Michael Anthony Roodyn ACADEMIC PRESS LTD (LONDON) 24-28 Oval Road London NW1 7DX England 01-267-4466 Leading publishers of scholarly material covering all academic fields. Wide range of monographs, symposia and journals.
Philip Allan PHILIP ALLAN PUBLISHERS, LTD Market Place Deddin t n 0869-3%6$2
Academic books in Economics, Accounting and Business Management. S
B. J. Bull
15-17 St. Mary St. Southampton Hampshire SO9 1FL England 23722
Library suppliers, technical and scientific our specialty, books from worldwide learned societies and institutes obtained. Journal subscription agency. eu Stanley B. Malcolm ADDISON-WESLEY PUBLISHERS, LTD 53 Bedford Square London WC1 B3D2 England 01-631-1636 Publishers of educational, scientific, management and computer science books at all levels; general nonfiction titles also published. This office supplies UK, Eire, Africa, South Africa.
Colin Gower GEORGE ALLEN AND UNWIN, LTD P.O. Box 18, Park Lane yn$inHdempstead Hertfordshire 0442 3244 Academic books covering all disciplines; general books covering all interests; junior and adult fiction; reference works. Usual generous library concessions. Standing orders accommodated.
J. Grant J. A. ALLEN & CO, LTD 1 Lower Grosvenor Place London SWlWOEL England 01/834/5606-7 Publishers specializing in Equine and Equestrian subjects (Veterinary, Breeding, Ponies, Racing, Hunting, Polo, Driving, etc.) bes
A. Aiken ALEX AIKEN 48 Merrycrest Avenue Glasgow 646 685 Scotland 041-637-2438 Books on world wars, papers on fringes of astronomy, etc. S
Andre Gaspar AL SAQI BOOKS (Arab Books, Ltd.) 26 Westbourne Grove London W2 5RH England 01-229-8543 London's first Arabic language bookshop, providing libraries, institutions, organizations with regular stocks of Arabic language books and up-to-date information on current Arab publications. eu
IAPTAnnual 8uver’s Guide for 1983
ALT C. R. Tame THE ALTERUATIVE BDOKSHOP 40 Floral Street, Covent Garden London WCOE 9DG England 01-836-8371
Esteban Mate ANTHRDPOS EDITORIAL de1 HOWRE Enrique Granados, 114 Barcelona - 8 Spain 217 24 16
Specialists in books on all aspects of individual liberty, the free market, and the open society (including anarchism, liberalism, conservatism, free market economics, etc.) esu
Publishers of "Monografias Cientificas, Cuadernos A de Antropologia, Historia, Conciencia y Libertad(Comunicacion1, Pensamiento, Palabra Plastica, Ambito Literario serials. Anthropos, Boletin de Information y Documentation Journal. bs
Till Sauer ALTERNATIVE VERLAG Postfach 150 230 1000 Berlin 15 Germany 030/881 19 70 "Alternative": Wow periodical for culture, politics, documentation and In discussion. Six editions a year. former years "Alternative" was a magazine for literature. S
Albert0 Calvo Movellan MN-RA, Libros y Revistas Extranjeras Apartado 43.002 Madrid - 19 Espana 465 03.74 Technical Books - Art and design books - Exclusive distributor of TEMAS ESPANOLES Periodicals. eu
Ma Teresa Galilea ANTHROQOS DISTRIBICIOWES Enrique Granados, 114 Barcelona - 8 Spain 217 25 45 Suppliers of Spanish books and magazines. Subscription services. Stationery material, posters, gifts, didactic material, office equipment, bibliographic services. equ
J. D. Murphy
APPLETREE PRESS, LTD 7 James St., South Belfast BT2 8DL Ireland 43074 Publishers. S
David Smith APPLITEK BDOKS White Lion Walk Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 8UD England 0295-52002 We supply apple microcomputers with all the software that is needed by librarians and booksellers. e.g. Ledgers, order systems, stock control, word processing etc. gh
Sally Evans THE ~HIl~T~ PRESS, LTD 9 Queen Anne's Sate London SKIN 9BY England Books on architecture, planning, design. Other imprints-Astragal Books (general books on design, the home, consumer topics); The Telecoasnunications Press-books on "AlewTechnology S
Publicity Manager ARIS 6 PHILLIPS, LTO Teddington House Church Street Wa~inster W18 England 0985 213609 Publishers of academic monographs, archaeological reports and texts. Particular interests: Egyptology, Classics, the Ancient Rear East, Middle East and Central Asia. S
R. I. H. Charlton A-EAR MJSEIM PUBLICATIOWS Ashmolean Museum University of Oxford Beaumont Street Oxford OX1 2PH England Oxford 512651
S. J. Polley AUSTICKS bEDIUU. 1 LEGK MNllC!#aQ 57 Breat George Street Leeds W. Yorkshire LS? 3BN England (05321 38762 Specialists in all aspects of Medical 6 Legal bookselling: libraries, institutions & individuals supplied from extensive stock and to special order. e
Advertising Director
AU QUARlIERLATIN 88 Avenue Charles - Quint
B - 1080 Brussels, Belgium
Library suppliers. Books from every countries subscriptions agency. e
R. C. S. Chown BBC PU~I~TI~ 35 Marylebone High Street London WlM 4AA England London: 580 5577 Publishers of a wide range of titles originating from BBC TV and radio programs appealing to all ages and interests. S
Publishers of academic and general books on the history of art, archaeology and classical studies, Oriental and European art and numismatics
David D. Evans JAMES ASKEW AND Sow, LTD 218-222 North Road Preston, Lancashire PRl 1SY England 0772-555947 Suppliers of books to public library systems, specializing in special library bindings of children's picture books and adult fiction. Full book servicing. Stock one million. ev
Gerhard Lf ttmann BAERENREITER VEIRAG Heinrich Schuetz Allee 35 D-3500 Kassel FR Germany 0561-30011 Musical literature, collected works edition (Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Berliotl, references, serials, periodicals. critically revised performing editions based on the new scholarly complete works edition. es
LAPT Annual Buyer’s Guide for 1983
BAI Malcolm MacLean BAILEY BROS. & SWINFEN, LTD Warner House Folkestone Kent CT19 6PH England (0303) 56501
Eberhard Blottner BAUVERLAG GmbH Wittelsbacher Str. 10 D-6200 Wiesbaden W. Germany 06121/74951
We offer comprehensive services in the following areas: Subscriptions, Book Exports and Imports, Antiquarian and Rare books, dictionaries and grammars. Catalogs available. esu
Books and journals in the fields of architecture, planning, housing, engineering, building materials and equipment, construction management, building legislation, surveying; technical dictionaries, language textbooks. esu
Bernadette Halsall BARRACUDA BOOKS, LTD Meadows House, Well Street Buckingham, Bucks England Buckingham 4441 Publishers of local community, railway, family, church histories; cartographies; county histories, and also of natural histories and books on sporting and leisure pursuits. S
Stephan M. Hess BARUDIO & HESS VERLAG Neuhauss Str. 8 6000 Frankfurt/Main 1 0611-5972455
FK Germany
Publisher of new and old books on economics and business administration. Special editions on art and literature. ers
William F. Bauermeister BAUERCEISTER BOOKSELLERS lO/ll, 15/16 & 19 George IV Bridge Edinburgh EHl 1EH Scotland 031 226 5561/3 Stockholding Academic and General Booksellers. Computer-based order system specifically designed for prompt supply and efficient "reporting" to Academic Libraries of British & foreign publications. eu 400
