Anaesth. (1972), 44, 203
In view of the present shortage of anaesthetists in Scotland (Parbrook, 1971) we have investigated a new technique for the assessment of anaesthetic needs, based on operation statistics.
it becomes less satisfactory when one considers the smaller hospital groups owing to the smaller number of surgeons involved and the difficulty in giving an average figure for the amount of anaesthetic work each individual type of surgeon repreALTERNATIVE TECHNIQUES OF ASSESSMENT sents. Nevertheless, one ought to expect to find at In the past many hospitals have made their assess- the very minimum one consultant anaesthetist for ment of anaesthetic needs on the basis of the every two consultant surgeons and a similar ratio number of theatre sessions covered. A big problem at junior level (Parbrook, 1971). Operation data in using such techniques to compare hospital groups have been used to show the growing demand for is the lack of any indication of the duration of a anaesthetic services in a hospital (Mushin, Campsession and the lack of information on the emer- bell and Shang Ng, 1967) and an assessment of gency operation cover which is given. Thus, anaesthetic needs, based on the number of operaperhaps, in one hospital with a chronic nursing tions performed, warrants consideration as an shortage a session may be 3 hours theatre work, alternative or as a supplementary technique to the while in another hospital with fully staffed surgical above systems. teams a session may last for 5 hours or more. Although the calculation of work sessions can be ASSESSMENT BASED ON OPERATIONS PERFORMED IN A HOSPITAL GROUP useful within an anaesthetic department, it lacks the precision and impartiality needed if one wishes In Scotland returns are made by hospitals to the to assess the staffing requirements in a hospital Home and Health Department, giving statistical group. data of all the patients admitted, including operaT o obtain more accurate information one may tions. Owing to computerization, this data can now carry out work studies. One problem of work be processed more rapidly and the annual tables studies is that the knowledge that a study is in produced by the Home and Health Department progress may alter the work processes being (Scottish Hospital Inpatient Statistics, table 9 ~ ) observed and such studies may be costly in terms include details of the number of operations perof the time of the administrative staff. formed according to category. As a special trial the A satisfactory basis of assessment is deduced Scottish Home and Health Department kindly profrom the ratio of the number of anaesthetists to vided the figures for operations for the Glasgow surgeons and this has been described elsewhere Royal In6rmary and associated hospitals. An (Tomlin, 1970; Parbrook, 1971). Although such a M.B., CH.B., F.F.A.R.C.S.; D. F.STEEL.,M.B., technique is useful for comparison of the sta0ing of G. D. PARBROOK, CH.B., F.F.A.R.c.s.; Department of Anaesthetics, The Royal large areas such as Scotland with the rest of Britain, Infirmary, Glasgow, Scotland.
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A technique based upon Scottish inpatient operation statistics was investigated for the assessment of anaesthetic staffing requirements. Each operation category was given a time factor covering all aspects of anaesthesia to give a total time for anaesthetic work. In a preliminary trial of this system it was found that inpatient operation statistics could only be representative of half the anaesthetic work and data needed supplementation by estimates of the time for obstetric and intensive care work, outpatient anaesthesia, teaching and research. Despite this shortcoming the inpatient statistics provide a useful measure of part of the anaesthetic work load.
excerpt of these data is given (table I) together with an indication of how the tables could be used as a basis from which anaesthetic load could be calculated (table 11). A time factor was applied to each operation category and in this way total anaesthetic time was calculated. TABLEI. Excerpt from computer table.* Anaesthetic time factort Numbers (hr)
Total time (hr)
331 56 39 177
1.2 3
397 168 78 88
* As
there are 114 categories it is impracticable to give the full table. t Time factor includes allowance for all aspects of anaesthesia (see text). TABLE11. Royal Infirmary Group, 1968. Hospital 1
Inpatient operation times
17.3% allowance for omitted records
Hours 16,924 2,921*
Total Travelling time allowance (5 %) Overall total 1 Obstetric anaesthetic covert 2 1.c.u.t 3 Outpatients (a) Casualty (b) ECT and Dental
1,085 750
4 Administration 5 Teaching (outwith theatre) 6 Research
11,000 11,000 1,835 1,500 600 1,500
Inpatient operations
27,435 27,194
Total anaesthetic timet
Supplementary deficit Uncovered work load: operating lists requested by surgeons but not covered in 1968 due to staff shortage
* See text. t "On call non-working" time not included.
