Bioceramics symposium

Bioceramics symposium


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FORTHCOMING EVENTS VI EUROPEAN CONFERENCE THERMOPHVSICAL PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS-RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS With the forthcoming 6th Conference, European Thermophysical Properties Conference are celebratina their tenth aniversary of successful e;tistence. Starting with Germany (Baden Baden in 19681, through Great Britain (Salfordl, Italy (Turin), France [Orleans) and USSR (Moscow), the Conferences have been building their reputation and authority, stimulatina interest for thermoohvsical properties” researoh in different countries. The scooe of ETP Conferences encompases experimental and theoretical studies of substances, with special emphasi,s on solids and liquids at high temperatures. Their objective is to bring together researchers and users in the field of thermophysical properties, and orovide a forum for the exchariae of information and ideas. The 6th ETP Conference, that will take pl.ace in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia on July, 1978, is devoted to thermophysical and thermodynamic properties, transport phenomena and phase transitions of solids and liquids, including gaseous phase near transition, i.e. vaporization or sublimation, at high temperatures primarily. Contributions dealing with experimental results, theoretical aspects and measuring techniques will be accepted, as well as data on new materials, rocks and soils etc. Considerina the importance of correct and preciss measurement of temperature for thermophyslcal propertles research, one session of the Conference is devoted to the review of the state of art in the temperature measurement. The session is composed of seven invited review lectures by leading experts from national metrological institutions of Canada, FR Germany, Great Britain, Italy, USA and USSR, which will cover the topics of IPTS, thermodynamic temperature measurement, resistance thermometry, thermocouple thermometry, radiation pyrometry, modern (fast) methods of temperature measurement, and the relation with thermophysical properties measurements. For further information: K.D. MagliC, Boris Kidrich Institute, Beograd, Yugoslavia.

BIOCERAMICS SYMPOSIUM The Biological Society, Biomaterials Group: the British Ceramic Society, basic science section; and the European Society for Biomaterials are to hold a symposium on Bioceramics at Keele University on 16 September 1978. For further information contact: Dr. G. J. Gittens, Department of Ceramic Technology, North Staffordshire Polytechnic, College Road, Stoke-on-Trent, Engl,and.


AlChE PLANS SESSION ON CERAMICS The American Institute of Chemical Engineers will hold its 85th N,ational Mea ting in Philadelphia, Pa., June 4-8, 1978. A session entitled 8 New Developments in Ceramic Materials m will attempt to provide more ceramic information and training for practicing chemical engineers. Review, state-of-the-art, tutoriel, new products, product developments and process applications papers are invited. Contact Thomas J. Ward, Chemical Engineering Dept., Clarkson College, Potsdam, N.Y. 13676. AUSTRALIANS SET MEETING The 8th Australian Ceramic Conference will be held in Melbourne. Australia. August 15-17, 1978. Further detai,ls are available from Maxwell J. Murray, 8th Australian Ceramic Conference, Div. of Building Research, CSIRO, Box 56, Highett. Vie., Australia 3190. 1st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON DURABILITY OF BUILDING MATERIALS AND COMPONENTS The First International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, sponsored by the National Research Council of Canada, American Society for Testing and Materials, U.S. National Bureau of Standards and RBunion lnternationale des Laboratoires d’bsais et de Recherches sur les Materiaux et les Constructions (RILEM), will be held from 21 to 23 August 1978 in Ottawa, Canada. Papers are solicited on the following topics: - Economic and energy conservation aspects of durability, - General aspects of durability of various materials, i.e., inorganic, organic, porous materials, and natural products, - Environmental factors affecting durability and their measurement, - Testing. Prospective authors are asked to submit a prehmlnary title as soon as possible. . Instructions for Authors = will be sent in return. An abstract is required before 30 September 1977. and the manuscript before 29 March 1978. All accep ted papers will be published as an ASTM Special Technical Publication. For information please contact: K. Charbonneau, Executive Secretary, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0R6, Canada. CHEMISTRY OF CEMENT CONGRESS The 7th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement will be held in Paris, France, June 3oJuly 5, 1980. The

congress will be followed by optional sightseeing technIcal toure. Scheduled sessions include: structure of anhydrous components of clinker: structure and properties of added materials: hydration of cements and nature and structure of hvdrates: and manufacturing process technology, product quality, controls and applications. Official languages will be English and Frenoh. Further information can be obtained from General Secretary, 7th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, CERILH. 23 rue de Cronstadt, 75015 Paris. France.

INTERNATIONAL FURNACE EXHIBITION AND SYMPOSIUM = Furnaces ‘78 m. the second Furnaces. Refractories, Heat Treatment and Fuel Economy Exhibition, will be held at Britain’s National Exhibition Centre, near Birmingham, England, from Monday to Friday;September 25th to 29th 1978. Exhibits from Britain and abroad will cover industrial furnaces for all sections of the ferrous and non-ferrous metals industries as well as glass, ceramics, brickmaking and general heat-treatment. Ancillary plant and materials on show will include conveyors, blowers, burners, crucibles, electric heating-elements, gasanalysis and gas-cleaning equipment, process controllers and heat-recovery plant as well as fuels, refractories, metal cleaning solutions and special alloys. On Seotember 26th and 27th a Svmoosium on Furnace Design will be’ held at the Hotel Metrooole. adioinina the Exhibition Centre. ’ _ ” The first Furnaces, Refractories, Heat Treatment and Fuel Economy Exhibition, held in October 1976, attracted 43 exhibitors and 3669 visitors. Furnaces ‘78 will occupy over 2000 mz of stand space in Hall 6 of the National Exhibition .Centre. Exhibition organisers are International Symposia and Exhibitions Ltd., a newlv formed member of Britain’s industriai Newspapers Group which publishes the specialist technical journals * Steel Times m, = Metallurgia and Metal Formins*. = Foundrv Trade Journal m and * Glass a. Further information from: Mike McIntyre, Publicity Officer, International Symposia and Exhibitions Ltd., Queenswav House. 2 Queenswav. Redhill, Surrey RHI .lQS. England:. Telephone: Redhill [07371 68611. Telex.: b48669.

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON METALLURGICAL COATINGS The International Conference on Metalluraical Coatinos has become an establiihed forum 3or the dissemination of information on films and coatings in all aspects of materials technology. The next conference is scheduled for April 3-7, 1978, San Francisco, California.