A colour atlas of human anatomy 2nd ed.

A colour atlas of human anatomy 2nd ed.

BOOK REVIEWS Learning in Groups IDavid .Jaques ( iroom Helm, London 1984 318 pp illus Post-Natal Care. The Midwife’s Maureen G G Laryea Churchill L...

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Learning in Groups IDavid .Jaques ( iroom Helm, London 1984 318 pp illus

Post-Natal Care. The Midwife’s Maureen G G Laryea Churchill Livingstone Edinburgh 1984 10.5 pp ic‘4.95


‘l’his i5 a textbook on teaching and learning in groups. ‘The material presented is not entirely original but the way the book has been put together, ,md other authors’ theories and ideas analysed and synthcsised. make it a valuable tool for the practising teacher. Thr, book is not only about learning in groups but also deals with learning about groups, both very useful in nursing education which is concerned with :Idults who should be encouraged to learn as adults. It has ten chapters. The first two chapters are c,oncerned with group behaviour and provide a base on which to build subsequent understanding of xroupr. Chapter three offers a very short but very usrful review of adult learning strategies. Chapter four looks at the process, content and ways of improving communication. Tht, next two chapters deal with aims and objectives ,:nd with actual tasks and techniques for making groups work. The tasks involve processes of discussion and decision-making, peer evaluation, gameh. role-play and simulations. It helps the 1cachc.r 10 develop the role of group facilitator: ‘how I(J get the best out of a collection of students with disparate experience, skills, knowledge and personal clualitics’. It discusses a wide range of techniques requiring differing levels of teacher control and cspertisc. ‘l‘hc last four chapters deal with the tutor’s job, Ihe context in which groups work, or the ‘learning milieu‘. evaluating groups and training methods and activities. This last chapter I found particularly Ilscful as it provides exciting ideas which can be adaptczd to many situations. hqy main criticism is aimed at the presentation which is dull. The script has been typed irritatingly small. with poor use of spacing and a liberal sprinkle of typing_ mistakes, some serious as when applied to tigurcs m diagrams. Diagrams are few, and more <,ould have enhanced the text. I would recommend this book to all teachers, whetl1t.r in schools of nursing or in higher and further education. May some of the enthusiasm and risk-taking of the author rub off on all those who read him.



This superb little book discusses thr basic functions of the midwife’s role, how these are cnarted. and the factors which influence this role enactment. There is an extensive literature review on childbirth and its effects on the parents; and an examination of how women in diKerent cultures are looked after throughout pregnancy, labour .Ind during the post-natal period. The role of the midwife as cart givcsrs to tht ih mother and infant in the post-natal period discussed, as are some of the prohlcms which confront mothers when they return home from hospital. The value of the midwife in this sensitive and often difficult period is cmphasised particularly in offering emotional support. Laryea challengrq midwives to experiment with alternative approact1t.s to post-natal care. The book is written with extreme scmsitivity and is very well referenced throughout; it is easy to read and off‘ers invaluable information for both qualified and student midwives and I would highly recommend it. JANKI‘I‘E RKIERLE~

.sh!.v SCM A Colour Atlas of Human Anatomy R M N McMinn (t R T Hutchings Wolfe Medical Books 352 pp illus Ll4.95


2nd Ed.

‘I’his second edition is a smaller version of thr original hut has lost nothing of’ the content in tht, process; it is divided into six main section>. I believe student nurses will find the colour of the preserved specimens dull and the detail overwhelming. The X-ray plates will he of interest. ‘I’hc surface markings of organs are extremely helpful, as are thr casts of various thoracic and abdominal organs showing their detailed blood supply. The book is of good quality and value, although a more substantial cover would have enhanced it. ‘I‘hc overview of body structure and accompanying references appended will be of limited use to student nurses undergoing basic training but this volume is worth having in a school of nursing library.