WILLIAM G. L E N N O X P O S T D O C T O R A L F E L L O W S H I P The American Epilepsy Society and the Board of Trustees of the William G. Lennox Fund are pleased to announce that the second one-year postdoctoral fellowship of $15,000 will be awarded July 1, 1977, to Dr. Jeffrey L. Noebels. Dr. Noebels graduated from the French Baccalaur6at program, International School of Geneva, Switzerland, in 1968. His B.A. degree in Physiological Psychology was awarded by Reed College in 1972. His Ph.D. in Neurological Science was awarded by Stanford University in 1976, with a thesis entitled "Pathophysiology of Repetitive Spike Electrogenesis at Nerve Terminals." He has written six scientific publications describing the results of this research on the mechanisms of experimental epilepsy. His long-range goal is to develop a suitable genetic model in the mutant mouse for the study of inherited seizure disorders. He is pursuing training in neuroresearch techniques under the direction of Dr. Richard L. Sidman, Department of Neuropathology, Harvard Medical School and Department of Neuroscience, The Children's Hospital Medical Center, Boston.