Additional factors. After the total anaesthetic time had been calculated in this way additional factors were allowed for as indicated (table 11). These include obstetric anaesthesia, as obstetric operations were not included in the published operation statistics, though it is possible that special figures for operative obstetric work will become available in due course. Similarly, outpatient and casualty anaesthesia must also have a special estimate, including e.c.t. and dental chair anaesthesia. Intensive care unit work provides an additional facet, as does teaching outwith theatre and research, and all must receive their special allowances. Only after addition of these factors can one assess the overall work load (excluding "on call non-working" time). Assessment of anaesthetic shortage. The overall work load may be related to the number of consultants in order to give a relative index of commitments undertaken, and their expansion over a period of time. Alternatively one may use such an index to compare areas and indicate those in which the anaesthetist shortage is greatest. When used in either manner the size of the supporting staff is an additional factor to consider. It may be better to utilize the figures as an index in this way than as true hours of work per anaesthetist, as many feel it would be a retrograde step to bring in concepts of an "x-hour week" in anaesthesia, even at a theoretical plane. On the other hand, if one is prepared to recommend ideal weeks
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30 All operations on the appendix 280 Hernia hemiophsty, inguinal and femoral 290 Partial gastrectomy 360 Nephrectomy 381 Cvstosco~v --
Time factors. The time factors were not only the operating time, but included the full anaesthetist time involved, i t . for premedication, induction and operation, including any allowances for teaching in theatre and for time to observe the patient after operation prior to induction of the next patient, and for postoperative visits. As time factors include allowance for visiting wards and finding and identifying patients they are particularly generous for emergency operations, which are normally time-consuming in this aspect. In the case of operations for which two anaesthetists were desirable the induction and operation time was doubled, while in the case of operations sometimes performed under local analgesia without an anaesthetist being present the time factor was proportionately reduced or omitted.
ASSESSMENT OF ADEQUACY OF ANAESTHETIC STAFFING for various categories of anaesthetists, one can achieve an absolute measure of staff shortage. T o complete the picture one must also add details of any known work load not covered due to shortage of anaesthetists as indicated at the foot of table 11. In many centres there is a backlog of surgical work which could be undertaken if anaesthetists were available and it is important that anaesthetic departments solicit information on this aspect from surgeons and colleagues in other disciplines to give a full picture of the extent of the shortage of anaesthetists.
not available, or if the surgeon prefers, many eye operations are performed under local analgesia.
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Advuntages of the system. One benefit of this system is that the basic figures prior to the application of special factors can be produced without asking anaesthetists to keep extra records of the time they spend in wards and theatres. In addition these figures cannot be intentionally biased as the statistics are produced from the official hospital records. A further advantage is that assessments of work load can be reviewed regularly and changes revealed. The system of assessment can be made forwardProblems in application of the technique. The study was of special interest in indicating looking with regard to the time provided for various limitations in the basic operations data. Of these aspects such as preoperative and postoperative visits limitations, the loss of the last 17 per cent of the by the anaesthetists. year's data was corrected as indicated (Hospital 1, table 11). Obviously great care is needed to check CONCLUSIONS that the operation data are complete. In addition it was noticed that less than one The study shows that operation inpatient statistics sigmoidoscopy per week was recorded for the major can be used to provide an index of half of the teaching hospital and there is, therefore, doubt anaesthetic work load and so can be of value in whether all the minor procedures had been entered demonstrating changes such as the rate of expansion when they were part of the patients' assessment of inpatient theatre work. Additional allowances such prior to a major operation. The accuracy of patient as those for obstetric and intensive care work are documentation will undoubtedly improve and one needed before the total work load of a department trusts these problems will not be relevant in the can be estimated. Some technique for assessing the degree of anaesfuture. Progress in computerization and the speed of processing data may also reduce the time lag thetic understaffing is essential if anaesthesia is to between the time of collection of the data (1968) and progress and statistical data of this type will be desirable as evidence of the size and rate of expansion the availability of the tables. One important limitation which had not been of anaesthetic commitments. Anaesthetists could find appreciated was that the inpatient operation data themselves increasingly under pressure if the only allowed one to estimate half the total anaes- specialty were restricted to a standardized national thetic work (table 11). The major items not covered rate of expansion. Evidence of the current level of were obstetric work, intensive care work and out- understaffing and rate of expansion of work is needed patient anaesthesia. Teaching, administration and to obviate this. research also provide a sizeable work load for the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS department. Although it might be reasonable to give We are grateful to Professor A. C. Forrester and Dr W. a fixed percentage allowance for teaching, admini- Norris for help and encouragement in the preparation of stration and research according to the type of hos- this paper and to the Scottish Home and Health Department and the Western Regional Hospital Board for pital, some special yardsticks are needed to assess assistance with the statistical data upon which the the other components of anaesthetic work. One such calculations were based. measure could be obstetric operative delivery statisREFERENCES tics. A final problem in the use of the inpatients' Mushin, W. W., Campbell, H., and Shang Ng, W. (1967). The pattern of anaesthesia in a general hospital. Brit. operation statistics is that of obtaining accurate 3. Anaesth., 39, 323. estimates for certain operation groups, because the Parbrook, G. D. (1971). Anaesthetic staffing and training average time estimates for an operation category may requirements in Scotland. Brit. med. 3., 3, 293. vary from one area to another. Ophthalmic operations Tomlin, P. J. (1970). Anaesthetic stafling, Todd, and the provide a particular dif6culty as, if anaesthetists are Birmingham postgraduate experiment. Lancet, 2, 1243.
