Prostaglandin bibliography

Prostaglandin bibliography

PROSTAGLANDIN BIBLIOGRAPHY Selected citations from The Upjohn Company Bibliography James R. Weeks, Ph.D. BIOCHEMISTRY -TRANSPORT Morin, R.J.: EFFec...

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Selected citations from The Upjohn Company Bibliography James R. Weeks, Ph.D.

BIOCHEMISTRY -TRANSPORT Morin, R.J.: EFFectsof prostaglandins EI and F2a and of polyphloretin phosphate on cholesterol esterlflcation by rabbit ovarian subcellular frocttonso Res. Commun. Chem. Pathol. Pharmacol. 6:195, 1973. Srivastava, K.C., and Clausen, J.: Extraction of prostaglandins El, E2 and E3 from human seminal plasma. L~pids 8:431, 1973. BIOSYNTHESIS -DEGRADATION Horton, E.W., Jones, R.L., and Mart, C.G.: Effects of aspirin on prostaglandin and Fructose levels in human semen. J. Reprod. Fertil. 33:385, 1973. B L O O D -PLATELETS Kubisz, P., i Petricek, J.: Vplyv prostaglandinu El no uvolnovanie dostickoveho faktora 4 (DF 4) (Influence of prostaglandin EI for liberating the platelet Factor 4(PF 4) (in Slovakian) Bratisl. Lek. Listy. 58:408, 1972. CARD I O V A S C U LAR - R E N A L Gross, J.B., and Battier, F.C.: EFFectsof prostaglandlns El, A I and F2a on renal handling of salt and water. Am. J. Physiol. 225:218, 1973. Lonigro, A . J . , Itskovitz, H.D., Crowshaw, K., and McGIFF, J.C.: Dependency of renal blood Flow on prostaglandln synthesis ~n the dog. Circ. Res. 32:712, 1973.


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Needleman, P., Kauffman, A.H., Douglas, J.R., Jr., Johnson, E.M., Jr., and Marshall, G.R.: Specific stimulation and inhibition of renal prostaglandin release by angiotensln analogs. Am. J. Physiol. 224:1415, 1973. CHEMISTRY Guzman, A., and Crabbb, P.: Synthesis of methylated prostaglandlns. Chem. Ind. (kond) 635, 1973. CYCLIC


Demers, L.M., Gabbe, S.G., Villee, C.A., and Greep, R.O.: Human chorlonic gonadotropln-mediated glycogenolysls in human placental villi: A role of prostaglandlns. Bioohim. Biophys. Acta. 313:202, 1973. ENDOCRINE - METABOLISM Harms, P.G., Oieda, S.R., and McCann, S.M.: Prostaglandin involvement in hypothalamic control of gonadotropln and prolactln release. Science 181:760, 1973. GASTROINTESTINAL Kapoor, K., and Levine, R.A.: Effect of adrenerglc receptor blockade on the response to prostaglandin EI in canine ileum. Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Ther. 203:243, 1973. HYPERSENSITIVITY -IMMUNOLOGY Goldyne, M.E., and Wikelmann, R.K.: In vitro effects of prostaglandln E2 on cutaneous vascular smooth muscle in the dog and in man. J. Invest. Dermatol. 60:258, 1973. Goldsteln, I.M., Brai, M., Osier, A . G . , and Weissmann, G.: Lysosomal enzyme release from human leukc~ytes: Mediation by the alternate pathway of complement activation. J. lmmunol. 111:33, 1973. Ferguson, W.W., Edmonds, A.W., Starling, J.R., and Wangensteen, S.L.: Protective effect of prostaglandin EI (PGEI) on lysosomal enzyme release in serotonln-induced gastric ulceration. Ann. Surg. 177:648, 1973.



