International Union for Vacuum Science, technique and applications

International Union for Vacuum Science, technique and applications

International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications Union Internationale pour la Science, la Technique et les Applications du Vide Inte...

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International Union for Vacuum Science, Technique and Applications Union Internationale pour la Science, la Technique et les Applications du Vide Internationale Union der Forschung, Technik und Anwendung des Vakuums Association Scientifique Secrdtariat International : 30 avenue de la Renaissance, Bruxelles 4, Belgique 5th Year / News Bulletin number 17 / February 1969 Editor: Professor E T h o m a s , Secretary General of IUVSTA

1. Historical survey of the Union national committees In order to contribute towards the development of contact among the national committees, committees have been invited to issue a document which will include the following information:

5. composition and tasks of the council, 6. steering committee, 7. setting up of committees, 8. tasks of the administrative centre, 9. duration of the quorum's mandate,

(I) occasion of the creation of the committee, (2) statutes (summary), (3) categories and number of members, (4) activities since the creation of the committee (meetings, publications, etc).

10. modification to the rule,

This information will be published in the Bulletin, in the alphabetical order (French names) of the member countries. The following historical survey of the German committee is published below:

(c) Categories and number of members. Up to 31 December, 1968, the DAGV totalled 652 members, the majority of which belonged to at least one of the four supporting societies:

1.1 Historical survey of the "Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vakuum" (DAGV)

(a) Founding of the DAG V. The "Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vakuum" (DAGV) was formed by the merger of existing societies: the "Deutsche Arbeitskreise Vakuum" (DAV) and the "Deutsche Gesellschaft Fir Vakuumtechnik e.V." (DGV) with the "Deutsches Nationales Komitee fiar Vakuum". This merger was effected on 18 March, 1963 by consent of the DAV former supporting societies: --Deutsche Gesselschaft fiir Chemisches Apparatewesen (DECHEMA), --Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG), --Nachrichtentechnische Gesellschaft im Verband deutscher Eiektrotechniker (NTG), --Verein Deutscher lngenieure (VDI). The rule of March 13, 1963, which is still in force, is one of the principles of the agreement concerning this merger. The four supporting societies supply the capital necessary to the DAGV activities. (b) Ruling. The ruling includes the following items:

11. transitory rules.

108 305 23 102 114

members members members members members

belonged to the D E C H E M A belonged to the NPG belonged to the NTG belonged to the VDI do not belong to any society.

The members who belong to one of the four societies do not pay any contribution. The remaining members pay a yearly subscription of DM 10 to the DAGV. (d) The DAG V activities. According to the rule, the DAGV is entrusted with the task of organizing annual meetings, series of lectures, seminars, training courses and exhibitions. It acts as sole organizer as well as partner of one of the four supporting societies. Since 1967, it has been working within the framework of a European Community and has been organizing meetings with other national committees, also members of IUVSTA. Since 1963, the following meetings have been held: 1963: Second European Symposium

June. Frankfurt~Main 1964: Cycle of lectures and annual meeting

April, Bad-Nauheim

1. Responsible associations, public purposes, purchase of properties,

1965: Third International Vacuum Congress

2. tasks,

1966: Cycle of lectures and annual meeting

3. programmes of the working group (members, council, steering committee, committees, administrative centre),

1967: (a) German-Dutch Vacuum Symposium

4. staff, institutes, enterprises and members,

June, Stuttgart June, Frankfurt~Main April Aachen 247

News f r o m the v a c u u m societies

(b) International Vacuum Congress " C I A V I M " November, Strasbourg (jointly organized by the SFITV and the D A G V ) 1968: Participation in the Fourth Congress

International Vacuum

April, Manchester In March 1969, a Swiss-German meeting will take place in Basle. The working sessions organized by the "VDI-Bildungswerk", the House of Technique in Essen, the Technical Academies of Esslingen and Wuppertal in conjunction with the DAGV, take the form of lectures and seminars with the exception of a fundamental seminar on vacuum technology dealing in particular subjects in the field of physics and vacuum technique. These meetings are greatly appreciated. The D A G V also comprises the following committees: Committee on "Education" (Chairman: Dr Ing R Rtihle, Stuttgart) Committee on "Bibliography and classification" (Chairman: Prof Dr H Ebert, Braunschweig) Committee on "Standardization" (Deputy chairman: Dr H Adam, K61n) Committee on "Vakuum techniques" (Chairman: Dr G W Oetjen, K61n). The publications produced by the D A G V are to be found in Vakuum-Technik (R.A. Lang-Verlag, 62 Wiesbaden, Bismarckplatz 6).

