Annual Meeting special events

Annual Meeting special events

Annual events ASORN awards dinner at the Royal Sonesta Hotel Come enjoy the evening of Saturday, November 7, 1998, at the Royal SonestaHotel in the F...

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Annual events ASORN awards dinner at the Royal Sonesta Hotel

Come enjoy the evening of Saturday, November 7, 1998, at the Royal SonestaHotel in the French Quarter. ASORN’sfirst galaawardsdinner will be colorful and filled with New Orleansculture and cuisine. Seizethe moment and make a memory you will talk about for yearsto come. You will not want to miss it. Dress up and congratulateyour colleagues on this festive occasion.Outstanding achievementwill be the focus of this fun-filled evening for all ASORN members and guests.What a way to show appreciation for ASORNmembers and their efforts toward reaching our collective goals! Breakfast chats

On Sunday,November8, join your colleaguesfor breakfastandparticipatein a roundtablediscussionof topicsaffecting your practice.Facilitatorsat eachtable wiIl help with this specialnetworking activity, Shareand exchangeinformation ‘Seatingis limited, so signup early. Registrationandadditionalfeerequired. Sunday evening with the New Orleans chapter of ASORN

Fun, fun, and more fun! That is the objective of the evening out with the New Orleanslocal chapter.Plans are still underway, but you will want to save time in your busy schedule to attend this specialevent. Mingle and enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of


Volume XXIII, No. 3, September 1998


New Orleans and colleagues you haveyet to meet. New Orleans.. special sessions

You are invited to attend the ASORN Annual Meeting in New Orleans, November 7 through November 10, 1998. The theme this year is “Balancing the Demands.” We have planned special sessionsto help you face the challengesof balancing the demandsof life, career,and family. Leadership speaker: Mary Loverde

Our leadership speaker, Mary Loverde, as founder of Life Balance Inc., is dedicated to helping people find creativeways to keep their lives in balance. She speaksinternationally and coastto coast. Mary’spassionis researching irmovative ways to createexcellencein both professional and personal life. Her presentations are entertaining and contain liberal amounts of humor, but her messageis serious.Sheshows how balanced lives result in lower absenteeismand greaterproductivity for business.She demonstratesthat balanced lives result in greater personal happiness and professional successfor individuals. Planto listento Mary Loverdeall day Saturday, 9 AMto 4 PM,oryou canattend half of her day.The morning half of her program is “Keeping Your Life in Balance:When Cloning YourselfWon’t Work.” A major concernof most workers,both male and female, is how to


special juggle responsibilities at work and maintain a happyfamily life. Hospitals areinterestedtoo becausethey am losing billions of dollarsannuallybecause of absenteeismcausedby family care problems. Therefore a new word is entering business: balance. You will learnthat to cloneyourself,lower your standards,and hire help are not the only solutions. The afternoon program is “June Cleaver Never Fried Bacon in a Bill BlassDress.” In a fun and fast-paced way you will get practical,specific,and heartwarming ideas for improving your 1990slifestyleat work and home. You will leaveinspiredto put your life in balanceand armed with ideasyou will want to implement immediately. Mary Loverdehas experiencedthe struggleto reconcile the demandsof careerandfamily duringher 15yearson the faculty of the Division of Internal Medicineat the Universityof Colorado. In addition to beingthe directorof the Hypertension ResearchCenter and a nursepractitioner,shepublisheddozens of articlesand wasawardeda National Ethicsprizeby the AmericanFederation of Clinical Research. Sheloved to work but not at the expenseof her husband, threechildren,andown personalneeds. Shewill shareher strategiessothat you canincorporatethem into your lives. Keynote

speaker: Joel Kogel

Join us for breakfast on Monday, November 9, and listen to keynote speakerJoel Kogel.

The Journal of the American Society of Ophthalmic RegisteredNurses, I&

Joel Kogel’s “Life and Depth” comes to New Orleansfor all ASORN membersto enjoy. His performanceis a whimsical and stirring riff on being alive, a collection of very funny stories about very scary, death, and mediocrity. The Los Angeles Times called him “a mixture of clown, sage,fool and teddy bear.” He is a master storyteller, using his own life asgrist for the theatrical mill and creating in membersof his audiencethe irresistibleurge to reflect on their own lives. Joel Kogel is a national award-winning writer who saw his life skip out of the ordinary in 1981, when at 25 yearsof agehe learnedhe had cancer. However,he is quick to point out that the “problem” is not cancerbut how one faces “problems.” Joel Kogel has toured nationally since 1984 and made numerous appearancesin the mediaincluding NPR,NBC, and CNN. Don’t miss Joel Kogel...speakerand writer, husband, father, son, and sibling.

Diane LaRosa Milagros Lopez SueMansbach GennieMason BarbaraMcDonald Mary Merchant Leigh Ann Miller Michelle Mills Yvonne Needham Anna Oemurjian TheresePeter Dianne Piatras Julie Rabbitt KarenRice Carol Ruehl FloyceScherrer PamelaSchultz Camille Servodidio Linda Valle Kora Vaughs Sherry Weaver Rita Welker Gloria West Sally Whitton Joy Winter ClareWood

Sally Whit-ton, RN, BSN, CNOR Annual Meeting Director

Team up with ASORN: 2000 by 2000!

ASORN thanks member


As we move toward the millennium, it is time to renew our commitment to spreadthe word about ASORN! Plans for a major membership drive are underway and everyone has a role. Our theme--Team Up With ASORN-promotes the recognition and respectthat our organization has for the many different roles that ensure the delivery of quality eye care; advancesour unique position to foster a commitment of teamwork and collaboration; encouragesothers to consider what ASORN has to offer and how they might actively participate. Our goal-2000 by 2006 demonstrates our commitment to growth so that ASORN remains strong. Our goal is ambitious: by January 1, 2000, we would like to have 2000 members and affiliates. It can be done-ifevery member

The executiveboard of the American Society of Ophthalmic Registered Nurseswould like to thank and recognize the following members for their financial contributions in the first half of 1998. Your caring and interest in supporting the financial stability of this society is deeply appreciated! EdnaAshy Jami Burns SusanCarlson JeraldineEichberg Sylvia Elisan FlorenceEndress KarenFogelman Kathryn Goldblum Marcia Hert Linnea Huchko ElizabethKarger CatherineKearney Judith Kirby and afFliate refers just 1 new member


The Journal of the American

Society of Ophthalmic

Registered Nurses, Inc.

next year we will EXCEED that goal! The TeamUp With ASORN mem-

bership campaign will kick off in November. Materials will be distributed to all members and affiliateswith the annual dues billing and will also be available at the Annual Meeting. Our journal, Insight, and newsletter, ASORN News,will keep you informed of developments throughout the year. Everyone who participates will be eligible for a gift aswell as special prizes throughout the year! Let’s all pitch in-it’s a team effort! We will grow., .one member at a time!

On the horizon... October 24, 1998

On the Cutting Edge New York City Chapter ASORN New York Eye and Ear Infirmary Credits applied for: ASORN and JCAHPO Contact: BarbaraMcDonald, RN (212) 979-4353 Educational offerings of interest to ophthalmic nursing are published at no charge in “On the Horizon” but include only date, title of offering, name of organization, and contact for further information. (Offerings published on a space-availablebasis only.) If additional information is desired for publication, it must be placed and charged for in the classified advertisement section. Deadline for first issue of 1999 is December 4, 1998.

Volume XXIII, No. 3, September 1998