Von der Agrar- zur industriegesell schaft. Sozialer Wandel auf dem Lande in Südosteuropa

Von der Agrar- zur industriegesell schaft. Sozialer Wandel auf dem Lande in Südosteuropa

Geoforum 13/73 Reviews RONNEBERGER, F. und G. TEICH, Eds. (1972): Von da mwr industriogoseiis&aft. Sozialor wandoi auf dom Land0 in Siiostouropr, Hof...

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Geoforum 13/73

Reviews RONNEBERGER, F. und G. TEICH, Eds. (1972): Von da mwr industriogoseiis&aft. Sozialor wandoi auf dom Land0 in Siiostouropr, Hoft 9 und 10.115 S., 14 lab., 2 Karton. Darmstadt: Vorlag Hopponstodt & Co. This rrios appears TV bo one of the mob usofui and thwghtful publications on routhoastorn European structural changes in rocont years. The prorant fssuesdoll with the herding wonomy (by T. HERSENI), with the sociaiist rural economy in Yugoslavia (by I. SQBOHKE), with the social consoquoncos of cumnt agrkultural policy In Turkey (by V. TAYSI), and with population dovolopmont in South East Europe (by G. KRALLERT). Ail contrlbutions are woil documontod, con&o (romo 20 to 35 pqos each) and yet comprohonsivo. They are intrrdisciplinrry and intornational in scope. m0 wkctd tcwpics af0 in particular ropmontativo of ma@ characteristics of South East Europa, and their prosentatkm hoopsDOovarcpmo ianguago over pmsont problems. cf. Geoforum 6, p. 96. W. TI ETZE, Wolfsburg

Internationalor Atlas (1972). 526 pp., muitlcolorod maps, muitHlngual text, 160,000 gopgraphkal names. Braunschwoig: Goprg Wostorman Vorlag, Chicagr~: Rand McNally. DM 180,-. Mayors BOgor Wdtauas (1970). 490 pp., multIcolored maps, 120,OBO goographlul nunMannhoim: BMRognphkchos lnstitut DM 89,-. Contra) Eumpo the vrditknal home of fundamental World Atiam has produced two new ambitious pubikations. The lntomatknal Atlas, jointly published by Wostormann of Braunschwoig and Rand McNaiiy of Chicagu is “intornarional” in its appiicatlon of the metric system (including conversion aids) and the German, English, Spanish and French languages (appiiod in title, oxplanatwy text, legends and indox). The maps have boon compiled mostly by Rand McNaJly, in a fow cases by Philip, London or Essoito, Stockholm. Unfortunatoiy, the suporb oxporioncc of the Westormann c-hors has not been applied to this atlas.

The contents of the lntornational Atlas are made up of four rather different typos of maps. Ten maps of the world (1: 75 Mn) and of the oceans and continents (1: 48 Mn and 1: 24 Mn rasp.) are of the picturesque typo allowing for some fantasy as far as ice ccvoragt is concomod, for oxampie. The bulk of the following 126 maps of continental regions atascaloofaithor1:1,3,6or12Mnprcwidos a remarkable amount of tqmgraphic information. Just the fow gonoral political maps among this gmup are disappointing by their carte+ gnphy and nogiigabio informative value. A highlight is the concluding 60 maps of major conurbations of the world all at the same scale 1: 300,000. The GroiIo Mayor is ontiroly homemade, a fact which, howovor, does rust contrlbute u, more uniformity in style, layout and goneral prosontatkn. Tho contrary is true, omphaskod evon by adding 24 p-s of satollito (calour) and astronmnk (black and white) photos all most improssivo but not oxplainod. Furthormore a sot of sky maps, and, finally, six maps each of gookgy and wgotation are included. These have boon takon from the famous Moyors GroUor Physischor Woitatias. This series is the real clue to the value of the atlas. On0 can only regret that tho romaining six parts of thh little approciatod work wore not included as wall. rnw0 ar0 six map pages of tourist VW Apart from ono on the Mombasa-Nahobi&r~oti aroa in East Africa, all other cowr Modltorranoan tourist goals, sume in stamp size only, dl displaying poor cartography and hence sppillng a usofui idea. Altgothor the lntomatianal Atlas contains 196 map pages compared wtth 105 of the GroUo Mayor. Both publishers prosont a large number of place namo% The GroUe Meyer has non-aesthetic symbols for roads, and, rails and isbhypsos (in most maps) which protond a psoudd accuncy. Spociai place name maps (the general politIcal maps) arc inserted botwoon the physical maps to ease the readlng problem. Howovor they show hardly more names and in fact skip the landscape names which are shovn on tho physical maps! Considorablo space is spoiled by this method. In additiun the maps are only printed on one sido. Noithor of the two atlases copes satisfactorily with the trkky langu~o problem in cast contral Europe. Lack of consistency is extreme in the Gro6ie Moyor in spite of special place name maps. The index, howover, contributes to identification, which in turn is npt true of the international Atlas On the other hand, the index of the international Atlas provides

much mpre information than the GroeC Moyer and indicator the gobgraphical coordinatos of ah piacos listed. The coordinates in the Grogo Mayor only rofor to the SW cornor of the grid qudrangio which contains the place concomod. Both atlases take the liberty of switching maps uut of the northom direction, and the GroQ Mayor applies a now, most sbphisticati proioktion which, however, is unidontifiabio. By doing so the earth’s surface is obscurely twistod and unnessarily puzzling to the layman. The extreme close to absurdity - is found on page 316. Printing, papor and binding are oxcoilont throughout both atiasos. Much ungraphic improvomont would be desirable in future editions. W. TIETZE,


HAGERSTRAND, Torston, Hrsg. (1970): Urbanisoringon i Smigo. En goog&isk samhtlinnaiyr 463 S., Tab., Abb. Stockholm: Allmgnna FBriagoL skr. 36:GDMANN, Ella und GuwBrltt DAHLBERG (1970): Urbaniaation in Swodon. Moans and Mahods for the Planning. Fig., tables, 1 map. Stockholm: Allmgnna F(lrlagot. skr. 25:20. Fast giokhtoitig sind zwoi fast giokhartigo Studion horausgokommon, die oine groge Zahi somltigor Anaiyson zusammonfasson, mit doron Hilfo man das sich nach dom II. WeI,.kriog rasch stoigomdo Vorstgdtorungsphgr.,:,. mm in Schwodon orkonnon mtichto. Die Untorsuchungon gdton oinor Gosolischaft, die don h&hston durchschnittiichon Lebonsstandard boi kldnstor Abwoichung von diesom Durchschnitt untor Jion Nationon orroicht hat In ErgXnzung tu ihron bemerkonsworton oigenon Kapaait%ton stohon diner Gesollschaft botrgchtlicho natiirikho Rosourcon zur Vorfiing. Davon spkion in beidon Bikhorn vur allem dio GtisC dos Torritoriums line Roiie und dosson Ausfiillung und Bonutrung durch dir Bovohnor. Entsprechond goht es in orstor Linie urn die Verteiiung dor Bev8ikorung, urn die Vorteiiung dor Siodlungon und urn doron Grille und Struktur. in Schwedon stoht nicht mohr wio in don vergangonen 350 jahren die Expansion des Siodiungsraumos im Vordsrgrund, sondorn im Gegentoii dossen %hNmpfUng bei gloichzoitiget ganr bedeutender Sreigerung der Erschlie-