A Colour Atlas of Human Anatomy

A Colour Atlas of Human Anatomy

Concerned Technology 1989 - Electronic Aids for People with Special Needs, by Jim Singh Sandhu and Steve Richardson. Handicapped Persons Research Unit...

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Concerned Technology 1989 - Electronic Aids for People with Special Needs, by Jim Singh Sandhu and Steve Richardson. Handicapped Persons Research Unit, Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic, 1988 (ISBN 0 906721 41 5).Illus. 227 pages. f15. This is a comprehensive directory of electronic equipment available for disabled users and will prove a valuable departmental reference book to therapists of all disciplines who are involved with the rehabilitation of disabled patients. It would also be useful on the shelves of physiotherapy and occupatidnal therapy school libraries as a resource for student projects. The introduction to the directory describes in some detail the state of the art within the field of micro-technology, separating fact from fiction. It points out the spectacular advances that have already been made in such areas as speech recognition, artificial intelligence and software. The main body of the directory provides useful objective comments, details of suppliers and prices for an enormous range of products deQgned or adapted for disabled users. Many of these descriptions are enhanced by photographs. Products are divided into sections, eg visual impairment, hearing impairment, environmental control, switches and health and therapy. The book is clearly written and has a well laid out index, as well as addresses for all suppliers mentioned. It concludes with details of other Handicapped Persons Research Unit databases and publications such as BARDSOFT (the largest database of software for special needs in Europe). Overall, the book would be a valuable addition to a library bookshelf and although the information contained will probably go out of date fairly rapidly, as a source book it will remain of enormous value. DUNCAN SPOWART MCSP DipTP Oxford Textbook of Functional Anatomy vol 2 - Thorax and Abdomen, by Pamela MacKinnon and John Morris. Oxford University Press, 1988 (ISBN 0 19 261518 1). Illus. 138 pages. f11.95. This textbook of functional anatomy is the second in a series by the authors. The previous textbook was reviewod in Physiotherapy, January 1987. According t o the authors, the book is expected to be used by medical, dental, physiotherapy, radiography and nursing students, They focus on prosections and dissection of the thorax and abdomen. This orientation is applicable to those students who have direct access t o cadaveric specimens and may not apply to all students of physiotherapy, namely those who do not have access to cadaveric material. While the book actively describes the process of dissection, the anatomical illustrations by Audrey Besterman (who is also medical artist for Physiotherapy)compensate for lack of facilities. The illustrative material would be extremely useful t o both students and teachers of anatomy. This clarifies the anatomical relationship of structures within the thorax and abdomen. The book's contents cover not only the viscera, pulmonary system and cardiovascular components, but also the joints of the thorax and joints of the pelvis, including


detail of the innominate bone and the function of the pelvis. The functional aspects of the book include the relationship between the circulatory and nervous systems of the thorax and abdomen and it has excellent illustrations of the lumbar and sacral plexuses. Throughout, the book relates to surface landmarks for all structures mentioned. It would not only assist students and teachers in the study of anatomy and the understanding of the anatomy of the thorax and abdomen but would also inspire interest in the concept ol living anatomy and the importance of anatomy as a basic medical science. The overall impression is that of inquiry and interest, and the text, plus the illustrations; should inspire students of anatomy to seek to analyse the structure and function of the thorax and abdomen. This book should be recommended t o ali students of anatomy - if not prescribed; it is a truly worthwhile addition to any bookshelf or library. MAUREEN MAXWELL BA MCSP CertED DipTP Arthritis, by Professor Paul A Dieppe (BMA Family Doctor Guides). Equation in association with British Medical Association; further information from Thorsons, Wellingborough, 1988 (ISBN 1 85336 050 3).Illus. 127 pages. f2.99. This paperback covers the subject of arthritis most comprehensively. There are 16 chapters divided into three sections. The first four chapters cover the basics of arthritis and rheumatism, who gets arthritis?, what causes arthritis? and effects of arthritis. The second section of seven chapters deals in depth with specific disorders osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, gout, uncommon forms of arthritis, back pain, childhood and old age. The third section deals with treatment, drugs, injections and therapists, surgery, alternative medicine, self-help and living with arthritis. The book concludes with useful addresses and an index. Each chapter is clearly set out and very easy t o read, illustrations complementing the text. At intervals there are brief case histories and highlighted advice. This book will be of use to all arthritis sufferers and particularly to self-help groups, also to relatives and friends. Concise, easily understood and readable; very good value.

A Colour Atlas of Human Anatomy, by R M H McMinn and R T Hutchins. Wolfe Medical Publications, London, 2nd edition, 1988 (ISBN 0 7234 1526 9 hardback, 0 7234 1533 1 paperback). Illus. 358 pages. f29.50hardback, €15.95paperback. This is the second edition of a text first published in 1977.The overall organisation of the content of the book remains unchanged but the presentation of the contents is considerably improved. The illustrations appear much clearer than in the previous edition and the use of boxes around the numerical indices t o the photographs enhances the ease with which the text may be used. Both the new photographslline diagrams in the revised text, the increased detail concerning the structures under review and their relative positions within the body, are good. This is a text which relates well to the living model despite being largely based on dissected parts. It is not a primary text but is certainly a useful adjunct, particularly for students. The availability of a small paperback version of the large hardback book is excellent, both from a financial and a 'portable' point of view. L E JONES BA MCSP DipTP The Medicine Chest: Your family's guide to prescription drugs, by Gillian Martlew and Shelley Silver. Thorsons, Wellingborough, 1988 (ISBN 0 7225 1568 5).400 pages.

f4.99. In Great Britain 400 million prescriptions are dispensed each year, and on average every individual obtains seven prescribed items. This book aims to explain what drugs are for, and what side effects or interaction with other drugs may occur, and adopts a holistic approach. Its seven main sections correspond to body areas, with drug fact sheets for all the common drugs used t o treat each health problem within that section. Advice is given on vitamins, minerals and alternative therapies, and there is a fact-finder chapter which explains medical terms. This could be a useful book to recommend for patients who have an insatiable curiosity whom there is not enough time to help in the normal routine, or as a reference to use at home in case some of the professional's instructions are forgotten. It is certainly good value for money in terms of size and the amount of information it contains.

NORA PRICE MCSP Evening Primrose Oil, by Judy Graham. Thorsons, Wellingborough, 1988,2nd edn (ISBN 0 7225 0743 7).144 pages. f2.99.

One of the clear diagrams from 'Arthritis'

It is difficult to believe that an extract from one species of plant can be good for premenstrual syndrome, heart disease and vascular problems, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, schizophrenia, diabetes, hyperactive children and eczema. However, this book provides some evidence for all these claims, plus background information about the properties of essential fatty acids and how they may work in patients with these conditions. Sufferers are more likely to want to find out whether the oil works rather than how, but the book provides professionals with some justification for recommending a trial.

Physiotherapy, June 1989,vol75, no 6