Mr. Christopher Tyzack, Marketing Manager B.H. BLACKWELL LIMITED 50 Broad Street Oxford OX1 389 England Oxford (0865) 44944 Ext. 48 Bookseller and journal subscription agency servicing academic, research and special libraries with approval programmes, standing orders, microforms, back issues, music, rare books and information services. beu
Luis Izquierdo H. BLUME EDICIDNES Rosario, 17 Madrid - 5 Spain 265-9200, 266-1269 Publisher of architecture, urbanism, economy, natural science, photography, art, sailing, sports, alternative technology books. Exporter and national distributor. S
W. @omens BOEKHAllDELGIANOTTEN b-v. J. Oppenheimstraat 15 5042 NM Tilburg Holland 013-682991 International library suppliers. bef
Company listings/Europe and Asia Jane Russell
Veenkade 26/27 The Hague 2513 EG 070/639960
Books and periodicals (subscriptions and back issues) from all countries, for reference, study, profession or business. eu
Juliet Wrightson BOWES&BOWES 1 Trinity Street Cambridge, CB2 1SX England (0223) 311243 A group of 18 city centre and University campus bookshops throughout the England giving an excellent book ordering service for individual, as well as for institutional, buyers. eh
E. J. BRILL Oude Rijn 33a-35 2312 HB Leiden The Netherlands 071-146646 Publishers, printers and booksellers of scientific and scholarly publications. Antiquarian booksellers. es Carole de Lasleay
Boersen slr 17 6000 Frankfurt/Main Frankfurt 6311474 Germany 0611-280492
General english language bookshop. Customer orders/mail service. e
Printing 1 Publishing Dept. 65 Davies Street London WlY 2AA England 01-499-8011 The British Council publishes books and audio-visual aids in the fields of English Language teaching, English Literature, Education, Libraries & the Arts. S
Marketing Dept.
London England 01-248-4751
The Bible -- in a wide range of translations and bindings. Also Bible study materials, teaching materials, and Bible-orientated, audiovisual items. aes
Press and Public Relations
Press & Public Relations 2 Sheraton Street London England 01 636 1544 One of the world's major libraries providing reference, lending and bibliographic services; a major publisher of a wide range of titles. bs
Publications Sales Office
BRITISH MUSEUM (NATURAL HISTORY) Publications Sales Office Cromwell Road London SW7 5BD England 01 589 6323 Ext. 386
Publishers of monographs, learned papers and popular works on the earth and life sciences, instructive wall charts and postcards, based largely on FI1seum'scollections. rs
LAPT Annual Buyer’s Guide for 1983 W. Berg, Director BROCKHAUS/6ERMN BOOKS Am Wallgraben 127 P.O. Box 80 02 05 D 7000 Stuttgart 80 Germany 78 00 222 All publications (Books or periodicals) from the continental European area. Traditionally reliable Service to University Libraries for more than 150 years. eu G. H. Brown BROWN’S GEOLOGICAL INFO. SERV. 160 North Gower Street London NW1 2ND England 01-387-0610
Specialist suppliers of geological books and maps from all parts of the world. beu John Banks, A.L.A. Director BUIFPUS,HALDANE d MAXWELL, LTD 4 Midland Road Olney, Bucks, England MK46 4BN Bedford (0234)-711529 International library suppliers offering full range of book, subscriptions, & back issue services. Free subject selective bibliographic service to regular customers. aeu (See our display ad on p. 434A) Mr. Ennio Burioni E.S. BURIONI-Ricezche Bibliophrehche Via Balbi 4 6726 Genova, Italy (010) 299578 Booksellers and suppliers of books and journals of all the world. Subscription agency. Bibliographical informations about peculiar subjects. Out-of-print books and antiquarian bo;k;e;ling.
Marketing Manager BURKE PUBLISHING CO, LTD Pegasus House, 116-120 Golden Lane London EClY OTL England 01 253 2145 Children's and educational books illustrated in full color; produced to the highest standards for both content and appearance. Distribution: "The Barn", Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 9AX, England. es
Felicity Mortimer BURKE'S PE6RA6E, LTD 56 Walton Street London SW3 1RB England 01-584-1106 Books on Architecture, Genealogy & Social History. S
Hans Andersen ARNOLD BUSCK INT'L BDOKSELLERS,Exp Div 49 Kobmagergade DK-1150 Copenhagen K, Denmark Specialists in export all over the world. Books and journals in all subjects and from all publishers. Catalogues on request. e
Klaus Wagner CAANNVERLAG GmbH von-Kleist-Weg 11 Olching bei Munchen D-8037 FR Germany (08142) 14154 Christian books & general fiction and nonfiction. S
Company U6tlngs/Europe and Asia
Trevor Brown ;;;.J&MITE" 37 Dover Street London WiX 4HQ England (01) 499-4688
A. K. Brooks CENTRAL BOOKS, LTD 14 The Leather Market London SE1 3ER England 01-407-5447
England/European office of the University Presses of California, Cornell, Johns Hopkins and New England. Also representing University of Toronto Press, McGill-Queen's University Press. es
Books: England distributors Lawrence d Wishart, Progress & MIR publishers (Moscow) and Communist Party. S. England representatives NLB/Verso and Journeyman Press. Journals, Marxism Today, Schooling & Culture. eu
A. Buckley CAMBRIDGE INFO. 6 RESEARCH SERV. School House Heydon Royston S48 8PW England (0763) 83615/6
Industrial and energy books; research services; book distributors. Energy publications (Cambridge) imprint for energy and fuel management; energy economics and fuel market publications. fs
Dave Morgan cANDNGATEPuBLISHING, LTD 17 Jeffrey Street Edinburgh Scotland EHl 1DR 031-556-0023 Publishers of quality books in the following categories: fiction, poetry, art, biography, history and current affairs, cookery, craft, caligraphy and children. S
Mr. Andre Velaerts, Manager CENTRE BELCE d'ElUDES et de DOCUMENTATION “CEBEDDC” 2 rue Armand Stevart B-4000 Liege, Belgium (32) 41/52 01 80 Publisher, bookseller and subscription office specialized in books and periodicals dealing with water, sewage, wastes and related problems (corrosion, engineering). esu
Charles Chadwyck-Healey CHADWYCK-HEALEY, LTD 20 New Market Road Cambridge CBS 8DT England 0223 311479 Academic publishers, suppliers and producers of microform--mainly reference works, art catalogs, government publications. Brochures available. IUS
T. J. L. Wynne-Tyson CENTAUR PRESS, LTD Fontwell, W. Sussex BN18 OTA, England 024-368-3302 Book publishers. S
Duncan Prowse CHANCEREL PUBLISHERS, LTD 40 Tavistock Street London WCLE 7PB England Packaging publishers for educational and illustrated sport books. S
CHA H. G. Mackenzie-Wintle CHATER 1 SCOTT (LIB. SIRPLIES) LTO 49 Churchfield Road, W. Acton, London W3 6AY England 01-993-5668 Library book suppliers to municipal and educational authorities only; books on motorcars, motorcycles, PSVs, lorries, wheeled militaria, models and modelling, toys and allied subjects ONLY. e
M. J. Twinn CHILD'S PLAY (INTERNATIONAL), LTD Restrop Manor Purton, Swindon, Wiltshire England (0793) 770-389 Picture story books, activity books, board books, games, educationally based, mainly for children of preschool and infant school age. Also wooden toys. S
Rita McAlpine CHRISTIAN JOURNALS, LTD Boucher Road Belfast, N. Ireland (0232) 662218 Leading theological and religious book publisher with special section on Irish authors.
