The Chrswell StructureUnnium Deposits, Saskatchewan.
Edited by R. Lame, D. Alonso and M. Svab, 1985,Geological A%o&ationoffcanada Special Paper 29,230 p.. $42.00 Cdn., $35.00 GAC members. “Ii% C.4R?%utzr_L structure, a large ~o~c~o~ ring ~~~ in the western Athabasca basin cemtains rich ~~n~~it~ type uranium deposits Discoveredin 19% the Ia& of~t~ bampered expIoration and Amok, the major company involved, sponsored numerous inves&ations over the foIlowing decade, eventually iinding seven more deposits. In 19S3,the company decided to release this information, previously unpublished, and this volume is the resuh. Ten papers cover the generaI geology. M. Pagel and M. Svab ~rn~~n~~Iy -be the ~u~~faci~ metamorphic core, which is IgOOto 2300 I% old. K. BeIi & PI, present chemical evidence of mcta-komatiites. H. E. Hendry and R. L. Wheatley give a detaikd account of the Carswell d&stones, the youngest formation of the Athabasca Group. BesidesLate Helikian fossils,they give evidence of evaporites. J. Hoeve et a/. using clay miners, find all the Athabasca fo~a~o~s within the CarsweB ~~~, showing the WiIIiam River Subgmup to be invalid, aloud it is retained in the w &II&our map of the CamweIIstrutture inch&d with the book. M. PageI. K. E. WheatIey and F. Ey describe the %hock~ features of the structure and seem to favour an endogenic origin rather than a meteoric impa6Z.
Five papers discuss the uranium deposits. M. Pa&l and F. Rh&nann describe the uranium mineraliration in detail?and find it similar to other A&abasca deposits. However high selenium contents are a characteristic shared with the BeaverIodge deposits. F. Ey, F. Ga~~-~y~, F. Lilfie, and F. Weber iIescr%ethe f&mous“KY’deposit, and J. R. BIaiseand E_icaning the ~rn~o~~~~ deposit. Shearing and fracturing am the major oontroIs for the min~~tion and massive cblorltic alter&an which is described in dr%tiI.P. Iandais and 3. M. Dereppn con&de that the carbonaceous material in the deposits is bituminous and derived from basement graphite. The remaining three papers by 3. Powell, J. S. Wilson, and Powell 1 al, describe geochemieal, radiometric, and geephysicalexplotntion methoda ~~y~~~ behevethai these rnei~~~ combi& with an understanding of the main ore controIs that the generaI investigations provided, led to the discovery of the Dominique-Peter deposit. Beyond a Setteral expression that the uranium deposits no #rn~~~ modeI ~~~f~~~c~ is proposed. For those geomgists &rested in uranium deposits, ring s~~~~ or the geology of the Athabasca basin, this volume contains a great deaI of valuable data. Red E l2sigfd
19lt3 edited by P. A. Advanecsh3u?gc3ik Schenck, J. W. de Lecuw ad C, W. M. Lijmbacb. Pergamou Press, f984,89fp., Us$i32.00. THISCOLLECTION Ofni~4w pQ?WSOtigiIIatcS fmm the 1tth 1ntemationaI Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (The Hague, the NetherIands, September 12-16, I983f that was ~du~~a~~~~~~nof~n~ and par&u&e matters Qrogen, CoaI, PetroIeum and gas ed expertise and interand Mien estsofinvestigrtols ~~~~of~, papers vary from rather general summaries or overviews of aspects ~~~in~~~ ufpartieuIarmactions, prop erties and/or techniques and methods. Papers differ considerably in depth and scope. The editors are to be CongratuIated on the excellent mviewing, aunparabk actuality and high quality of the book. With the increasing activities in organic geochemistry the “Advances” can not provide a mnt synopsis of organic geo~~~,~r~~~o~I~~~~e~. bunt
New insights into long-standing problems are provided by apptication of mndern instrumental methods ((Pyrolysis-)GCMS, C-, H- and N-Isotopes, i3C NMR, ESG% XPS, IMorescence mic~py, ~mmunol~). A num~r of papers focus on organic dingenesis reactions and petroleum correlation. ~~~d~~~~~~i~~o~~ effects of mineral matrix. Scientists concerned with organic geochemistry as weII as everyone concerned with genesis of oil and Eai; aIterntion, migration and explomtion of hydrocarbons wiII find useful information and ideas for future reseamh in this coIIection. The subject index provides exceltent accessto the contents of various investigations. Ruhnmiversitiit Bwhum GeoiogischesInstitur D-4430 Bo&tam I
west G-y
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