Soil, grass and cancer. By André Voisin. Philosophical Library, Inc., 15 E. 40th St., New York 16, N. Y., 1959. xvii + 302 pp. 13.5 × 21.5 cm. Price $15

Soil, grass and cancer. By André Voisin. Philosophical Library, Inc., 15 E. 40th St., New York 16, N. Y., 1959. xvii + 302 pp. 13.5 × 21.5 cm. Price $15

182 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION Vol. 49, No. 3 Industrial Gums. Polysaccharides and Their Derivatives. Edited by RouL. WHIS...

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Vol. 49, No. 3

Industrial Gums. Polysaccharides and Their Derivatives. Edited by RouL. WHISTLER and JAMES N. BEMILLER. Academic Press, 111 Fifth Ave., 766 pp. 15 x 23 NewYork3, N. Y., 1959. xi cm. Price$25. This book presents practical information on industrial gums for the use of researchers, chemical engineers, and technical sales personnel, Discussions cover factors influencing gum costs and applications and the individual gums from agar and gum arabic, through the dextrans and bean and seed gums as well as the cellulose derivatives, to tamarind and ti. A good index is appended.

A History of the American Dental Association. By ROBERT W. MCCLUGGAGE.American Dental Association. 222 East Superior St., Chicago 11, Ill., 1959. 520 pp. 16.5 x 23.5 cm. Price $8. special red leather binding $12.50. The stated aim of this book is not to present the history of the American Dental Association as a series of dates, marshalled in chronology and illustrated by faded photographs of bearded men, but rather to present its history against the social and professional background of the times. The story is presented in proper perspective, since the personalities, crises, failures, and achievements which are described integrate this study of dentistry in general, Clark’s Applied Pharmacology. 9th ed. By and its professional society in particular, with the ANDREWWILSONand H. 0. SCHILD. Medical overall historical period. The pertinent facts are Book Dept., Little, Brown & Co., 34 Beacon St., intertwined with an unusual insight into the various Boston 6, Mass., 1959. xii 750 pp. 14.5 x patterns of dental education, research, and practice over the years, which makes reading of the book flow 22 cm. Price $10. quite easily and naturally. A revised edition with new chapters on the pharI t is immediately apparent that, in spite of its 520 macology of tuberculosis and on psycho-pharma- pages, as much condensation as possible has been cology, the ninth edition of this textbook correlates achieved. The result is a rapidly moving book with the science of pharmacology with the a r t of thera- all the necessary facts described as briefly as possipeutics; focusing on the problems of clinical medi- ble. The historical significance, however, does not cine and the action of drugs upon the functions of suffer by this, but in fact is further enhanced by the the body. The book IS designed to stimulate a excellent documentation with references and excritical approach to the problems in the complex field planatory notes grouped by chapters and collected of drug therapy. at the end of the book. While the prime purpose of this publication is t o Atlas of H i m a n Anatomy. 5th ed. By FRANZpresent a history of the ADA, a much broader result FROHSE,MAX BRODEL,and LEONSCHLOSSBERG.has been achieved. The book might equally be reBarnes & Soble, Inc., 105 Fifth Ave., New York garded as a history of American dentistry-its 3. X. Y.,1959. x 180 pp. 13.5 x 21 cm. evaluation, professionalism, and heritage. Price, Paperbound $2.95, Cloth $4.50. This pocket size edition of the Atlas includes page Prkcis de Chimie Biologique. Vol. 1. By J. E. size color reproductions of the Frohse-Brodel wall COURTOIS and R. P E R L ~ Masson . et Cie., 120, charts. Also Schlossberg’s supplementary charts boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris, 6”, France, 1959. and an explanatory text. Other color charts viii 4-453 pp. 16 x 21 cm. Price3,400 fr. (endocrine system) and line drawings are included. This book (in French) is a concise textbook on An index is appended. biochemistry. It is one of a series of textbooks designed particularly for pharmacy students. The Methoden der organischen Chemie (Houben-We$). series is appearing under the general title “Collection Band 1/2, Allgemeine Laboratoriumspraxis I I . de Precis de Pharmacie,” edited by M.-M. Janot. Georg Thieme l’erlag, Herdweg 63, Stuttgart, K. Germany, 1959. xlv 1017 pp. 17 x 25.5 cm. PrJcCis de Phurmacodynamie. By G . VALETTE. Price DM 176.40. Masson et Cie., 120, boulevard Saint-Germain The latest volume of this comprehensive treatise Paris, 6“, France, 1959. viii 519 pp. 16 x 21 (in German) of the methods and procedures in orctn. Price 4,200 fr. ganic chemistry is the second part of the portion deThis is the third book (in French) in the series voted t o general laboratory practice. The volumes “Collection de Prkcis de Pharmacie,” edited by this treatise have not appeared consecutively. The publication notice of Band XI/2 on nitrogen M. Janot for use a s textbooks for students of pharcompounds, the immediately preceding volume, macy and related sciences. It follows the style adopted for this series in that it is a concise presentaappeared in THIS JOURNAL, 48, 363(1959). The first part of the present volume deals with methods tion of the action of medicaments, or more generally, of comminution and division of materials. The ma- chemical substances on the living organism. jor portion (573 pages) is devoted to general laboratory procedures: from “measurement of liquids by gravity and pump methods” t o “heat and cold; Soil,Grass and Cancer. By AND& VOISIN. Philosophical Library, Inc., 15 E. 40th St., New York measurement, registering, and regulating tempera16, N. Y., 1959. xvii 302 pp. 13.5 x 21.5 tures.’’ All the sections are liberally illustrated with cm. Price $15. photographs and diagrams of the apparatus menThis book presents the author’s views on the relationed. The third portion of the book discusses accessory aids in laboratory technique. A final tion between the manipulation of the soil and its section covers accident prevention in the laboratory, products and human nutrition. Voisin holds that and concludes with a discussion on carcinogenic sub- cancer appears less frequently in dwellers on calcareous areas of different types of soils. stances. Author and subject indexes are included.