A. J. Smith CHURCHILL LIVINGSTONE (Med. Div. of Longman Group, Ltd.) Robert Stevenson House l-3 Baxter's Place, Leith Walk Edinburgh EHl 3AF Scotland 031-556-2424 Leading England Medical & Paramedical publishers. S
Mr. Jonathan G. Waring COLLETS LIBRARY SUPPLY SERVICE Denington Estate Wellingborough, Northants NN82QT England 0933 226351 Suppliers of books, journals and audio-visual aids, from any source worldwide to libraries (especially academic.) aeu
Lynn Taylor
REXcawis, LTD 6 Paddington Street London Wl England 01 487 4201 Publishers of children's books, Africana, plays, poetry, reference books. 5
Editor-in-chief C-WEALTH SCIENTIFIC and INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH ORBBNIZATION 314 Albert Street East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3002 Providers of information and library services and publishers of scientific and technical books and journals over a wide range of scientific disciplines. bhs
David Knapp CONSERVATIVE POLITICAL CENTRE 32 Smith Square London SWlP3HH England Ol-222-9000 Publishers of a wide range of political pamphlets which are available singly or on an annual subscription of f7. Booklist available on request. S
Company LMingdEurope and Asia Mr. Arend Bouwer COSMOS ANTIQUARIAN BOOKS P.O. Box 30, Kastanjelaan 3 NL-7240AA Lochem. The Netherlands
Dennis Seabrook D. d P. SEABROOK, LTD 10 Oxford Road Kidlington, Oxford OX5 1AA 086-75-2719
Antiquarian, second hand and new books in Biology, Geology, the Exact Sciences and the History of Medicine. e
A family firm offering a "personal" service for books, journal subscriptions and A-V materials. Our specialty: British publications for the American market. aeu
J.CRAMER Springaecker 2 Braunschweig D-3300 0531/65951
FR Germany
Publisher and supplier of learned books in Botany and Zoology. es
Leslie Smith CRESSRELLES PUBLISHING CO, LTD 311 Worcester Road Malvern, Worcs WR14 1AN England 068-45-65045 Publishers of children's books, educational aids for parents and reading games. as
E. C. Oliver D. P. PUBLICATIONS 16 Bere Close Winchester, Hants SO22 5HY (0962) 3916
Specialist publishers of high quality, low cost books for business and accountancy students: accounting, law, computers management, computer science, auditing, quantitative techniques, management information systems. e
Jean Vidal DANSON FRANCE B.P. 40 91121 Palaiseau Cedex, France (6) 909 01 22 Dawson France since its foundation in 1925 have been specializing in the servicing of journal subscriptions. U
William A. Barnes WILLIAMDAMSON & SONS LTD Cannon House Folkestone, Kent CTl9 5EE England 0303-57421 We offer an international service for serials subscriptions and book acquisitions. Dawson has one of the largest back issues stocks in Europe. Established 1809. eu
Patrick Johnston J. l4. BENT iI SON, LTD Aldine House, 33 Welbeck Street London WlM 8LX England 486-7233 General & children's books; Everyman's library (hardbacks); Everyman's paperbacks; Everyman's encyclopaedia. S
DEP Luciano Guida DEPERRO LIBRI s.r.1. 17-19 Via dei Mille 80121 Napoli, Italy (081) 418687 Technical and scientific books in any language. Subscriptions to any journal or magazine. eu
Hildegard Kohler DEUERLICH'SCHE BUCHHANDLUNG Weender Str. 33 3400 Gottingen 0551/56868 Bookseller and supplier of academic and general books. e
Ulrich Frank-Planitz DEUTSCHE VERLAGS-ANSTALT GmbH Neckarstrabe 121 7000 Stuttgart 1 FR Germany 0711/3151 Publisher of contemporary history books, special books on architecture, philosophy (Erich Fromm) and literature. S
R. A. Dickinson A. M. DICKINSON (BOOKS). LTD Hollin Bridge Street, Bolton Rd. Blackburn, Lancashire 882 488 England 52032 Library suppliers,' lus medical books for health authoritX es, giving book exhibitions for nurse education. Marketing company for "P$rdbOOk" bookrest for geriatric, handicapped and student use. ek
LAPT Annual Buyer’s Guide for 1983 Chris Brickwood DILLONS UNIVERSITY BOOKSHOP 1 Malet Street London WClE 758 ~%~41577 One of the world's leading booksellers, stocking over 150,000 academic, professional and general titles. Comprehensive mail order services, including quotations and credit facilities. e
Mike Graham-Cameron DINOSAUR PUBLICATIONS, LlD Cambridge CB4 5NE England (0954) 30324 Children's illustrated full-color books (ages l-161, particularly the ALTHEA and WINGATE Series. Children's printed games. ks
Richard Drew RICHARD DREW PUBLISHING, LTD 20 Park Circus Glasgow, Scotland 63 6BE 041-333-9374 Books, hardback and limp. Fiction, cookery, historical, biography, Scottish. S
Brian Lewis E. P. PUBLISHING, LTD Bradford Road, East Ardsley Wakefield WF3 2JN England 0924-823971 Publishers of sports and leisure books including beginners' instructional guides to over 90 sports and pasttimes. Write for catalogs and lists. S
Company Lbtlngs/Europe and Asia Andre Silvaire EDITIONS ANDRE SILVAIRE 20 rue Domat Paris, France 75005 326-72-34
B. G. Thompson EAST-WEST PUBLICATIONS, LTD Gloucester Mansions Cambridge Circus London WCLH OJR England 01-836-0670 Illustrated books for children, music, general nonfiction, eastern studies, bioyraphy, sufism and travel.
de livres - catalogue sur .