2. Visit to the Union Secretariat Professor K Diels, President of the Union, came to Brussels on January 10, 1969. During this visit, measures were taken to implement the decisions adopted by executive council at its 13th meeting; the preparation of the next meeting was undertaken. 3. The Israeli Society for Vacuum Technology is integrated in the Union It was mentioned in the News Bulletin No 13 (June 1968) that Mr A Roth, chief engineer of the Vacuum Technology Department of the Israeli Atomic Energy Commission, had taken steps to group all the vacuum specialists in his country. A new Vacuum Group has been successfully formed with Mr Roth as President. This group which is called "The Israeli Society for Vacuum Technology" has submitted application for membership to the Union. According to the statutes, the executive council of the Union has now voted for the provisional admission of the Israeli Society. The Union welcomes its accession as the 16th national committee. The address is as follows: The Israeli Society for Vacuum Technology c/o A Roth Soreq Nuclear Research Centre Yavne, Israel.

4. Publication of the "Measurement of the performance characteristics of vacuum pumps" (First part) P N E U R O P (European Committee of Manufacturers of Compressed Air Equipment) lists manufacturers of this equipment in 12 European countries. The following countries are members 248

of this Committee: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany (Federal Republic), Great Britain, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland. A few years ago, P N E U R O P created a sub-committee No 5, whose task was to determine the measurements of the performance characteristics of vacuum pumps. The secretariat was administrated by the "Fachgemeinschaft Pumpen und Verdichten im Verein Deutscher Maschinenbau-Anstalten e.V. (VDMA)". The aim of these measurements is to determine the efficiency curves of a vacuum pump and to remove misunderstandings between manufacturers and users. The first part of this work has now been published in the three official languages of PNEUROP, German, English and French. The brochure (14 pages, 9 pictures) costs D M 1.45 and is available from: Maschinenbau-Verlag G m b H 6 Frankfurt/Main Niederrad 1, Pf. 109 Bundesrepublik Deutschland.

5. Information transmitted by the national committees

Germany The "Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vakuum" (DAGV) have issued the following information:

5.1. Short summary of the seminar organized by the Technical Academy of Esslingen "Aufdampfen in der optischen Industrie" (20 and 21 June, 1968). The seminar on "Evaporation techniques in the optical industry" organized on 20 and 21 June, 1968 under the chairmanship of Dr Wutz (Hanau) was very successful. Among the 76 participants, 19, ie nearly 25~o came from various European countries (Austria, Netherlands, Switzerland, Yugoslavia). The majority of the participants were chemists, engineers and physicists. An important number were opticians, technicians and skilled mechanical staff. Emphasis was laid on the debates which were so animated that on several occasions the allocated time was overrun. The lecturers were: Dr H Anders (Oberkochen), Dr W D Dachselt (Hanau), Dr K Deutscher (Wetzlar), Dr D Hacman (Balzers, Liechtenstein), Dr G Kienel (Hanau), Prof D r H Mayer (Clausthal), Dr H K Pulker (Balzers, Liechtenstein), Dr W Reichelt (Hanau), Dr K Schmieder (Clausthal). An exhaustive survey was made of the physical patterns and various techniques (principles of vacuum evaporation techniques, evaporators, condensation patterns, optical properties of thin films and measurement of thin film thickness). The practical applications and new theoretical knowledge were also studied. Advice and proposals were made to the practitioners.

5.2. Short summary of the seminar held by the Technical Academy Bergisch-Land (Wuppertal): "Metallisieren yon Kunstoffoberfliichen mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Aufdampftechnik" (November 5-7, 1968) In cooperation with the "Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft Vakuum" (DAGV), the Technical Academy Bergisch-Land, Wuppertal, a seminar organized from November 5 to 7, 1968, on "Metallization of synthetic materials surface with special emphasis on vacuum coating", under the chairmanship of Dr Wackernagel (Ntirnberg).