Auf der Gundlage der schottischen stationiiren Operationsstatistiken wurde ein Begutachtungssystem zur Erreichung
Fue investigada una tknica basada en estadisticas de operaciones de pacientes escoceses hospitalizados para poder determinar las necesidades de personal anestksico. Cada categoria de operaci6n recibi6 un factor de uempo que cubria todos 10s aspectos de la anestesia para dar un tiempo total para el trabajo anestksico. En una pmeba preliminar de este sistema se encontr6 que las estadisticas de operaciones de pacientes h o s p i e d o s solamente podian ser representativas para una rmtad del wbajo anestksico y que 10s datos necesitaban ser suplementados mediante estimaciones del tiempo para tarbajo obstetrico y de cuidado intensivo, anestesia de pacientes ambulatories, enseiianza e investigaci6n. A pesar de este inconveniente, las estadisticas de pacientes hospitalizados proveen una medida ~ t . para 1 parte de la carga de trabajo anestksico.
The Association of Anaesthetists will be holding their ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING in 1972 at the Bloomsbury Centre, London W.C.l, on Thursday and Friday, November 1617. Those wishing to submit papers for the scientific sessions are requested to send FOUR COPIES of a summary of 200-500 words, not later thun Monday, May l., 1972, to: The Hon. Secretary, Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, Room 126, Tavistock House North, Tavistock Square, London WClH 9HR.
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Une technique bade sur des statistiques ckossaises portam sur des interventions effectukes chez des malades hospitaliks, a &C ttudite en vue de verifier les exigences pokes par l'organisation de l'anesthksie. On a attribue Q chaque cat6gorie d'opiration un facteur "temps" englobant tous les aspects de l'anesthksie, afin d'obtenir un temps total correspondant au travail de l'anesthisiste. Lors d'un essai pdliminaire de ce systhe, on a constate que les statistiques portant sur des opkrations effectutes chez des malades hospitaliks ne pouvaient Ctre representatives que de la moitit seulement du travail de l'anesthtsiste et que l'on avait besoin d'un suppltment d'information en ce qui concerne les chiffres correspondant au temps consacre aux actes d'obsttuique, aux soins intensifs de mianimation, aux anesthesies pratiquees chez des malades non hospitaliks, Q l'enseignement et Q la recherche. Malgre ces imperfections, les statistiques etablies Q partir des malades hospitalids fournissent une mesure utile d'nue partie des &hes incombant Q I'anesthksiste.
einer ausreichenden aesthetischen Betreuung ausgearbeitet. Jede Operationskategorie wurde mit einem Zeitfaktor versehen, der alle Aspekte .einer Anaesthesie beriicksichtigt, urn den gesarnten Ze~taufwand der anaesthetischen Arbeit zu ermineln. Bei einer vorhufigen Anwendung des Systems fand man, daD die stationiiren Operauonsstatistiken nur fiir etwa die Hiilfte der anaesthetischen Arbeit reprasentativ sind und einer Erg5nzung durch Daten aus der Geburtshilfe, der Intensivstation, der ambulanten Anaesthesie sowie der Forschung und Lehre bediirfen. Trotz dieser Nachteile geben die stationiiren Statistiken niitzliche Anhaltspunkte fiir einen Teil der anasthetischen Arbeitsleistung.