00145 Method and apparatus for gasification of solid carbonaceous material

00145 Method and apparatus for gasification of solid carbonaceous material

03 char re-supply line. which provides char recovered from the char recovery apparatus. The last component is a steam supply line that connects with ...

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char re-supply line. which provides char recovered from the char recovery apparatus. The last component is a steam supply line that connects with the char resupply line for supplying the steam that mixes with the oxidizer.



of a combined



Tuma. M. CI rrl. Encr;

Corl~r.~. Mtr,?ugc.. 1999. 30, ( I I ). 1 163-l 175. The equations for the determination of the overall energy and exergy efficiency of a combined gas-steam cycle process are discussed in thl\ article. The co-generation in the gas and the steam cycle, the reduction of power due to increasing the heat flow in the steam process. the supplementary firing at the gas turbine exhaust, the heat recovery boiler efficiency a\ well a\ the heat exchanger efficiency in the gas and steam cycle were taken into consideration. ‘The thermodynamic derivation, the calculations of a typical example. and graphic diagrams are pretented in the rc\ults \ectlon.

00/00139 Electrochemical characteristics of lithium intercalation into natural gas coke serving as the negative electrode of a lithium battery Pan. O.-M. OI rrl. ./. P~WW So~rccac. 79, ( I ). 2.5-2’). The clectrochemlcal characteristics of a new type of coke for the negative electr~>de ot a lithium ion hattery are investigated. This coke is prepared from natural gas by means of thermoplasma technology. The initial discharge-charge properties of several kinds of natural gas coke are discussed. The effects of surface modification of cokes on the characteristics of lithium intercalation during the first cycle are also explored. The properties of lithium intercalation into carbon electrodes show that the clectr~~chemical behaviour is determined by the nature of the carbon material. The results also demonstrate that the surface propertIe\ of carbon electrodes have a rcmarkahle influence on the efficiency of the first cycle. Modification of the surface of coke electrodes with polymer\ increases the initial coulombic efficiency. whilst at the same time reducing the initial discharge capacity.

00/00140 High-pressure coal maceral concentrates: reactivities

pyrolysis and CO,-gasification of conversions and char combustion

Megaritis. A. CI [I/. Flrrl, 1999, 7X. (X). X71-882. The gasification hehavlour of maceral concentrates was examined in a fixedbed and a wire-mesh reactor. ‘Extents of gasification’ were calculated by subtracting sample weight loss during pyrolysis (helium) from weight loss In COz-gasification. The effect of holding time (10 and 200 s) and pressure (I and 20 bar) on convrrrions and on combustion reactivities of chars were studied, During short hold-time gasification experiments (II) \). liptinites gave the highest conversions. followed by the vitrinites and the inertinites. Vitrinite comersions decreased sharply above 9OP; elemental-carbon content. Extents of gn\ification were found to he in the order: vitrinites > liptinitcs > inertinitrs. However. at 200 s. a marked increase in inertinite conversion translated into a clear change of relative ordering to inertinite, > vitrlnitc\ > liptinlte\. The high gasification reactivitiea of inertinitrh at longer times appear to he related to a more rigid and porous structure. hut the late surge suggests that an induction period is needed. More detailed time series data are required. Relative combustion reacttvities of chars were generally observed to decrease with (i) pressure, (ii) time at temperature and (iii) increasing elemental carbon content. The data indicated that orders of gasification reactivities may be predicted from the order of combustion reactivities of pyrolysis chars. lnertinite concentrate char\ uere more reactive. However, the difference in reactivity between inertinite char\ and other samples was reduced when the inertinitr\ v,t‘rr heated rapidly-pos\ihlp owing to melting at the higher ht’atin~~ L’rate\.



Hito\hi. T. E~c~r,~i Sh&rr.. The technology, integrated discussed in this review, In and gas turbine technologies In the world and in Japan suggested.

coal gasification


cycle: IGCC

I9YY. 211, (2). 167-172. (In Japenese) coal gasification combined cycle (IGCC). is addition. gasifier types, gas refining methods are also analysed. The developments of IGCC are summarized and plans for the future are

Kinetics of nickel-catalyzed purification of tarry 00100142 fuel gases from gasification and pyrolysis of solid fuels Depner. H. and Jr%. A. Fuel. 1999. 78, (12). 1369-1377. As a contribution to develop a process for the chemical upgrading of tarry fuel gases. the kinetics of the catalytic conversion of hydrocarbons on a commercial nickel-catalyst In the presence of Hz and Hz0 (Shd-Chemie. G 117) \h’erc studied. Bcsldcs single model hydrocarbons (naphthalcne. benzene and methane) and their mixtures, a feed gas obtained by coal pyrolysis was catalytically converted. The experiments were performed in a tubular flow reactor at a total pressure of 160 kPa. a residence time with respect to the empty reactor up to Il.1 5 and a particle diameter of I..5 or 10 mm. varying with the temperature (450-I IS0 C) and concentrations of Hz. Hz0 and the hydrocarbons. The influence of H2S and NH; on the activity of the catalyst was aI%) studied. The results indicate that the Ni-catalyst used is suitable method for the conversion of tarry fuel gases into a clean fuel or reduction gas, even in the presence of H$. Although the rate of chemical reaction of the hydrocarbons on the Ni-catalyat is substantially reduced hy hydrogen sulphide, a rest activity still remains, and all higher hydrocarbons are completely converted to CO. Hz and CO? at a temperature of about

Gaseous fuels (derived gaseous fuels)