Christopher Voekler ECKARDT & MESSTORFF GmbH Roedingsmarkt 6 D - 2000 Hamburg, F.R. Germany Nautical bookseller, chart agent, subscriptions agency. eu
Directeur General EDITIONS GRUND 60 rue Mazarine Paris, France 75006 329 8740 Publishers of the BENEZIT DICTIONARY OF ARTISTS, lo-volume reference work without equivalent. Details upon request. S
Roger W.G. Curtis EDDISON PRESS, LTD 17/21 Churchgate Street Soham, Ely Cambridgeshire England Ely (0353) 721091
CB7 5DS,
Publishers of international biographical reference titles and a series on blues and country music called "Musicbooks .” S
Georges Madamour EDITIONS ALBIN MICHEL 22 rue Huyghens Paris, France 75014 320-1220 Novels, essays, history, sciencefiction, documents, religion, etc. Catalogs available. Diffused by Groupe International Hachette.
Guy Leprat EDITIONS GUY LEPRAT 5 rue des Grands-Augustins 75006 Paris, France General publisher. es
Jean-Pierre Sicre EDITIONS PHEBUS 17 rue Pierre Lescot Paris, France 75001 260-23-94 Chefs-d'oeuvre oublies de la literature occidentale classique etmoderne. Les sentiers ecartes de la litterature et de l'art: domaines arabes, persan, chinois, japonais, etc. 5
LAP1 Annual Buyer’s Guide for 1983
EDI Pierre Belfond EDITIONS PIERRE BELFOND 216 Boulevard Saint-Germain Paris, France 75007 (1) 544 38 23
Sergio Gronda EDIZIONI TECNICHE INTERNAZIONALI Via Pinturicchio 5 20133 Milano, Italy (021 204-14-98
Publishing firm including a broad list of fiction, nonfiction books, how-to books, literature, poetry, biographies, best-selling novels; subsidiary companies: ACRDPOLE - PRESSES DE LA RENAISSANCE.
Technical and scientific books in any language. Subscriptions to any journal and magazine. Booksellers supplying libraries, polytechnics & universities. eu
Mr. Enzo Badiali ALFA EDIZIONI e Rappresentaze Editoriali Via Santo Stefano, No. 13 Bologna, Italy 40125 Publishers of books on fine arts shipped all over the world. Foreign scientific books and periodicals serviced only to Italian institutions, university libraries and individuals. esu
G. Imperio EDIZIONI ESTERE P.O. Box 106 Bari, Italy 70100
R. J. Ellmers ENCYCLIX'AEDIABRITANNICA Berliner Allee 47 Postfach 200 209 4000 Dusseldorf FR Germany 324945 Encyclopaedia Britannica - 30 Volumes; Encyclopaedia Universalis - 20 Volumes; Great Books of the Western World - 54 Volumes. es
Mr. H. Garnman ERASMUS ANTIQUARIAAT en BOERHANDEL Spui 2 l;;:a;; Amsterdam 020-05-35
Library suppliers (universities, schools, industries) and subscription agency. beu
Specialist in scholarly books on art and book history and library supplier in the field of the humanities. e
Orders Department EDIZIONI LIBRERIA CORTINA VERONA Via C, Cattaneo 8 Verona, Italy 37121 045/38821 - 594818 Telex 431107 Cortin I
T. J. Fenwick EURWONITOR PUBLICATIONS, LTD 18 Doughty Street London WClNZPN England 01-242-0042
Publishers of international, medical and scientific books and journals. Books in all categories supplied. Subscriptions. esu
Publishers of business and marketing reference works. Statistical abstracts and digests on England, European and international markets for consumer and industrial goods. S
Comwnv llslWMurope
and Ada
Karl-Ernst Sakobielski EUROPAISCHE VERLAGSANSTALT GmoH Savigny-Str. 61-63 Frankfurt/Main 1 FR Germany D-0611/7518o1/751781
Mr. William Ferrier DONALD FERRIER LTD 8,9 18 Teviot Place Edinburgh EHl 2RB Scotland 031-225-5235/5689
Ue are a publisher specialized in: social science, political-economy, political science, trade union problems, social psychology.
Medical and scientific booksellers and librarians. Journal subscription agents. Suppliers of skeletons, anatomical charts and models. World-wide mail order service. eu
David Young EUROPEAN SCHOOLBOOKS, LTD Croft Street Cneltenham, Glos. GL53 OHX (0242) 45252
Britain's largest importer and distributor of Western European literature and language teaching books and materials. Catalogs available on request. aes
Pat Morris FINANCIAL TINES BUSINESS PUB. LTD 2 Greystoke Place Fetter Lane London EC4A 1ND England 01-405 6969 Wide range of books, magazines and diaries for bankers; financiers; accountants; solicitors; insurance; pensions and fund managers; stockbrokers; tax advisers and investment analysts. Catalogs available. 5
Antony Brown EUROPERIODIQUES S.A. 31 Avenue de Versailles 78170 La Celle St. Cloud, France (3) 969 3201 Computerized subscription service specialized in supply of french language serials (associate of Swets Subscription Service, Netherlands.) Reference in North America on demand.
