04796 Liquefaction of coals with natural iron sulfates

04796 Liquefaction of coals with natural iron sulfates

02 Liquid fuels (derived liquid fuels) An effective coal llquefactlon solvent from the vacuum pyrolyels of waste rubber tires Orr, E. C. et al., Ene...

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Liquid fuels (derived liquid fuels)

An effective coal llquefactlon solvent from the vacuum pyrolyels of waste rubber tires Orr, E. C. et al., Energy Fuels, 1996, 10, (3), 573-578.



Oil derived from vacuum pyrolysis of waste rubber tyres was used as a coal liquefaction solvent with a high-volatile A bituminous coal and MO catalyst. The vacuum-pyrolyzed tyre oil along with a MO catalyst was found to convert over 90% of the coal to gas, oil, and asphaltenes. Reactions were carried out in tubing reactors heated to 430°C under 1000 psig (cold) of hydrogen gas.

Effects of coal pretreatment on the llquefactlon


and catalyst


Sakanishi, K. et al., Coal Sci. Technol., 1995, 24, (2), 1375-1378. Discusses the liquefaction reactivity of Yallourn, Tanitoharum, and Wyoming coals which were examined with or without coal pretreatment using sulphided Fe3Al and Ni-Mo supported on carbon blacks, which have functions for recovery.

Effects of LIAIH, reduction and/or 0-methylatlon on llgnlte converslon under CH,OH-NaOH solublllzatlon and pyrolvsls condltlons


Boudou, J. P. et al., Energy Fuels, 1996, 10, (I), 243-249. The paper describes a study of the effects of a preliminary reduction of car&nil groups with lithium aluminum hydride and/or of a preliminary Omethylation with di-Me sulphate on the conversion of the Kansk-Achinsk lignite under methanol-sodium hydroxide solubilization. The techniques used included structural characterization, sequential solvent extraction, and programmed pyrolysis of the lignite and of its solubilization products.

Enhancement of low-severlty coal llquefactlon mild acldlc pretreatment and cyclic oleflns



Beasley, T. M. et al., Energy Fuels, 1996, 10, (l), 209-215. Three coals, Wyodak and Black Thunder subbituminous and North Dakota Beulah-Zap lignite, were pretreated with midly acidic solutions of HCl or H,SO, in MeOH, water, or hexane, prior to reaction (at 350” and 3.45 MPa H, (cold) for 30 min.) with one of 3 hydrogen donors: (1) 1,4,5,8tetrahydronaphthalene (isotetralin), (2) 1,2,3,4_tetrahydronaphthalene (Tetralin), or (3) 1,4,5,8,9,10-hexahydroanthracene. Coal conversions obtained from combinations of selected pretreatments and hydrogen donors were examined in a factorial experiment.

Evaluatlon of alumlnla-aluminum phosphate cataI st supports for hydrodenltrogenatlon of pyrldlne and coalrKerlved llqulds 96104765

Menon. R. er al.. Enerav Fuels. 1996. 10. (3). 579-586. Several alumina-alumint& phosphate (AAPj Catalyst supports were prepared by a coprecipitation method. Effect of variations in Al/P at ratios on Support-text&al properties were examined

Evaporatlon of coal-water slurry droplets 96104766 Elperin, T. and Krasovitov, B. Coal Sci. Technol., 1995, 24, (l), 555-558. Evawration of droolets containing small coal oarticles is analvzed in a qua&steady appr&mation. The “developed Godel takes intd account effects of compressibility and filtration of a gas-vapour mixture within the porous shell. . 96104767

oil shales



of the Dllbl Ethlopla

Lemma, T. and Betru, M. Bull. Chem. Sot. Ethiopia, 1995, 9, (2), 79-91. Reports on a geological survey and exploratory investigation for possible oil shale reserves in Dilbi area, Jimma zone, Ethiopia. Potential oil shale reserves were estimaed to be loo-120 million tonnes

Humberslde storage keeps up wlth the tlmes 96104766 Reader. C. Perroleum Review. Mar. 1996. 50. 15901. 129-130. Repoii that both Immingham tkrminals of Simon‘ Stoyage, one of the largest independent storage companies in the UK, were awarded the Royal Society ‘for the Prevention oi Accidents Gold Awards. This represent; a typical achievement for a company that places great emphasis on safety, quality and efficiency. Hydrocracklng reactlvltles of prlmary coal extracts prepared In a flowing-solvent reactor Zhang, S. F. er al., Energy Fuels, 1996, 10, (3), 733-742.


96104791 Influence of addltlon of a polyelectrolyte, nonlonlc polymers, and thelr mixtures on the rheology of coal/water suspensions Tadros, T. F. el al., Langmuir, 1995, 11, (12), 4678-4684. The paper discusses the effect of the addition of a polyelectrolyte, a nonionic surfactant, ABA block copolymers, and mixtures of the polyelectrolyte with the block copolymers on the rheology of coal/water suspensions using steady state and oscillatory rheology measurements.