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J¢(rgensen, H.P., and Sg(ndergaard, J.: Vcmcular responses to prostaglandin El . Acta. Derm. Venereol. (Stockh) 53:203, 1973. S¢'ndergeard, J., Helin, P., and Jg(rgensen, H.P.: Human cutaneous inflammation induced by prostaglandin EI. J. Pathol. 109:239, 1973. Tauber, A . I . , Kaliner, M., Stechschulte, D.J., and Austen, K.F.: Immunologic release of histamine and slow reacting substance of anaphylaxls from human lung. V. Effects of prostagtandins on release of histamine. J. Immunol. 111:27, 1973. MISCELLANEOUS Bbchetoille, A., Lepretre, C., et Gull laumat, L.: Les antiprostaglandines par vole gbnbrole ont-elles une action sur la tension oculalre? Bull. Soc. Ophthalmol. Fr. 72:295, 1972. Rao, K.S., Reno, F.E., and McConnell, R.G.: Subacute toxicity studies with prostoglandln Ei (PGEI in laboratory animal species). Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 25:492, 1973). NERVOUS


Dobrln, E.I., Bloss, J.L., and Potts, W.J.: Neuropharmacological and behavioral toxicity studies with prostaglandin A 2. Toxical. Appl. Pharmacol. 25:460, 1973. Stiff, J.T.: Prostaglandln EI fever induced in rabbits. J. Physiol. 232:163, t973. REPRODUCTION Allen, W.R., and Rowson, L.E.A.: Control of the mare's oestrous cycle by prostaglandins. J. Reprod. Fertil. 33:539, 1973. Craft, I.L., Scrivener, R., and Dewhurst, C.J.: Prostaglandin F2a levels in the maternal and fetal circulations in late pregnancy. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Br. Commonw. 80:616, 1973. Dhont, M., Theiry, M., Lepoutre, L., Vermeulen, A., and Vandekerckhove, D.: Maternal serum levels oF human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), human chorlonic somatomammotropin (HCS), progesterone (P) and estradiol (E) before and during labor induced at term by orally administered prostaglandln E2. Int. Res. Commun. Syst. (73-6) 15-t8-9 (1973).

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Fuchs, A-R., and Mok, E.: Prostaglandin effects on rat pregnancy. II. Interruption of pregnancy. Fertil. Steril. 24:275, 1973. Lange, A.P., and Secher, J.J.: Prostaglandin F2a-lnduceret f~dsel ved foetus mortuus (Delivery induced with prostaglandin F2a in cases of foetal death) (in Danish). Ugeskr. Laeger. 135:358, 1973. Malofiejew, M., Laudafiskl, i Straczkowski, W.: Wpl/w prostaglandyny A2 (PGA2) na aktywnobd skurczowa myometrium szczura (The effect of A 2 prostaglandln (PGA2) upon the contractility of rat's myometrlum) (in PolTsh). Ginekol. Pol. 43:1289, 1972. Naismith, W.C.M.K., Bar,, W., and MacVicar, N.: Comparison of intravenous prostaglandins F2a and E2 with intravenous ocytocin in the induction of labour. J. Obstet. Gynaecol. Br. Commonw. 80:531, 1973. Nakajlma, A., and Nishlmura, T.: The effect of prostaglandin F2a and EI on the electrical activity of the rabbit fallopian tube. Acta. Obstet. Gynaecol. Jap. 19:40, 1972. Poyser, N.L.: The role of prostaglandins in fertility control. Biochem. Soc. Trans. 1:535, 1973. Thiery, M., and Willighagen, R.G.J.: Prostaglandins - Effect on the enzyme content of the human placenta. Int. Res. Commun. Syst. (73 -9) 10-26-2 (1973). Ventura, W.P., and Freund, M.: Evidence for a new class of uterine stimulants in rat semen and male accessory gland secretions. J. Reprod. Fertil. 33:507, 1973. REVIEWS Harris, D . N . , Semenuk, N.S., and Hess, S.M.: Agents affecting cyclic AMP levels. Annu. Rep. Med. Chem. 8:224, 1973. Jaffe, B.M., and Parker, C.W.: Physiologic implications of prostaglandln radioimmunoassay. Metabolism 22:1129, 1973. Mueller, R.A.: Prostaglandins and related compounds. Annu. Rep. Med. Chem. 8:[72, 1973.


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Nielsenr J.G.: Prostaglandiner. Enoverslgt(Prostaglandins. (in Danish). Dan. Tidsskr. Farm. 46:149, 1972.

A survey)

Sharma, S.K.: Inhibltors and activators of enzymes regulating the cellular concentratlons of cycllc AMP. in "Metabolic Inhibitors," Vol. 4, Eds. R.M. Hochster, M. Kates and J.H. Quastel, pp. 389-433, Academic Press, New York (1973).

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