V. M. Heighway FISHING NEWS BOOKS, LTD 1 Long Garden Walk Farnham, Surrey England Publishers of books on commercial fisheries and aquaculture. 5
C. J. Jenkins W.H. EVERETT 6 SON, LTD Nestor House, Playhouse Yard London EC4V 5DU England 01-248 1435 Export booksellers/international subscription agents servicing academic library accounts overseas. No additional charge for packing, postage or insurance on monographs. No surcharge on subscription rates. aeu
Brain Osaer N.V. FONTEYN NEDICAL BOOKS Fochplein 13 - Bus 5 3000 Leuven, Belgium 016-20 29 44 One of the few truly specialized medical booksellers in Europe. We can supply any medical book or journal currently available to anywhere in the world. eu
LAFTAnntmlkrver’t Brian Inns W. FOULSHAM 6 CO, LTD Yeovil Road Slough, SL? 4JH Berks Slough 26769
Publishers of art/antique reference, Bumper books* children's fiction/ nonfiction, chess and popular handbooks, cookery, gardening, educational, know-how and OIY, sports and technical books. S
General nager A. FRANCKE A.G. Neuengasse 43 CH-3001 Bern, Switzerland nt: Books on Publishing depar h~nities. Bookselling department: International dealer in books of all kinds and from various countries. Subscription agency for journals. BSU
Publicity Dept. RD. FRAXKS LTR Market Place f6t. Ti~hfield St.) Oxford Circus, London WlN 8EJ England Leading booksellers and subscription agents to the clothing industry, schools & colleges of clothing technology, suppliers of fashion journals, textbooks and workro~ equipment. eu
Alison Browne GORDON FRASER GALLERY, LTD (BK DIV) Fitzroy Yard, Fitzroy Road London N.LI.l England 01 722 0077 Publishers of high quality hardcover and paperback bo&s on art, photography, graphic arts and architecture. Catalogs and selected display ~teria~ available, S
Julian Lynn-Evans WH FREEMAN d CO, LTD 20 Beaumont Street Oxford OX1 2NQ England 0865-726975 Publishers of text and reference books In the natural and social sciences. S
Llorenc Carreras FREIXAWET-LLIBRESs. a. Provenza, 199 Barcelona-8 Spain 253-62-32 Booksellers in medical and nursing books, domestic and foreign. eu
nager Sales SAMUEL FRENCH, LTD Strand 26 Southampton Street London UC2E 7JE England Publishers of plays and booksellers for all plays and theatre books in the mail order English language. ~rl~ide service. Catalogs available. es
C.S. Porter GALLOWAY A PORTER LTD 30 Sidney Street Cambridge CB2 3% England 0223-67876 University booksellers, new and secondhand, news books exposed worldwide, subscription agency, large stock of s~on~and and antiquarian books. eu
Company lktings/Europe and Asia Brian A. Austin GEMINI BOOK DISTRIBUTION LTD Vale Road l$nbridge, Kent TN9 1TD
Altons Evers GOECKE 6 EVERS Duererstrasse 13 D-4150 Krefeld FR Germany
(Q732) 359387
Publishers and booksellers on the earth and life sciences. Important antiquarian department, catalogue available. es
Major UK exporter, able to supply any British book in print. Fast, friendly, efficient service at favourable terms. e
Peter Neusser or Heinz Meier GEROLD & COMPANY Graben 31 Vienna, Austria A-1011 (43-222) 522235 Booksellers, library wholesalers, subscription agents. eu
Mr. Bernd Schuth GILDE-BUCHHANDLUNG CARL KAYSER BUCHHANDLUNG und VERLAG GmbH Poststrasse 16 D-5300 Bonn 1 Fed. Rep. of Germany 63 83 51/52 World-wide distributor and co-publisher of VDRWARTS INTERNATIONAL German language textbooks and AV media. ; Foremost bookseller in German-as-a-foreign-language materials, calendars bes
Ian MacDonald GLENIFFER PRESS 11 Low Road Castlehead PA2 6AQ England %%'9579 Limited editions and specialist in miniature books. Private printers, publishers and bookbinders. Publishers of "Gleniffer Review," a miniature book annual.
G. Lanzarotti GOERLICH ilCOMPANY Via S. Senatore 6/2 20122 Milano, Italy (02) 80 53 657 All kinds of books in any language. Skilled and reliable book suppliers to academic libraries. Subscriptions to any journal and magazine. beu Richard S. Gothard (Mr). Chairman GOTHARD HOUSE GROUP OF COFPANIES LTD Gothard House Henley-on-Thames, OXON RG9 1AJ England 049 12 3602 Technical, scientific, medical publishers, subscription agents, booksellers and information resources unit to libraries, government departments and business establishments throughout the world. bes
Nigel Farrow, Managing Director GOWER PUBLISHING CO, LTD Gower House, Croft Road, Aldershot Hampshire, Gull 3HR England Aldershot (0252) 331551 Leading England publisher of practical business and management books, and works of reference. Also publishes information technology and a range of social science monographs.
LAPT Annual Buyer’s Gukie for 1983
Elspeth Fisher W. GREEN & SON, LTD 2-10 St. Giles Street, Edinburgh Edinburgh GHl lPU, Scotland 031-225-4879
M. Daniel Rosenwald GUIDE ROSENWALD 17 rue Tronchet ;!j;O;4P;;is, France _ _
Books and periodicals, e.g., Scats Law Times, Scats Current Law, Judicial Review in Scats Law. We are also the only specialist law booksellers in Scotland. es
Annuaire du corps medical francais. Guide of French practitioners (generalists and specialists).
Kathleen Mansfield CHARLES GRIFFIN & CO, LTD Charles Griffin House, Crendon Street High Wycombe, Bucks. HP13 6LE England 0494 36341 Established in 1820, Griffins publish the classic reference work, The Advanced Theory of Statistics, and other important titles on statistical and technical subjects. Catalog available. S
0. Wolff JULIUS GROOS VERLAG Hertzstrabe 6 6900 Heidelberg FR Germany 06221/33621 Foreign language textbboks and AVmedia, oriental and Far East, rare languages, German-as-a-Foreign Language. Linquistics (IRAL). Publications for teachers of the deaf. e Joachim Oest WALTER de GRUYER & CO - BERLIN-N.Y. Genthinerstr 13 1000 Berlin 30 FR Germany (030) 261 13 41 Editorial Departments: Humanities, Religion, Mathematics, Economics, Data Processing, Law, Science, Medicine. S
M.J.B. Welch GULLIVERS BOOKSHOP 49 High Street Wimborne, Dorset BH21 Wimborne, 882677
Supply wide range of text, reference, educational, library & general books from all British and American Publishers to numerous institutions and individual customers throughout world. e Anne Boore GWASG Y DREF WEN CYF 28 Church Road, 4R Eglwys NewYdd/Whitchurch Cardiff CF4 2EA Wales Cardiff 617860 Leading publisher of full-color Welsh-language children's books: ',;;;;e dictionary, Welsh nursery , Information books, books for Welsh learners, storybooks, novels. Catalog available. es Ernest Hochland HAIGH & HOCHLAND LTD Scientific Booksellers/Subs Agents The University Precinct Manchester Ml3 YQA England (061) 273 4156 Specialist source for scientific books and journals. Free catalogues, covering 12 months' English language publishing in Computer Sceinces, Biotechnology, Medical Sciences, Edr;tpn of the Handicapped.
