Abstracts / Physical Therapy in Sport 18 (2016) e1ee10
Conclusion: The results obtained in the test and retest by both raters presents FMS™ as a highly reliable tool to assess overall functional capacity in volleyball and basketball athletes. Keywords: FMS™, Reliability, Reproducibility, Intra-rater References: 1. Cook G, Burton L, Hoogenboom B. Pre-participation screening: the use of fundamental movements as an assessment of function e part 1. N Am J Sports Phys Ther. 2006 May; 1(2):62e72. 2. Cook G, Burton L, Hoogenboom B. Pre-participation screening: the use of fundamental movements as an assessment of function e part 2. N Am J Sports Phys Ther. 2006 Aug; 1(3):132e139. 3. Shultz R, Anderson SC, Matheson GO, Marcello B, Besier T. Test-retest and inter rater reliability of the functional movement screen. J Athl Train. 2013 MayeJun;48(3):331e336. 4. Smith CA, Chimera NJ, Wright NJ, Warren M. Inter rater and intra rater reliability of the functional movement screen. J Strength Cond Res. 2013 Apr; 27(4):982e987. 5. Teyhen DS, Shaffer SW, Lorenson CL, Halfpap JP, Donofry DF, Walker MJ, Dugan JL, Childs JD. The Functional Movement Screen: a reliability study. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2012 Jun; 42(6):530e540. EFFECTS OF THE FIFA 11 TRAINING PROGRAM ON INJURY PREVENTION AND PERFORMANCE IN FOOTBALL PLAYERS: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW WITH META-ANALYSIS Mansueto Gomes Neto 1, 2, 3, Mariana Moreira da Silva 1, Anderson Delano Fabio Luciano Arcanjo de Jesus 4, Vitor Oliveira Araujo 4, ao 1. 1 Curso de Fisioterapia da Carvalho 3, 5, Cristiano Sena Conceiç~ ~o s Graduaça Universidade Federal da Bahia, UFBA, Brazil; 2 Programa de Po em Medicina e Saúde, UFBA Salvador, BA, Brazil; 3 The GREAT Group (GRupo de Estudos em ATividade física), Brazil; 4 AF-Fisioterapia, Salvador, BA, Brazil; 5 Departamento de Fisioterapia da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, UFS, Aracaju, SE, Brazil Introduction: The FIFA 11 programme requires no technical equipment other than a ball, can be completed in 10e15 Minutes and was originally proposed as a complete warm-up focusing on prevention of the most common types of injuries in soccer1, however, programmes used in prevention protocols have also been shown to have performance effects among soccer players2,3. A systematic review about FIFA 11 was performed to evaluate the impact of the FIFA 11 on injury incidence, compliance and cost effectiveness when implemented among football players was recently published4 and concluded that, considerable reductions in the number of injured players, ranging between 30% and 70%, have been observed among the teams that implemented the FIFA 11. However, as far as we know, there is no published meta-analysis on the effects of FIFA 11 on Injury Prevention and performance of football players. The aim of this systematic review with meta-analysis was to analyze the published randomized controlled trials (RCTs) that investigated the effects of FIFA 11 on Injury Prevention and performance of football players. Methods: We conducted a systematic search (CINAHL, Cochrane Library, EMBASE, PUBMED, 1966e30 June 2015) for controlled trials, evaluating effects of FIFA 11 on Injury Prevention and performance of football players. Weighted mean differences (WMD), standard mean difference (SMD), Risk Ratio (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated, and heterogeneity was assessed using the I(2) test. Results: 10 trials, including 4700 participants with were analyzed. Of the ten articles included in this review, five were on FIFA 11 compared to the control on performance outcomes and the others five were on FIFA 11 compared to the control on injury prevention. FIFA 11 resulted in a significant reduction in risk of injury (RR ¼ 0.69 95% CI, 0.49e0.98; P ¼ 0.02), and improvement in dynamic balance (WMD ¼ 2.68; 95% CI 0.44, 4.92; P ¼ 0.02), agility (SMD ¼ 0.36; 95% CI e0.70, e0.02; P ¼ 0.04). The metaanalysis indicated a non-significant improvement in Jump Height (SMD ¼ 0.25; 95% CI 0.08, 0.59; P ¼ 0.14) and running sprint (SMD ¼ 0.24; 95% CI 0.58, 0.10; P ¼ 0.17) for FIFA 11 group. Conclusions: FIFA 11 can be considered as a tool to minimize the risks of injuries, may improve dynamic balance and agility and could be considered for inclusion in the training of football players.