I()()() (0.3 “01”; H:S: T = 0.1 \). In cc,ntra\, t,r fI?S. NH; doe\ n,,t influence the con\‘erslon of hydrocarbon\ on the hi-c;rtal>\t. and i\ only converted to N: and Hz. In an industrial scale reactor. the n rate of hydrocarbon conversion is significantly affected hv gas film diffu\ion (particle diamrtcr: IY mm), and is thrrcforc only slightly.influenced hy H:S. 00/00143 Low temperature complete combustion of methane over Ag-doped LaFeOB and LaFe,.,Co0.50, perovskite oxide catalysts Choudhary. V. R. et ul. Feel. lY9Y, 7X. (8). YIY-Y11. Partial substitution of La by Ag. instead of Sr. in LaFeO; and LaFe,, iCo,l 501 perovckite oxide\ causes ;I large incrc‘ase m the catalytic activity of the perovakitc in the complete comhustmn of dilute methane fol its emlsqion control. at low temperatures (hcloa 7110 C) and high space velocity (51 000 cm ’g ’h ‘). Ag-doped l.aFc,,.(‘~,,, ;O; \how\ the hlghe\t methane comhu\tion activity. 00/00144


Methane reactor


to syngas

in a palladium

Galuszka. .I. of o/. (‘otul. 7odoy. IYYX. If). (2~-2). X3-@). In this work the catalytic partial oxidation and dry retorming of methane tcr syngas on Pd!AI?OI. between 3511-550 and 55l)~hllll rc\pectively. arc studied. A conventional fixed-hed reactor and a mcmhrane reactor containing dense palladium membrane prepared hy electroless-plating were used. For both processes. the methane conversion. and carbon monoxide and hydrogen vield were noticeably enhanced in the membrane reactor. An Increase oi between 1-20c+ %a\ oh\crved for methane conversion. The carbon monoxide and hydrogen yield increased between ?-?(I? and X-IX<;;, respectively. However. \cannlng electron microscopy rnahlrd the confirmation that filamcntous carbon formation on the palladium memhrane and membrane swelling resulted in its destruction. These finding\ indicate that the palladium memhranc is not sultsble fat hydrogen separation from procc\s stream\ containing methane (,r carhtrn monouidc.

Method and apparatus 00/00145 carbonaceous material

for gasification

of solid

Stoholm, P. C. PCT Int. Appl. WO YY .17.5X3 (Cl. (‘IOJ.3 Sh). I Jul IYY’J. DK Appl. lYY7:l.~23.Y Dee 1907. 33 pp. (In Danish) Gasification of solid carbonaceous material i\ performed in a circulating fluidized bed (CFB) gasifier. The CFB is composed of a reaction chamber, a particle separator for \eparation of char-containing particles from the outlet gas of the reaction chamber. and ;I particle rccirCulation duct for recirculation of the separated particle\ to the reaction chamber. The particle recirculation duct comprise\ of a char reaction chamhcr for gasification of char present in the recirculating particle\. There are a varirty of ways to control the function of the CFB gasifirr. In addition. the gasification procc\\ I\ well suited for hiofuel\ and ua\te product\ that have a high content of alkane\ and chlorine. OOlOO146


Oligomerization and alkylation products by naplitha steam pyrolysis (RPO)

of the oil

Spiteller. M. and Jovanovic. J. A. Fud. IYYY. 7X. (I I). I2h3-1276. In the presence of Friedel-Crafts acids. residual pyrolysis 011 (RPO) [Ullnmnni mcydopedia of irdusrrial cltemr~~m. 4th ed. lYY.1:AZ: p. XY: Kirk-Othmcr encyclopedia of chemical technology. 3rd ed. 1990: 13: p. 71711 is easily converted to a petroleum aromatic resin (PAR) [Jeremic K. Jovanovic JA. Erdoel and Kohie, Erdgclc I’elrochcmie. lYY.3: 4h: 430-4341. By using HPLC chromatography. GC-MS, HPLCMS and APCI-MSIMS techniques and the reaction of indent: and naphthalene in the presence of horon trifluoride for comparison. it \\~a\ proved that the PAR sample investigated in thi\ work represented a mixture of the components that remained from RPO. an oligomer with dimers. trimcr*l and tetramer\ in. respectively, decreasing quantities. an alkylatr with naphthalene hcing the main suhstrate and a polymer in which product\ with 7-32 mom)mer moieties prevaIled. The monomers and alkylation agents present in the RPO were identified, as were the components that do not polymerize and could be alkylated. By taking into account all the possible oligomerization product5 including dimers. trimers and tetramers. both In the form of homopolymers and heteropolymers. and all the possible alkylation products. the molecular weights of compounds expected in the oligomer and the alkylate part of the PAR were calculated. All of them were detected in the PAR by using direct sample insertion APCI-MSIMS analysis. GC-MS and IIPLC analysis of the PAR and GC-MS. HPLC and HPLC-MS analysis of a product mixture of the reaction of indene in naphthalene in the presence of boron trifluoride. were accomplished. By using the described analytical procedure. it has become poa\ihle to control and manage the reactIon of the conversion of RPO to PAR. and to characterize thi\ complex system in a very precise manner.

Production of fuel gas by gasification 00/00147 Keenan, B, A. Brit. UK Pat. Appl. GB 2.32h.J2Z? (Cl. CIOJ3.‘02). lY9S. 23 Dec. GB Appl. 97;1?,957, 1997. I9 Jun. l2pp. The first gasification stage involve\ a solid carhonaceou\ furl, \uch it\ coarsely ground coal undergoing gasification. and iron being melted in a molten bath gasifier. The resulting fuel ga$ i\ then divided into two \trcam\. The fir$t Stream is used to produce iron in a vertical shaft furnace hy the direct reduction of iron arc: \uhsequently the sponge iron i\ melted in the cr’i\ i\ cleaned and fed into a molten bath gasificr. The second stream of fuel _L

Fuel and Energy Abstracts

January 2000