Atlas of Brain Anatomy for CT scans Using EMI Terminology

Atlas of Brain Anatomy for CT scans Using EMI Terminology

518 CLINICAL RADIOLOGY BOOK REVIEWS Grey-Scale Ultrasound: A Manual for Physicians and Technical Personnel ( l s t Edition). By Royal J. Bartrum, J...

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BOOK REVIEWS Grey-Scale Ultrasound: A Manual for Physicians and Technical Personnel ( l s t Edition). By Royal J. Bartrum, Jr and Harte C Crow. W. B. Saunders & Co., 1977. 216 pages, 167 illustrations. $14.00.

Atlas of Brain Anatomy for CT scans Using EMI Terminology, 2nd Edition. By k2 C Shipps, J. McJones and A D'Agostmo. Charles C. Thomas. 51 pages. $16.75.

This book certainly keeps one awake with its American idioms, wisecracks and metaphors. It is a racy volume of some 200 pages lavishly provided with illustrations. Some readers might find this type o f presentation distracting and might even require an American dictionary to understand it! The authors are well versed in the technique o f grey-scale ultrasonography and have made a c o m m e n d a b l e effort to instruct the reader in the art. The complex subject of the physical principles and functioning o f the e q u i p m e n t is explained in a way that doctors and technicians m a y comprehend. Dr Bartrum and Dr Crow go into considerable detail in presenting their technique in t h e various systems o f the b o d y and this description will be useful to novices and experienced operators alike. The authors, however, have the tendency to describe techniques about which t h e y apparently have little or no experience, viz breast, lung effusions. There is an adequate bibliography with personal opinions with each entry. I can r e c o m m e n d this general book on grey-scale ultrasound to the practising ultrasonographer as it contains valuable information on physics, equipment, organisation, artefacts and general techniques, b u t with little information on pathology. It m a y also be c o m m e n d e d for its reasonable price. M. D. Sumerling

This Atlas has followed a previous edition published two years ago, when, although the correlation b e t w e e n CT scans and anatomical specimens cut in a corresponding plane was well illustrated and helpful to those using this new technique, t h e display was rather elementary in its description. This has n o w been amplified and the extra detail provides the m u c h needed improvement. The overlay composition has been preserved and this is used to illustrate cuts with b o t h a 15 ° canthomeatal angle, as well as a 0 ° c a n t h o m e a t a l angle as originally used b y Dr Ambrose. A new section is devoted to artefact recognition with 14 c o m m o n artefacts illustrated and explained and another short chapter explains in simple terms the basic use of window levels and window widths with appropriate examples An easy m e t h o d o f transferring the CT findings to a patient's lateral skull film for localisation purposes is t h e n outlined and a final chapter illustrates the technique used by the neuropathologist to position the brain specimen for cutting. The Atlas is well illustrated and produced. In its revised form it will now be of considerable value in the m a n y eentres where CT brain scanning is part o f the basic routine radiological investigation of patients with neurological or neurosurgical disease. J. L. G. T h o m s o n