Midwifery, and is recognised by the tion necessary for the Licence in Surgery are the same as Local Government Board as a qualification in Surgery as for the degree of Bachelor in Surgery. Fee for the Liceat well as in Medicine. Licentiates -Every candidate for the College licence (exad Exami.nandum, £5; for the Licence in Surgery, £5. Medical Scholarships -Two Medical Scholarshipt3 will be. cept when otherwibe provided by the bye laws) is required to given annually, tenable for two years, wIth a salary of oC-O prodnce satisfactory evidence to the followmg eff ct :-Of per annum, on the condition of the successful candidates having attained the age of twenty-one years. Of moral proceeding regularly for two years with the medical course character. Of having passed, before the commencement of in the University. professional study, an examination in the subjects of general Qualification in State Medicine -Doctors in Medicine of education recognised by the College. Of having been reDublin, Oxford, or Cambridge, who wish to obtain from the gistered as a medical student in the manner prescribed by University a Certificate of Qualification in Stute Medicine, the General Medical Council. " After October, 1870, every candidate (not exempted from registration) is reqmred to can do so on passing an examination in a limited course of the following suhjects :-1. Law, comprehending sanitary have been registered at least four years previousiy." Of legislation, and the laws relating to the conduct and duties having been engaged in professional studies during four of medical men. 2. Eneineering in i’s sanitary aspects. years, of which at least three winter sessions and two 3. Pathology, including the laws of epidemics, vaccination, summer sessions shall have been passed at a recognised school or schools, and one winter session and two insanity, &c. 4. Vital and sanitary statistics. 5. Che. mistry in relation to air, water, gaseous poisons, deodorisa- summer sessions in one or other of the following ways:-1. tion, and disinfection. 6. Meteorulogy. 7. Medical Juris- Attending the practice of a hospital or other institution recognised by the College for that purpose. 2. Receiving inprudence. The total cost of the education and first degrees in struction as the pupil of a legally qualified practitioner holdMedicine and Surgery is as follows in addition to the fees ing any public appointment which affords opportunities, for education in Arts and B.A degree £83 4s );Medical satisfactory to the examiners, of imparting a practtcul knowand Surgical Lectures, oC52 15s. ; Hospital, X33 12s.; Me- ledge of Medicine, Surgery, or Midwifery. 3. Attending lectures on any of the required subjects of professional study dical and Surgical Examinations and Degrees, £22. at a recognised place of instruction. Professional studies commenced before the candidate shall have passed an exTHE QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY IN IRELAND. amination in the subjects of general education will not be recngn1.’ed by the College. Of having attended, during of and Doctor in Medicine Master the in Granting degrees winter sessions and two summer sessions, the medical Surgery, and diplomas in Midwifery, iucludts three Col- three and surgical practice at a recognised hospital or hospitals of Belfast, C,)ik, and Galway— leges—the Queen’s Colleges (a three months’ course of clinical instruction in the wards each of which possesses a Faculty ot Medicine. The curri culum of medical study extends over a, period of four years, of a recognised lunatic hospital or asylum may be substiand is divided into two periods of two year each. The first tuted for the same period of attendance in the medical wards a general hospital); of having discharged the duties of pfri"d comprises attendance on Chremistry, Natural History, of clinical 4-lei k at a recognised hospital for a period of not and Pta.ctical Materia Anatomy Anatomy, Physiology, Mrdica and Pharmacy. The second period comprises at- less than three months; of having performed the duties of of not less than tendance on Anatomy and Physiology, Practical Anatomy, dresser at a recognised hospital for a period been and of three months; engaged having during six Theory and Pl’aetice of Surgery, Midwitery and Dirtases of months in the clinical study of Diseases peculiar to Women and Children, Theory and Practice of Medicine, and the studied Women. Of fottowing subjects:having Medical Jurisprudence. At least two of the at), ve courses of lectures must be attended in some one of the Queen’s Anatomy (with Dissection), during two winter sessions; winter sessions; Chemistry during Colleges; the remainder may be taken, at the option of the Physiol, gy, during two candidate, in any uuiverairy, c ollege, or school recognised six months; Practical Chemistry, during three months., during three months ; Practical Pharmacy, by the Senate of the Queen’s University. Candidates are Mutetia Medica, three months; Botany, during three months, required to have also attended, it) one of tht Colleges of the during Anatomy, dmit g six months; Principles ane) PracQII..en’s University, lectures on Experimental Physics and MorbH1 ot tice Medicine, during two winter sessions; Pcmciplea und on one Modern Language, and to have passed the Matriculation Examination. They are f iirl her required to attend, Practice of Surgery, during two winter session; Clinical during two winter sessions and two sutiini4,r sesduring the first period, Practical Chemistry in a recognised Medicine, ; Clinical Surgery, during two winter sessions undtwa laboratory, and the practice during six months of a recog. sions peculiar to nised medico-cbirurgical hospital, contaifjing at least sixty putumer sessions ; Midwifery and the Dipe&sts Women, during thtee months; Forensic Medicine, during beds, together with the clinical lectures delivered therein; three months. Of having passed the proteabional examinaand to attend, dnring the second period, a recognised midtions. wifery hospital, with the clinical lectures therein delivered,’ Any candidate who shall produce satisfactory evidence of 12 N.B.—Masters in Surgery must be of the standing of Masters in Arts. having passed an examination on Anatomy and Physiology,