Investlgatlons on the processing of oil vacuum resldue and Its mlxtures wlth coal and coal tars. Part 1. Prlmary converslon of crude materlals


Tokarska. A. Fuel, Jul. 1996. 75. (91, 1094-1100. Complex investigations into the possib:liity of extending the basis for crude materials for liquid fuels to residues from vacuum distillation of oil (VR) were performed. Mixtures of VR with coal and coal tars were also tested. The raw materials were processed by rapid pyrolysis or delayed coking to obtain liouids orieinatine from coal and oil. Phvsical. chemical and structural analyses of-these liquids were undertake;. Thk resulting materials have been upgraded by hydrogenation to components of engine fuels, as reported in Part 2.

lnvestlgatlons on the processing of oil vacuum resldue and Its mlxtures wlth coal and coal tars. Part 2 Hydrogenatlve upgradlng of the llquld products


Tokarska, A. Fuel, Aug. 1996, 75, (lo), 1206-1212. Hydrogenative upgrading of the liquids resulting from the initial processing of oil vacuum residue and its mixtures with coal and coal tars was investigated. Physical and chemical characteristics of the products obtained were determined, and the possibility of their use as the source of engine fuels is discussed. Analysis of the ‘H n.m.r. spectra has been found capable of characterizing the structural changes accompanying the process of hydrogenative upgrading. 96JO4794



of coal llquefactlon

at very short reactlon

Huang, H. er al., Energy Fuels, 1996, 10, (3), 641-648. Kinetics of thermal and catalyzed coal liquefaction was investigated from 10 s to as long as 60 min using a short contact time batch reactor. Using this reactor system avoids the problems of slow heat up and cool down associated with the massive apparatus required for runmng high-pressure and high-temperature reactions. Coal liquefaction conversion to tetralinsoluble products was determined by changes in ash content in the partially reacted coal relative to that of the unreacted coal. Three distinct phases in the liquefaction process were observed: a very rapid extraction followed by an induction period (i.e. a short period when the extraction is ending and the conversion appears to be stopped) and then a slower conversion of the coal structure itself.

Llquefactlon of coal efflclently at low cost 96104795 Takatsu, Y. et ai., (Assigned to) Sumitomo Metal Ind.; Nippon Kooru Oiru KK, JAP. PalJP.O7,252,482, Oct. 1995. 96104796


of coals wlth natural Iron sulfates

Hirano, K. and iishibayashi, T. (Assigned ro) Sumitomo Mefal Ind.; Nippon Kooru Oiru m JAP. Pat. JP.O8,03,567, Jan. 1996. 96104797


Llquld hydrocarbons by hydrogenatlon plastics and domestlc wastes

of coal,

Altunbulduk, T. and Meier Zu Koecker, H. Erdoel, Erdgas, Kohle, 1995, 111, (12), 526-528. (In German) The coal-, biomass, BRAM-, BRAP-Ext (fuel from waste and paper) and the plastic wastes from DSD were hydrogenated with and without catalysts, at 415-450’ for 2 hours under 35 MPa initial H, pressure. The main fractions of hydrogenated, light, and middle-distillate oils, were analyzed by different methods.

Market dlstortlons and the beneflts from research Into new uses for agrlculatural commodltles: Ethanol from corn



Alston, J. M. and Beach, E. D. Resource & Energy Economics, Mar. 199G, 18, (l), l-29. Interest of procedure groups and government bodies has shifted to developing new industrial (nonfeed and nonfood) uses for agricultural commodities as a way of stimulating demand for those commodities. Possible benefits include reduced government programme costs, The paper develops theoretical arguments and a simulation model to evaluate the size and distribution of benefits from different tsues of technical change in the production of ethanol from corn, with aid without governme; ethanol programmes and farm programmes.

K’olsdo;a, E. A. etal., Khim. Tverd. Top/. (Moscow), 1995, (5), 26-30. (In Russian) Describes a study of the hydropyrolysis of the sludge at 450-700” and 6.0 MPa H in a bench scale continuous-flow apparatus.

Method for coal llquefactlon 96104799 Wiser, W. H. er al., (Assigned to) University of Utah Research Foundalion, USA, PCT. Int. WO.95,29,969, Nov. 1995.

Discusses hydrocracking reactions of coal liquefaction extracts prepared in a flowing solvent reactor in isolation from secondary reaction; associated with long product residence times during the coal dissolution step. Parallel hydrocra%ng experiments were carried~out with a pilot-plant-scale (Point of Ayre coal) extract. 96tO4790




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