TelephoneLAN arrives in Europe A US local area networking system based on telephone lines has been released in Europe. Linc (local interactive network communications) is a token-passing net using distributed control rather than a file server. The hardware/software net controller contains an amplifier that maintains the strength of the signal down standard dual twisted pair telephone wires. Workstations can be placed up to 2000 feet (600 m) apart, says Linc manufacturer Vector Graphic. Protocol used is SDLC and data moves at 750 kbaud using RS422 transmission standards. With the distributed control, a user can share files through Linc, treat the microcomputer as a standalone machine, or unplug and move to another part of the network. Vector Graphic has also launched a workstation designed to be used with Linc. The Vector 4 has dual Z80B and 8088 microprocessors and runs the CP/M operating system. MS-DOS is an option. (Vector Graphic,
Vector House, William Street, Windsor, Barks SL4 1BA, UK. Tel: (07535
Z80 System controller Designers and developers of systems based on the Z80 microprocessor will be able to use a system controller from Vertec. No software development system is needed, says Vertec, because a clip-on PROM programmer puts control programs developed in RAM straight into PROM.
Intel prices its
The Z80 System Controller has a 2 MHz ZB0, 24k of EPROM and up to 16k of RAM on board. Also included are a ZB0 counter/timer and 24 programmable I/O lines. RS232C asynchronous communications lines have switch selectable speeds and may be used for protocol conversion and serial interfacing. The price of £327 includes documentation. (Vertec L td (Electronics),
BA C and UNIX toge r on System An extended version of standard BASIC has been made to run under UNIX on Zilog's System 8000 microcomputer. SMC BASIC has business functions and I/O that encourages interactive, multiprocessing and multitasking applications, according to Zilog.
Maxwell Building, 43 The Crescent, Salford, Manchester M5 4WT, UK. Tel: 061- 736 8502)
RAM at $20
A 64k RAM which integrates refresh and arbitration function~ has been
launched by Intel. The 2186 will sell for 519.95 - a factor which will produce 'a large number of new microprocessor memory applications' predicts general manager of Intel's memory components Scott Gibson. The first product in a family of integrated RAMs, or iRAMs, is an 8k
A desktop microcomputer system is launched this month by Fpson, a company usually associated with printers. The emphasis of the QXIO is on graphics ability. Display is 640 x 400 pixels and has 16:1 zoom among its graphics special effects. Based on the ZBOA microprocessor, the machine has 792 kbyte RAM expandible to 256k. There are RS232 and paralle/ interfaces. Multifont BASICis supplied as standard. (Epson (UK) Ltd, Dorland House, 388 High Road, Wembley HA9 5UH, UK. Tel: 01-900 0466. Telex: 8814169)
by 8-bit device. The 2186 has onchip arbitration between simultaneous refresh and access cycle requests. Maximum access time is 300 ns with a 500 ns cycle time. Maximum current requirement is 70 mA, active, and 20 mA, passive, lintel Corp., Rue
du Moulin a Papier 5 I, Boite I, B-- 1160 Brussels, Belgium. Tel: (322) 661 07 1 I)
System 8000 has SMC BASIC
microprocessors and microsystems