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Annual Meeting Stevens Hotel—Chicago, 111. July 24-25 Reserve rooms direct with hotel. Banquet— Monday evening July 24. Program— Chairmen: General—Dr. D. C. Warren Nutrition—Dr. H. J. Sloan Genetics and Physiology—Dr. A. J. G. Maw Extension—Prof. H. H. Alp Poultry Science Awards: Teaching and Extension Prize—Dr. R. Penquite Research Prize—Dr. L. E. Card Borden Award—Dr. L. E. Card Fellows: Send nominations to Secretary—W. A. Maw
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used. This may be explained on the basis of multiple factors. 2. The eggs from the Fi pullets as well as those from Rhode Island Red pullets exhibit a distinct seasonal or periodical variation of color intensity. The intensity of pigmentation decreases from the time laying starts in the fall until early summer when there is a slight increase until the end of the year. 3. Evidence is presented which indicates that one or more pairs of sex-linked genes operate in the inheritance of egg shell color. 4. If sex-linked genes are involved in the inheritance of egg shell color this would explain the greater influence of the male than of the female on the egg shell color of the Fi progeny as observed in this study and the observations made by other investigators.