News from the vacuum societies

After the introductory speech on the possible metallization of synthetic materials and on the characteristics shown by more important techniques, processing technology, adherence problems, quality control, efficiency questions and future possibilities were discussed. The lecturers were: Dipl Phys Kerner (Stuttgart), Dr Kienel (Hanau), Dr Traub (Stuttgart), Ing Walter (KiSIn), Dr Wiebusch (Ludwigshafen), and Dr Ing Woldt (Berlin). Among the 43 participants, 70 % were engineers, chemists and physicists. The great success of this seminar, which had been carefully prepared, was proved by the animated debates. The proposals made by the listeners will be taken into account for future meetings. The following meetings are planned for 1969: Seminar: "Messger~.te und Messverfahren in der VakuumTechnik" (May 22 and 23, 1969) (Measuring equipments and processes in vacuum technique). Seminar: "Werkstoffe und Werkstoffeverbindungen in der Vakuum-Technik" (November 27 and 28, 1969) (Materials and assembling processes in vacuum technique). 5.3. Series of lectures No 714-68: "Diinn- und Dickfiimtechnik in der Elektronik", House of Technique, Essen (November 25, 1968), with the "Verein Deutscher Ingenieur, Ruhrbezirksverein" Under the chairmanship of Dr Adam, Koln, a series of lectures on "The technique of thin and thick films in electronics" was proposed to the 65 participants; the following subjects were presented and discussed: i. "Charakteristische Anwendungen der Dtinn- und Dickfilmtechnik" (Particular properties of thin and thick films techniques) Dipl Ing E Langer (Siemens AG, Miinchen) 2. "Diinnschichttechnik" (Thin film techniques) Dipl Phys G Mayer (Siemens AG, Mtihcben) 3. "Dickfilmtechnik in der industriellen Elektronik" (Thick film techniques in industrial electronics) lng F Vogler (AEG--Telefunken, Ulm) 4. "Foto- und Aetztechnik" (Fotofabrikation) (Photography and engraving techniques) H Burger (Kodak AG, Stuttgart).

The animated debate proved that a specialized field of technique was developing and that numerous problems are still being posed to the users. 5.4. Course on "Vakuumtrocknung und Vakuumimpr~gnierung in der Elektro-lndustrie", Frankfurt/Main (November 18 and 19, 1968)

68 participants, (one from Great Britain, two from Denmark, three from Netherlands and twelve from Switzerland) attended this course on "Vacuum Drying and Impregnating in the Electrical Industry", which was organized on November 18 and 19, 1968 by the "VDI-Biidungswerks" in Frankfurt/Main. An increasing interest is now shown in drying and impregnating in the manufacture of electrotechnical equipments. Contact with corresponding vacuum apparatus and equipment requires a sound knowledge of their properties and of the physical operations. The course provided the participants with the required background knowledge for the drying and degassing processes of impregnating and isolating agents to paper; the vacuum treatment of synthetic resin was also demonstrated. The director of the course, Dr lng M Beyer (Braunschweig) was assisted by Messrs J Henning, Dipl Phys (Wetzlar), V Degenhart, Dipl Phys (K~51n), A Rost, Dipl Phys (Duisburg), lng F Fauser (K61n), W Pupp, Dr lng habil (Wetzlar) and H Velde, Dipl Ing (Hanau). 5.5. Course on "Vakuumaufdampftechnik" by the VIDBildungswerks, Karlsruhe (November 27 to 29, 1968). A course on "'Vacuum evaporation techniques", included 51 participants (12 of whom were from neighbouring countries) was organized in Karlsruhe under the chairmanship of Dr Hacman (Balzars), from November 27 to 29, 1968. Fabrication techniques, the structure and properties of vacuum evaporated films with special emphasis improvement of surface properties, the fabrication of fast microminiaturized switching elements and the production of shadow-casting and surface replication were dealt with. The lecturers were: Dr Ing Deutscher (Wetzlar), Dr Eligehausen (Hanau), Dr Hacman (Balzers), Dr Kienel (Hanau), Dr Mahl (Oberkochen), Dr Ing Moll (Hanau), Prof Dr Nossek (Karlsruhe), Dr Reichelt (Hanau), Dr Ritter (Balzers), Dr Umrath (K61n). This course was sponsored by the DAGV. The next course will take place in June 1969 in Frankfurt/Main.