The Journal of the American Dental Association
CHARLES H. OAKMAN, D.D.S. Charles H . O akm an, o f D etroit, M ich., died at his home, Ju n e 25, 1926, a fte r a brief illness. He was born in D etroit, sixty years ago, and had lived there all his life. H e was graduated fro m the Chicago College o f D ental Surgery in 1892, and had practiced in D etroit ever since, specializing in oral surgery. He graduated in medicine in 1906. H e was prom inent in civic affairs, and while a mem ber o f the board o f health, was instrum ental in establishing dental clinics for children. H e also obtained an appropriation from the city council for an exami nation o f the teeth o f all the children of D etroit. He was a member o f the D etroit house o f correction board, and, through this agency, was able to work a betterm ent in the condition o f prisoners, particularly in W ayne County jails. H e was one o f the trustees o f the Pathfinders o f Am erica, an organization having fo r its object the inculcation o f higher ideals and better living, and whose chief work is done fo r prisoners in our penal institutions and am ong the children o f our public schools. D r. O akm an was an active m ember o f the D etroit A thletic C lub, the D etroit G o lf Club and the D etroit Y acht C lub. He was a prom inent M ason, having been a past master o f Palestine Lodge, No. 357, A. F . & A. M ., K ing Cyrus C hapter No. 133, R. A. M ., D etroit Com m andery, No. 1, K nights T em plar, and M oslem T em ple Shrine. He was also a m em ber o f D elta Sigma D elta fraternity, and o f his city, state and national dental associations. He was active in all enterprises having for their object the betterm ent o f dentistry, and his ideas w ere always sane, con structive and upbuilding. As a man he was cordial, fu ll o f good cheer and most companionable. He drew men to him by the subtle bond o f fellowship and fraternal impulse, and no one ever had a truer friend than he. He w ill be missed by a large circle o f inti m ate acquaintances, and by his professional associates, w ith whom he was a con stant tower o f strength. D r. O akm an is survived by his w ife, form erly Miss M argaret Gibb, whom he m arried in P ort H uron in 1894, a son, Charles, 22 years old, who graduated this spring from the U niversity o f M ichigan; and a daughter, R uth, 24 years old. He also leaves three brothers, M ilton, R obert and Joseph, and tw o sisters, M rs. Jam es G ilbert o f D etroit, and M rs. E lizabeth Daylis o f Australia. T o all o f these, the sympathy o f the entire dental profession w ill go at this time.
CHARLES H. OAKMAN, D.D.S., M .D., F.A.C.S., Detroit, Michigan (1865-1926)