of Surgery
EADERS of this issue of THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY wilI note that a Iarge number of the contributions are from men on the staff of The Lenox Hi11 HospitaI, New York. Since January, 1928, we have devoted most of one issue of the JOURNAL to papers from the men from the Jackson Clinic and the BattIe Creek Sanatorium. We have pIans for coIIected papers from other surgica1 centers. We think it a stimuIating pIan to have a group of men in a surgicai unit unite in suppIying papers for pubIication from time to time in a number of THE
AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY. Throughout the country are many important groups doing origina and exceptiona work, but who hide their Iight under a bushe1. If these gentIemen wiI1 take the hint and proceed as a unit, gather their materia1 without redupIication and give a resume of the work they are doing, we wouId be happy to hear from them. We are particuIarIy interested in cIinica1 end-resuIts after check-up severa years after operation. The profession is at that surgica1 era in which it shouId pause and revaIuate what has gone before.
HROUGH the generous contributions of the aIumni and friends of the HospitaI for Ruptured and Crippled, a feIIowship has been estabIished which wiI1 be known as the VirgiI PendIeton Gibney MemoriaI FeIIowship. The income from this feIIowship wiII be approximateIy fifteen hundred dolIars a year; and the incumbent thereof wiI1 have the priviIege of boarding and residing at the hospita1. The idea of the feIIowship is to afford an opportunity to a man who is we11 grounded in genera1 surgery and who has had a certain amount of experience in orthopedic surgery, to pursue further study in the Iatter fieId, especiaIIy in that of bone pathoIogy. The incumbent wiI1 have every opportunity for cIinica1 study in both the In-door and Out-door departments of the hospita1. He wiI1 have the priviIege of carrying on Iaboratory investigations at the CorneII University MedicaI CoIIege under the direction of the heads of the departments, and aIso wiI1 have an opportunity to study the pathoIogy of bone tumors under the direction of James Ewing
of the CorneII and MemoriaI HospitaI Iaboratories. After a period not exceeding three months, the incumbent shaI1 decide upon some particuIar Iine of study and investigation to which he intends to devote the major portion of his time. At the end of one year, or of the period during which he has heId the feIIowship, he shaI1 present to the committee in charge a thesis which wiI1 be pubIished as coming from the HospitaI for Ruptured and CrippIed and the CorneII University MedicaI CoIIege Laboratories, with the approva1 of the committee. The committee in charge of this feIIowship foIIows: WiIIiam Church Osborn, President, Board of Managers; SamueI Fosdick Jones, M.D., Denver, Colorado; Eugene H. PooI, M.D.,; RoyaI Whitman, M.D.; CharIton WaIIace, M.D.; WiIIiam B. CoIey, M.D., Chairman. Anyone desiring to appIy for this feIIowship wiI1 pIease communicate with WiIIiam B. CoIey at the HospitaI for Ruptured and CrippIed, 321 East qznd St., New York, N. Y. WILLIAM B. COLEY, M.D. Chairman.