495 UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN (TRINITY COLLEGE). ROYAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND. The following degrees are conferred by the University in Platriculationi---All students in the School of Physic intending to practise Physic must be matriculated, for which this Faculty: Bachelor of Medicine, Doctor of Medicine, No student can be admitted for the Master of Surgery, Master of Obstetrics; in Sanitary Science, a fee of 5s. is payable. a special diploma. All the medical examinations are winter course after Nov. 25th. Previous Medical Examination.-Candidates for degrees held twice yearly-viz., towards the end of April and in and licences in Medicine and Surgery are required to pass a October. The course for degrees in Medicine &c. is one of at least previous examination in Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Com- four and Institutes of years’ duration. Students who have commenced their parative Anatomy, Descriptive Anatomy, Medicine (Practical Histology and Physiology) previously to medical studies since January 1st, 1884, must also produce a certificate of having been registered as students in their degree examination. .Bachelor in 1Jfedicine.-A candidate for this degree must Medicine by the Medical Council for a period of at least
No one can be admitted to any degree in Medicine who is not fully twenty-one years of age. All candidates for these degrees are, in addition to attending the lectures and complying with the other conditions to be from time to time prescribed, required to pass the following examinations: the Matriculation Examination, the First University Examination, the First Examination in Medicine, the Second Examination in Medicine, and the Degree ExMidwifery, Botany, Medical Jurisprudence, Heat, Electricity, amination. The First Examination in Medicine.-Students are ad-Alagnetism, Comparative Anatomy; three courses of nine months’ attendance on the Clinical Lectures of Sir Patrick mitted to this examination after the lapse of one academiDun’s or other metropolitan hospital recognised by the Board cal year from the time of their matriculation. The subjects of Trinity College; six months’ instruction in Practical Mid- of this examination are-Zoology, Botany, and a modern Candidates who have wifery, including Clinical Lectures; a certificate of personal language (either French or German). attendance on Fever cases, with names and dates of cases. passed in a modern language at the First University ExamiSix months’ dissections, three months’ laboratory instruction nation in Arts are exempt from again presenting this subject in Chemistry, three months’ Practical Histology, and one at the First Examination in Medicine, except as a qualificamonth’s instruction in Vaccination are required. Any of tion for admission to compete for Honours, the answering of the above-named courses may be attended at any medical the candidates in the three subjects above-mentioned being school in Dublin recognised by the Provost and Senior taken into account in awarding Honours. Fellows. Fee for the Liceat ad Exuminandum, 5; for the The Second -Examination in Medicine.-Students are 31.B. degree, 11. admitted to this examination after the lapse of one academiDoctor ira Medicine.-A Doctor in Medicine must be Al.B. cal year from the time of passing the First Examination in of at least three years’ standing, or have been qualified to Medicine, provided they have completed the First Period of take the degree of 11Z.B. for three years, and must read a the Course of Medical Studies. The subjects of this examithesis or undergo an examination before the Regius nation are-Anatomy, Physiology, Materia Medica (PharmaProfessor of Physic, in accordance with the rules and cology), and Chemistry. statutes of the University. Total amount of fees for this The Examination for the Degree of M.B.-Students are degree. ;E13. admitted to this examination after the lapse of one acaBacheloi- in Surgery.-A Bachelor in Surgery must be a demical year from the time of passing the Second Examina’Bachelor in Arts and in Medicine, and have spent four years tion in Medicine, provided they have completed the Second ,in the study of Surgery and Anatomy. He must also pass Period of the Course of Medical Studies. The subjects of this examination a public examination in the Hall before the Professors of the are-Anatomy, including Practical School of Physic, having previously completed the prescribed Anatomy; Physiology, including Practical Physiology and curriculum of study, which includes the following additions Histology; Surgery, Midwifery, and Diseases of Women and to the courses named above for the M.B.: Operative Surgery, Children; Vaccination; Theory and Practice of Medicine, Two Courses of Dissections, Ophthalmic SurgeryP Candi- Medical Jurisprudence; Mental Diseases. dates are required to perform surgical operations on the M.D. Degree.—Candidates may be admitted to this dead subject. Fee for the Liceat ad -E,.,caminandum, ae5 jfor degree after the lapse of two academical years from the the degree of Bachelor in Surgery, .65. time of obtaining the degree of M.B.; provided, however, ..Waster in SUJ’gery.13-A Master in Surgery must be a that all persons who were students in Medicine in the Bachelor in Surgery of three years’ standing, or have been Queen’s University at the date of its dissolution shall be qualified to take the degree of Bachelor in Surgery for entitled, if they so desire, to obtain the degree of M.D., three years; and must read a thesis publicly before the instead of the degree of M.B., upon passing the examination Regius Professor of Surgery, or undergo an examination herein prescribed for the M.B. degree. Every candidate before the Regius Professor, according to regulations to be will be examined at the bedside, and required to diagnose approved by the Provost and Senior Fellows. Fee for the at least six cases, medical and surgical, and prescribe treatment, and to write detailed reports on at least two cases to degree of Master in Surgery, X- 11. be selected by the examiners, and to discuss all the quesin MediLicences.-Candidates for the licences University cine or Surgery must be matriculated in Medicine, and must tions arising thereon. Every candidate must submit to the havecompleted two years in Arts and four years in medical medical examiners, for their approval, a thesis certified by him (or her) to have been composed by himself (or herself). studies. Licentiate in Medicine.--The medical course and exami- No thesis will be approved which does not contain some nation necessary for the licence in Medicine are the same as original or personal observations in Practical Medicine, for the degree of M.B. Fee for the Liceat ad Examinandum, Surgery, Midwifery, or in some of che sciences embraced in the curriculum, or else a full digest and critical exposition .E5; for the licence in Medicine, ;65. Licentiate in Surgery.—The surgical course and examina- of the opinions and researches of others on the subject tion necessary for the licence in Surgery are the same as for selected by the candidate, accompanied by precise references the degree of Bachelor in Surgery. Fee for the Liceat ad to the publications quoted. The M. Ch. Degree will be conferred only on graduates in Examinandum, ae5;for the licence in Surgery, ae5. Medicine of the University. The examination will comThe total cost of the education and first degrees in Medicine and Surgery is as follows, in addition to the fees for prise the Theory and Practice of Surgery, including Operaeducation in Arts and B.A. degree (.683 4s.) ; Medical and tive and Clinical Surgery. The M.A.O. Degree will also be conferred only on Surgical Lectures, &60 12s. 6d. ; Hospitals, .644 2s.; Medical and Surgical Examinations and Degrees, .626. graduates in Medicine of the University. The examination will comprise the Theory and Practice of Midwifery, and 12 Students in the School of Physic who matriculated before June the use of Obstetrical Instruments and appliances. Candi22nd, 1872, may obtain the degree of Master in Surgery according to the dates will be required to undergo a special written examiregulations in force previously to the creation of the degree of Bachelor nation and Diseases of Children, in Surgery. in Midwifery, Gynaecology, 13 Masters in in addition to the other tests. Surgery must be of the standing of Master of Arts.
be a graduate in Arts, and may obtain the degree of Bachelor in Medicine at the same Commencements as that at which he receives his degree of B.A., or at any subsequent ComThe medical education of a Bachelor in Medimencements. cine is of four years’ duration, and comprises attendance on a single course of each of the following lectures-Anatomy, Practical Anatomy, Theory of Surgery, Chemistry, Materia -Ifedica and Pharmacy, Physiology, Practice of Medicine,
forty-five months.