Company l4sl#ngs/Europe and Asia Ingwert Paulsen, Jr. ER LESEHEFTE VERL%i ISELl&
nhofstrabe 2 Husum D-2250 FR Germany 04841/6081 Classical literature at low prices; text books. S
John Beale HARPER& ROW, LID 28 Tavistock Street London, WCZE 7PN England Publishers of high quality academic and medical textbooks and monographs, reference and general interest books, books for the professional user. Catalogs available on request. S
Ingwert Paulsen, Jr. HAMSAVERLAG Nordbahnhofstrabe 2 Husum, D-2250, FR Germany 0~41/~81 Regional books in language arts; belles-lettres and nonfiction. S
Mr. Christoph Sickel C~H~RVE~ P.O. 80x 86 04 20 D - 8000 Munich 86 Fed. Rep. of Germany (0891 98 25 11 Telex: 522837
Genaan fiction and nonfict and English books on mathe computer science, plastics technology, polymer science and materials, engineering subjects. 18 English and German journals on the above subjects. 5
D. E. Colley UAltRAP,LTD 19-23 Ludgate Hill London EC4M 7PD England 01-248-6444 General and educational publishers famous for the finest range of French-English dictionarfes in the world and for dictionaries in other languages.
Mark Holland, Fiarketfng Director HARVESTER PRESS, LTD 16 Ship Street Brighton, Sussex BNl 1AD England (0273) 723031 Dne of the few successful serious publishers established in Britain in recent years. Three separate corn panies: Harvester Press, Ltd., Wheatsheaf Books, Ltd., Harvester Microform Publications. OS
Fir.Chris J. Wheeler HARDINGS BODKSHDP LTD Warley Chambers Warley Road Hayes, Middlesex England 01 573 6878 Suppliers of books and periodicals to libraries since 1930. Expanding into international markets but still maintaining the personal touch. eu
Ian Wilkes IAN HENRY PUBLICATIDNS. LTD 38 Parkstone Avenue Wornchurch. Essex RMl 3LW Hor~hu~h 42042
Publisher of reprint fiction and original nonfiction for the library market. An associate company acts as a supplier of British books for overseas libraries. es 413
LAPT Annual Buver’s
Advertising Director HER MAIESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE P.O. Box 569 London SE1 England The UK government publisher specializing in science and technology, social services, the arts and humanities. About 8000 publications per year (including parliamentary publications). asv
Wolfgang Balk HIRMER VERLAG Marees-Strasse 15 D-8000 Munchen 19 (089) 178 10 11
Art and popular science books of highest reproduction standard: ancient art, archaeology, architecture, history of art, art travel guides; special discounts to libraries. Catalog available. e
As a subsidiary of the Verlag fuer Psychologie, Dr. C. J. Hogrefe, West Germany, we publish books and texts in the field of psychology. Catalog available. es
0. Kohl HOGREFE INTERNATIONAL, INC Daimlerstrasse 40 D-7000 Stuttgart-Bad Cannstatt Germany 0711/561737-38
We specialize in the distribution of English language titles in the field of human sciences in Europe, particularly in German-speaking countries. Catalog available. eu
B. Tschakovsky HOGREFE INTERNATIONAL, INC 525 Eglinton Ave., East Toronto, Ontario M4P lN5, Canada (416) 482-5923 Distributors of German language titles in psychology. Exclusive dist. rights in North America for Huber Verlag, Zwets and Zeitlinger, Verlag fur Psychologie, Dr. C. J. Hogrefe. Catalog available. eu
A. Houtschild A. HOUTSCHILD INT'L BOOKSELLERS Papestraat 13 2513 AV THE Hague Netherlands
FR Germany
B. Tschakovsky C. J. HOGREFE, INC 525 Eglinton Ave., East Toronto, Ontario M4P lN5 (416) 482-6339
Guide for 4983
Worldwide operating library suppliers and exporters of Dutch academic books. Publishing "Houtschild's Quarterly" of books published in the Netherlands. be
Martin Wilson HUDSONS BOOKSHOP The Campus, Loughborough University Loughborough, Leicester England 0509 212197 England's largest campus bookshop. Specialist stock holding in physical education, sports science, librarianship, engineering, social sciences, literature. e
Sylvia Martin HUDSONS LIBRARY SUPPLY Priority House 38 Colmore Circus Queensway Birmingham B4 6UR, England A leading England library book supplier with major stock base of 200,000 titles. Full ordering and servicing operation employing professional libraries. Detailed bibliographic information available. beu
Company lWngs/Europe and Ada Foreign Department NAX HUEBER VERLAG Max-Hueber-Str. 4 f33ie&y;ing/Munchen
089/96 02-l Leading publisher of foreign language textbooks and AV media. Over 37 languages. Specialist in German- as-aforeign-language materials. Linguistic literature. as
Ingwert Paulsen, Jr. HUSUM DRUCK UND VERLAGSGESELLSCHAFT mbH u.Co. KG Nordbahnhofstrabe 2 Husum D-2250 FR Germany 04841/6081 Belles-lettres and nonfiction, children's books, regional books in language arts, regional magazine. S
David Roy Alan Lothian HUTCHINSDN BOOKS, LTD 17-21 Conway Street London WPCBS England 01-388-7601 Leading publishers of general, academic and sport books, maps and guides. Current catalogs available.
Peter Bornscheuer DR. ALFRED HUM16 VERLAG GmbH Im Weiher 10 P.O. Box 10 28 69 6900 Heidelberg 1 BRD Germany 06221/489-280 Publisher of technical books and 40 journals in sciences including chemistry, chromatography, macromolecular chemistry, electrotechnics, electronics and dentistry.
Ed Kalbaugh IDEA EDITIONS 31 Oval Road London, NW1 England 722-6663 Wholesale distributors of books and catalogs on visual arts, photography and architecture. e
INFOWTION SERVICE ON ENERGY 30 Frederick Street Edinburgh EH2 2JR, Scotland 031 225 4414 Educational trust. Produces material for schools. Nuclear Energy Questionsa critical look at nuclear energy and the alternatives. Twin posters on nuclear and safe energy. S
James Rutherford INSTITUTEOF PYRAMIWLOGY 31 Station Road Harpenden, Hertf'dshire AL5 4XB Harpenden (05827) - 64510
The Institute of Pyramidology specializes in books on Pyramidology, which is the scientific, prophetic and religious study of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. S
Terry Dale THE ISLAMICFOUNDATION 223 London Road Leicester, LE2 1ZE England (0533) 703555 Europe's leading publisher on Islam has published many titles on Islam for readers of all age groups. Some available in German, French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese. es
IAPT Annual Buyer’s Guide for 1983
JAC Grancher Jacques JACQUES GRANCHER, EDITOR 98 rue de Vaugirard Paris, France 75006 222 6480 Cook books, military books, diet books, guides, music books, old cars books. S
P. Underhill JARDINE'S BOCMHDPS 10 St. Peter's Square Manchester M2 3DE, England 061 236 5049 University and municipal library suppliers of new books. e
Patrick Lockstone, Director JORDAN 6 SONS, LTD P.O. Box 260 15 Pembroke Road Bristol BS99 7DX, England 0272 32861 Publishers of legal and business books, The Family Law Journal and Family Law Reports; suppliers of all office equipment and law stationery.
