World Filtration Congress III

World Filtration Congress III

Cotkdis and Surfuces, 3 (1981)302 302 Ebevier Scientific PubKshing Company, Amsterdam -Printed Announcement ^______--._ WORLD - FILTRATION CONGR...

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Cotkdis and Surfuces, 3 (1981)302


Ebevier Scientific PubKshing Company, Amsterdam -Printed

Announcement ^______--._ WORLD




in Belgium



The Congress is organized by the Filtration Society and will be held at the Sheraton Hotel, Philadelphfa, PA, USA. from 13-17 September 1982. AI1 aspects will be c~ered, inctuding air/gas filtration, liquid-solid separation, reverse osmosis, sedimentation, water purification and particle technology. The emphasis at WFC 111will be un the practicai utikation of innovation and theory for practical and profitable applications. AU papers will be pre.printed and will be eIigible for subsequent publication in FiIkttlun & Separuthm, thereby reaching an even larger, wodd-wide audience, Titles and abstracts of papers (in quadruplicate) should be sent to the following address, from where further information on WFC ItI can be ob-

tained: Chairman, World Filtration Congress CD, R.D.1 Box 171, Shippensburg, PA 17257, U.S.A. ‘,


rates for amorphous silica microspheres with cationic by NJ_D_ Graltam, Coflok& and Surfaces, 3 (1981) 61-77.



Page 73, labeting of the ordinate axis of Fig. 8, the four increments of and 80 shouId read 10, “Percentage population reduction” being 20,40,60, 20.30 and 40,