Keywords: Exercise, Athletes, Performance, Soccer References: 1. Dvorak J & Junge A. Football Medicine Manual, FMARC, Zurich (2005). 2. Paterno MV, Myer GD, Ford KR, Hewett TE. Neuromuscular training improves single-limb stability in young female athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2004:34:305e316. 3. Mjølsnes R, Arnason A, Østhagen T, Raastad T, Bahr R. A 10eweek randomized trial comparing eccentric vs. concentric hamstrings strength training in well-trained soccer players. Scand J Med Sci Sports 2004:14:1e7. vez JF, Ramírez-Ve lez R, Cohen DD, Tovar G, 4. Barengo NC, Meneses-Echa Bautista JE.The Impact of the FIFA 11+ Training Program on Injury Prevention in Football Players: A Systematic Review. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2014; 11: 11986e12000. COLD-WATER-IMMERSION OF ANKLES ALTERS MUSCLE RESPONSE, DYNAMIC POSTURAL CONTROL AND AIR TIME PERFORMANCE IN BASKETBALL ATHLETES Fernanda B. Pesenti 1, Christiane S.G. Macedo 2, Carolina Saenz ario 4, Rinaldo Alonso 3, Rafael Chagas Vicente 3, Mauricio Donini Ces Roberto de Jesus Guirro 5. 1 Post-Graduation Program in Sciences of Rehabilitation, UEL/Unopar; Sport Physiotherapy Laboratory, UEL (FAFESP/ UEL), Brazil; 2 Department of Physiotherapy at UEL, Post-Graduation Program in Sciences of Rehabilitation, UEL/Unopar (LAFESP/UEL), Brazil; 3 ~o Preto Medicine College (FMRP) from Sa ~o Paulo State University Ribeira (USP), Physiotherapeutic Resources Laboratory (LARF), Brazil; 4 FMRP-USP (LARF), Brazil; 5 Department of Biomechanics, Medicine e Rehabilitation of the Locomotor System, FMRP/USP, PPG Rehabilitation and Functional Performance (LARF), Brazil Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of coldwater-immersion of ankles in electromyographic muscular response, air time of unipodal jump and dynamic posture control of athletes. Methods: The project was approved by the Ethics Committee and registered as clinical trial. The test, with a blind appraiser, evaluated 40 subjects e 20 basketball college athletes and 20 sedentary non-athletes; all of them males, ranging between ages 18 to 28, and without any injuries or complaints of pain. All subjects performed three unipodal jumps, on top of a force plate for balance evaluation, to analyze the air time and postural control and, at the same time, they were submitted to an electromyographic analysis (EMG) of the lateral gastrocnemius (LG), tibialis anterior (TA), fibularis longus (FL), rectus femoris (RF), tibial ischiadic (IT) and gluteus maximus (GM). Following the previous analysis, cold-water-immersion was applied on the foot and ankle, 20 minutes, at 4±2 C. Immediately after the cold-water-immersion, the procedure was repeated to analyze the unipodal jump performance and then again in 10, 20 and 30 minutes. The statistics used Shapiro Wilk test, Freedman and Dunn pos-test by SPSS20 program, with 5% significance level. Results: The results established an electromyographic level drop in all muscles that were evaluated in the athletes group, up to 30 minutes after the cold-water-immersion. The comparison among the athletes and nonathletes showed lower levels of RMS for the LG, FL, RF and IT muscles from the evaluated athletes, all over the researched time. The cold-water-immersion significantly increased the oscillation speed amplitude in the Xaxis and Y-axis and it also reduced the athletes' air time jump, which infers lower height. On the non-athlete subjects there was no variation in the amplitude and oscillation speed, but the air time jump increased. Conclusion: The conclusion is that the cold-water-immersion of ankle and foot lowers the conscription of the muscles of the inferior limb, the air time jump and dynamic posture control of the basketball athletes evaluated. It is highlighted that even the muscles which were not submitted to the coldwater-immersion (RF, IT and GM) were less recruited up to 30 minutes after the cooling had finished. As clinic contribution, it is pointed out that the cold-water-immersion should not be done before an exercise or training routine that involves unipodal jumps, because the muscle control and posture of the inferior limb and the performance can be altered, even after 30 minutes.
Abstracts / Physical Therapy in Sport 18 (2016) e1ee10
Keywords: Cold water immersion (Cryotherapy); Electromyography; Basketball; Physiotherapy; Performance References: ~o, A., Leite, M., Rebelo, A.N., Magalha €es, S.E., Magalha €es J. Effects of Ascensa cold water immersion on the recovery of physical performance and muscle damage following a one-off soccer match. Journal of Sports Sciences, v.29, n.3, p.217e225, 2011.
Bleakley, C.M.; Costello, J.T.; Glasgow, P.D. Should athletes return to sport after applying ice? A systematic review of the effect of local cooling on functional performance. Sports Med, v.42, n.1, p.69e87, 2012. Bobbert, M.F., Casius, L.J.R., Kistemaker, D.A. Humans make near-optimal adjustments of control to initial body configuration in vertical squat jumping. Neuroscience, v.237, n.1, p.232e242, 2013