Peter Sinclair THE JOURNEYMAN PRESS 97 Ferme Park Road, Crouch End London N8 95A England 01-348 9261 Publishers of books of fiction, poetry, drama, literary criticism, art, biography, social history, politics and philosophy. Also radical reprints, journeyman chapbooks and oriole chapbooks. S
F. W. B. Vaneysinga/Martinus Nyhoff DR. W. JUNK PUBLISHERS Lange Voorhout 9-11 P.O. Box 566 The Hague, Netherlands 2SOlCN 469460 Scholarly books and journals in: Medicine, philosophy, Intl. law, technology, Intl. relations, earthsciences, agricultural sciences, biology. su Keith Durston KE)IPSPUBLISHING GROUP 1-5 Bath Street London EClV 9QA England 01-253 4761 Publishers of specialist trade directories and Chamber of Commerce publications. S
P.K. Taylor KERSHAW PUBLISHING CO, LTD 109 Great Russell Street London WClB 3ND England 01-580-1862 Publishers of texts and reference books in mathematics, business, economics and the social sciences. Agents for Herald Books and Hackett Publishing Company. S
Amy Howlett WILLIAM KIMBER & CO, LTD Godolphin House, 22a Queen Anne's Gate London, S.W. 1H 9A.E. England Ol-222-7684/5/6 General hardback books. S
Company listings/Europe and Ada Mr. F.H. Zubaideen KLAUS RENNER Am Sonnenhang 8 D-8021 Hohenschaeftlarn W. Germany Booksellers, distributors & publishers specialized in ethnology (social anthropology) including primitive arts & music and Archaeology ex-Europe. Catalogues issued 4 times per annum. es
LEC Wolfgang Bieber KUNST und WISSEN ERICH BIEBER oHG Wilhelmstr. 4 Postfach 46 7000 Stuttgart 1 West Germany (0711) 24 11 52-54 Telex: 7-21929 Books and Journals. e
Joachim Lange ERNST KLETT PUB--1NTL RELATIONS P.O. 80x 809, Rotebuhlstrasse 77 D-7000 Stuttgart 1 FR Germany (711) 6672-O
C. P. de Laszlo LSP BOOKS, LTD 8 Farncombe St. Farncombe, Godalming Surrey, GU7 3AY England Godalming (04868) 28622
Text books for all subjects; German as a Foreign Language; dictionaries; atlases, maps. Educational materials: transparencies, slides; films, videocassettes, videodiscs; wall charts; tapes, records. ars
Publishers of books on films and the cinema. We also supply books on these subjects from other publishers and have access to photographic services. es
Philip Kogan (Managing Director1 K&AN PAGE, LTD 120 Pentonville Road London, England Nl 01-837-7851 Educational technology, business, management, personnel, transport, technology, energy, yearbooks and reference books. Journals: "Simulation/Games for Learning"; "Programed Learning & Educational Technology."
Michel Feutry LA MMSON DU DICTIONNAIRE 95 bis, Rue Legendre F.75017 Paris, France (1) 229 48 36 Publishing and distribution of general and technical dictionaries in all languages. Catalog of 2000 titles available on request. es
su Wim vam der KOOYKER BY, Nieuwe Rijn Leiden, The 071-144146
Putten INTL UNIV BOOKSELLERS 15-16 Netherlands 2300 AA
Academic bookseller, specialist in the many procedures necessary to execute a successful and complete service to libraries for both books and periodical subscriptions. beu
L'ECOLE DES LOISIRS 11 Rue de Sevres Paris, 75006, France 2229410 Specialist in high quality books for children in French. S
LEH Tom Backman LEHTIMARKERDy P.O. Box 16 SF-00511 Helsinki 51 Finland 350-O-765462 Worldwide subscription services to governmental & municipal institutions, industries, public libraries, and all over health and educational field (universities, schools, hospitals etc.). eu
Mr. Charles Benitah LIBRAIRIE AURELIEN 13 Place de Rungis 75650 Paris Cedex 13 France 581-33-66 International booksellers. Suppliers of books and periodicals in all languages and all subjects. emu
Penau Marc LIBRAIRIE GUENEGAUD, s.a.r.1. 10 rue de 1'0deon Paris, France 75006 (1) 326 07.91 Booksellers (out-of-print books); publishers; reprints. es
Mr. Roland Audeoud LIBRAIRIE ROUSSEAU Rue Rousseau 36 CH 1201 Geneva Switzerland (022) 325 622 Books in Russian from USSR and other countries. Subscription agency in this field. Bibliographic services. beu
lAPTAnnwlBuyer'sGukIefor1983 Mr. Reinstein LIBRAIRIE UNIVERSITAIRE 40 Cours Pasteur, 40 Bordeaux, France Specialist library suppliers. Medicine, sciences, law techniques & school books. eu Peter Charalambous LIBRARY BDDK SERVICES, LTD 33 Mapesbury Road London, NW2 4HT England 01-328 9308 Skilled and reliable book suppliers to academic libraries. A complete service with speed and accuracy at most favorable prices. Return privileges to regular buyers. be
Hermann Nahm LIBRERIA HERDER Balmes, 26 Barcelona, Spain (93) 3170578
Suppliers in the world of books on science and humanities, especially on hispanic studies (history, linguistics, literature). Subscription agency. eu Francisco Botello LIBRERIA INTERNACIONAL de ROMO, S.L. Ouque de Sesto 48 Madrid, Spain 9 34-l-273 5080 Scientific and technical books; International subscriptions agency; Suppliers of University libraries. beu
Company Listings/Europeand Asia Domingo Perello Bibiloni, Sales Manager LIBRERIA LOGOS Maestro Antonio Torrandell, 1 Palma De Mallorca (Baleares) Spain 210505 Libreria General - Linguistica, Literatura national y Extranjera, Distribuciones - Importaciones. Boodsellers supplying libraries, schools, colleges, polytechnic and universities. eu Pablo Sanchez LIBRERIA SANCHEZ CUESTA Serrano 29 Madrid, Spain 1 (911 2761183 Spanish academic books supplied all over the world to individuals and libraries. Monthly information on new publications mailed. Subscription agency. eu Sergio Navarro Bisquert LIBRERIA UNIVERSITARIA EVA, S.L. Av. Blasco Ibanez, 10 Valencia, Spain 10 (961 Booksellers & suppliers, bibliographic service, subscription agency. Please contact our Telex No. 64164 LUEVA E. beu Meryl Findlay LINGUAPHONE INSTITUTE, LTD Linguaphone House Beavor Lane Hamnersmith, London W6 9AR England 741-1655 Home-study language courses incorporating cassettes (or records) and appropriate books, available in 34 foreign languages for English-speaking students; 292 linguaphone courses available worldwide.
