Nominating Committee establishes criteria, selects slate

Nominating Committee establishes criteria, selects slate

Nominating Committee Nominating Committee establishes criteria, selects slate Officers to be elected in March 1977 at the 24th annual Congress in Ana...

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Nominating Committee

Nominating Committee establishes criteria, selects slate Officers to be elected in March 1977 at the 24th annual Congress in Anaheim, Calif, are president-elect, treasurer, two members of the Board of Directors, and two members of the Nominating Committee. A slate of candidates was drawn up by the Nominating Committee at its August midyear meeting at Headquarters. The selection was made from names submitted by chapters and a point system devised by the committee. Letters including willingness-to-serve forms were sent to chapter presidents in April asking for nominees for national office. Follow-up letters were sent in May. The deadline for return of the forms was June 30. Of a total of 243 chapters, 142 sent responses. Sixty-seven chapters submitted names and 75 had no endorsees. Of the 56 endorsed nominees, 4 withdrew for personal reasons and 7 did not return their biographical data forms. Aware of the voiced concern of the membership regarding criteria in national candidate selection, the Committee compiled guidelines in considering candidates. It initiated a point system as follows. Education diploma, associate - 2 bachelor degree or above - 3



Employment 2 for each year in OR nursing (maximum 10 years) Professional nursing organization membership AORN active - 2 for each year (maximum 10 years) AORN associate - 1 for each year (maximum 10 years) ANA - 1 NLN - 1 other - 1 Local AORN meetings attended in past two years 2 per meeting Congress attendance attended - 1 per year (maximum 10) delegate - 1 per time (maximum 10) alternate - 1 per time (maximum 10) Local offices held (points per year, maximum 10 years) officer - 5 board - 4 nominating committee - 3 other committee chairman - 2 other committee member - 1 institute, workshop chairman - 3 institute, workshop committee or speaker - 2 National offices held (points per year, maximum 10 years) officer, Board - 10 Nominating Committee - 7 committee chairman - 9 committee member - 8 Congress general chairman - 6

AORN Journal, December 1976, Vol24, No 6

Congress committee chairman - 5 Congress committee member - 3 Other nursing organizations (points per year, maximum 5 years) officer, board - 5 committee chairman - 4 committee member - 3 Sponsorship 2 per chapter (maximum 10 chapters) After utilizing this tool this year, the committee realized the need for a refinement of the system and adjusted the weighing of the categories. The adjusted criteria for candidate selection will be passed on to the next Nominating Committee for, its consideration. There possibly will be other adjustments in the future. The committee this year used the original point system and employed other considerations in reaching final decisions. Among these were geographical location when considering the nominees and current officers and members of the Board and the Nominating Committee. The individual's productivity on a local and national level and the chapter president's evaluation of the nominee plus experience relative to the position were also weighed. The following is the adjusted criteria for candidate selection. Education diploma, associate - 2 bachelor degree or above - 3 list CEU for past 2 years Employment 1 for each year in OR nursing (maximum 10 years) Professional nursing organization membership AORN - 2 for each year (maximum 10 years) ANA - 1 NLN- 1 other - 1 Local AORN meetings attended in past two years 1 per meeting Congress attendance attended - 1 per year (maximum 10 years) delegate - 2 per time (maximum 10 years) alternate - 1 per time (maximum 10 years)


Local offices held (points per year, maximum 10 years) officer - 5 board - 4 nominating committee - 3 other committee chairman - 2 other committee member - 1 institute, workshop chairman - 3 institute, workshop committee or speaker - 2 National offices held (points per year, maximum 10 years) officer, Board - 15 Nominating Committee chairman - 10 Nominating Committee member - 9 NCE, AN , Editorial, Membership chairman - 12 member of these committees - 10 other national committee chairman - 10 committee member - 8 Congress general chairman - 10 committee chairman - 6 committee member - 4 speaker - 3 moderator - 2 Other nursing organizations (points per year, maximum 5 years) officer, board - 2 committee chairman - 1 Sponsorship 1 per local sponsor 2 per other sponsors These criteria for candidates were developed by the Nominating Committee and are not endorsed by the Board of Directors. Any comments should be directed to the chairman or members of the Nominating Committee. Nominating Committee Joan S Fabian, RN, chairman Betty Colwell, RN Sylvia Doyle, RN, MS (nonvoting) Joanne Oliver, RN Helen Polauf, RN Jacqueline Reardon, RN

AORN Journal, December 1976, V o l 2 4 , No 6