BMS LIBRARY The Society 's library is now installed at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew . Members w ho w ish to borrow books by p ost or to visit the library should write to the BMS Librarian. Dr B L Brady , c/o The Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens , Kew, Richmond, S urrey T W9 3AE or telephone her at home 081-948-0556. This is al so th e address to wh ich requests to bu y th e soci ety 's minor publications should be sent. Catalogue of the BMS Library, Supplement 3 T he last revi sed cat alogu e wa s published in Bull. Br. m y col. Soc. 18: 13- 27 (1984), Supplem ent 2 in My col ogist 2: 84-85 (1988) and Supplement 3 in My cologi st 4: 152 (1990) . Ainsworth , G C (19 76) . Introducti on to th e History of Myc ol ogy . A in sworth , G C (1987 ). Introducti on to th e History of Medi cal and Vet erinary Mycology . Ai n swo rt h , G C & Austwick, P K C (197 3) . Fungal Disease s of A n im als. Ed . 2. Alv in , K L & Kershaw , K A (19 63). Th e Ob ser ver's Book of Lichens * Bas , C, Kuy pe r, Th W , Noordel oos , M E & Ve lli n ga, E.C . (1988) . Flora Agaricina Neerlandica Vo l. I and Vol II. * Breitenbach, ] & Kriinzlin, F (198 4). Fungi of Switzerland Vo l. 1 Ascom yc etes. * Breit enbach , ] & Kranzlin , F (1986 ). Fungi of S witzerland V ol. 2 Non gilled fungi. Het erobas idiornycetes, Aphylloph oral es , Gasteromycetes. * Breit enbach,] & Kranzlin, F (1991). Fungi of Switzerland Vol . 3 Bolet es and Agarics I. part. * Br itis h Mycological Society (1990) . A Gui de to Recording Fungi. Instru ct ions for Recorders . * Bucz acki, S (1989). Fungi of Britain and Europe. Collins New Gen eration Guide. * Ca p ell i, A (1984). Agaricus L:Fr. (Psalliota Fr.) * Dah nc ke, R M & Dahncke, S M (1989) . 700 Pilze in Forbfotos . Ed . 7. * Denn is, R W G (1986). Fungi of th e Hebrides. Du ran , R & Fischer, G W (1961). Th e Genus Tilletia. Emmo ns, C W , Binford, C H & Utz , ] P (1963) . Medical My col ogy . En gli sh . M P (1980). Medi cal Mycol ogy . Studies in Biology n o . 11 9. Fin d lay , W P K (198 2). Fungi. Folklore, Fi ction &- Fact. * Gu lde n , G & Jen ssen , K M (198 8) . A rctic and Alpine Fungi 2. Hawk er , L E (19 55). Hypogeou s Fungi. * Hawksworth , D L (1983) . A Key to th e Lich en-forming, Parasit ic , Parasymbiotic and Sa prop hyt ic Fun gi occurring o n Lichens in the British Isles. * Hjo rtstam , K, Larsson, K-H & Ryvarden, L (1987) . The Corticiacea e of North Europe. Vol. 1. * Hjortstam , K, Larsson, K-H & Ryvarden , L (1988) . The Corticiacea e of North Europe. Vol. 8. * ]iili ch , W &- Stalpers , J A (1979). Th e resupinate non -p oroid Aphyll ophoral es of th e tem perat e. northern h emi sphere . Karst en , P A (1899 ). Finland s Basid svampar. I urval beskrifna of P.A. Kar st en. Ken d ric k. B (1986) . A Young Person 's Gui de to the Fungi. Lange . M & Hora, F B (196 3). Collin s Guide to Mushrooms &- Toadst ools. Larsen. M J (1968). Tom ent ell oid Fungi of No rt h America. * Ma rc ha n d , A (1982 ). Champign on s du Nord et du Midi 7. * Mar ch and . A (1983 ). Champign on s du Nord et du Midi 8 . * Marchand , A (198 6) . Charnpign on s d u Nord et du Midi 9 . Mi no t. J (1988) . Notes on th e Classificati on of Mu shrooms . A Ne w England Per specti v e. Mo rris , E F (1963) . Th e Sy n nematous Gen era of Fungi Imp erfecti . * Noord eloos, M E (198 7). Ento lo m a (Agarical es) in Europe. Rarns bot to m , J (1945) . Poison ou s F ungi. Sa m ue ls , G J (1988). Fungicol ou s, Lichenicolous and Myx omyceti col ous Species of I-ly p ucr eopsis, Nectriopsi s . Nectria , Peristomialis and Trichonectria . * Wat li ng , R (1982). British Fungu s Flo ra. Agarics and Boleti . 3. Bolbitiaceae: Agrocybe, Bulbitiu s and Conocybe. * Watli ng, R & Gregory, N M (1987). British Fungus Flora . Agari cs and Boleti. 5. St ra p h a ria cea e &- Coprinacea e. * Watlin g, R & Gregory, N M (1989) . British Fungus Flora. Agarics and Boleti. 6. Crepidotaceae, Ple ura tace ae and other pleu ratoid agari cs . Th ose book s marked with an asteris k we re bought for inclusion in th e fora y box and are no t re ad ily available for co nsu lta tio n at Kew or for loan . The books on medical m ycol ogy a nd several of general mycological interest came from th e esta te of the late Dr Phy ll is Stockdale (Mrs Burrows) , other s w ere presented to th e Soci et y by Professor Teu ro Ah ti , Profe ssor 0 L Hawksworth , Dr G T Samuels and Dr G M Waterhouse , to w hom th e Soc iety is mo st gra tefu l.