Miss Cristiana Stame THE LION BOOKSHOP srl. Via de1 Babuino, 181 Rome, Italy 00187 Most famous english bookshop All subjects but specialized dictionaries, teach yourself books. Wide choice of books and Mediterranean world. abe
in Italy. in E.L.T., type of on Italy
K. Liedtke LITERATUR LIEDTKE Im Ferkulum 37 D 5000 Koln 1 Federal Republic of Germany 0221/316780 Scientific booksellers (Human & Sot. Sciences, esp. Education/Special Ed., Intl. Law). On-line access to resp. databases. Catalogues. bev
M. Dias Pinheiro LIVRARIA FERIN, LDA R. Nova do Almada 70-74 7200 Lisboa, Portugal 324422 Established in 1840. Export-import booksellers offering a "personal" service for books, international subscription agents. We provide libraries, institutions and companies, Special fields: art, architecture, law, medical, scientific and technical books. beu Mr. Erich Lorenz ERICH LORENZ Medizinische Fachbuchhandlung Beseler Pl. 3 D-2000 Hamburg 52 BRD 040/89 57 69 Importers and exporters of medical books and journals. eu
IAPT Annual Euver’s Guide for I983
LUD P.J.J. van Hees LUDA International booksellers Nieuwstraat 2 Postbox 511 Eindhoven 5600 AM The Netherlands (040) 447300
C. B. Luhrs, Marketing Manager MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY PRESS Oxford Road Manchester Ml3 9PL England 061 273 5539
International scientific booksellers, specialized in the fields of business, management, marketing, computer sciences, technical publications, electronics, psychology and educational books, Special supplies to libraries, institutes and industrial organizations. be
Academic publishers specializing in the arts, social sciences and science and technology, primarily in the field of higher education. Catalogs available.
William MacLellan WILLIAM MACLELLAN EMBRYO, LTD 268 Bath Street Glasgow, Scotland 62 4JR Books: Scottish folklore, Celtic art, fiction, poetry, Polish interest "Faction" (i.e., new category made up of fiction and politics). e
Bill Campbell//Peter Mackenzie MAINSTREAM PUBLISHING CO, LTD 25a S.W. Thistle Street Lane Edinburgh EH2 1EW Scotland 031 225 2804/031 225 9618 General trade publisher, mostly hardback books. Areas of interest include history, social history, literature, fiction and current dffairs. S
Mr. Arni Einarsson MAL OG MENNING BOOKSHOP Laugavegi 18 101 Reykjavik, Iceland 354-l-24242
Catherine Johnston MANSELL PUBLISHING, LTD 35-37 William Road London NW1 3ER England 01-387-0451 Publishers of bibliographies, catalogs, directories, and other reference and academic books of special interest to The list covers all subject ;.%,:ies. . S
J. Jeffree KENNETH MASON Homeweh, Havant, Hants Pogiee, England 0705-486262 Maritime publishers favoring historical approach. No fiction. S
Ingwert Paulsen, Jr. MATTHIESEN VERLAG INGWERT PAULSEN JR. Nordbahnhofstrabe 2 Husum D-2250 FR Germany 04841/6081 German studies; history and science of medicine; history studies; books of natural sciences. S
The largest bookshop in Iceland. Leading suppliers of Icelandic books to foreign customers. Orders dispatched within 48 hours. Write for information. esu
Company MngsEurope
Giovanni Cafaro MDICM BOOKSdi Giovanni Cafaro Via Liborio Giuffre, 52 Palenno 90127. Italy 231211 Specialists in medical books. Publishers in the medical field/wholesaler/retail/sale by correspondence. esu
Sem van Gelder MEDICALBOOKS EUROPE BV 38 Noorderwal Lochem, Holland 7241 BL (01 5730-4866 Wholesalers and direct marketers of medical books. Stock includes Yearbook/t&by, Lange Medical, Medical Examination Publ., WHO, Bailliere Tindall. e
Manfred Weiner FELIX EINER VERLAG &nbH Richardstrasse 47 2000 Hamburg FR Germany 40/294870
and Ada
Publisher of philosophy, especially the PHILOSOPHISCHE BIBLIOTHEK (founded 18681, a series of more than 200 classical texts. Critical editions of Hegel, Cusanus, Oietrich von Freiberg. S
Roger W. G. Curtis, Sales Director PELROSE PRESS, LTD-INTL BIDG CENTRE 17/21 Churchgate Street, Soham, Ely Cambridgeshire CB7 50s England 0353 721091 Melrose Press, Ltd distributes leading international who's Who reference titles published by the International Biographical Centre group.
L.T. Weatherall JOHN MENZIES LIBRARY SERVICES LTD 17 Gamble Street Nottingham NG7 4 FJ England (06021 708021 A comprehensive library supply service for the UK and overseas with full subscription service, library editions. Bookstock of over 1.5 million, and on-line facilities. beu
Nicole Boyer #RCURE DE FRANCE 26 rue de Conde Paris, France 75006 329 21-13 Publf shing house: Modern literature novels - essays - general fiction and nonfiction. S
Stephen M. Smith CHARLES E. MERRILL PUBLISHING INTL Alperton House Bridgewater Road Wemblen, Middlesex HAD 1EG England 01-902-8812 Publishers of college and school textbooks, specializing in education, commerce, earth science and technology at college level. S
Ian Morley Clarke MIDAS BOCXS (PLA#QD ACTIDN. LTD) 12 Dene Way, Speldhurst Turnbridge Wells, Kent TN3 ONX England 089-286/2860 Specialize in quality illustrated books on nonfiction subjects; art; composers --life and times; great performers; popular performers; militaria; transport history; craft; collecting; sport 6 leisure. S
MIR Michael Glover MIRROR BOOKS Athene House 66-73 Shoe Lane London EC4P 4AB 01-353-0246
Crossword puzzle books/magazines; collections of strip cartoons; one-shot newspapers ahd magazines in wide range of subject categories, e.g., sports, fashion, motoring, gardening, etc.
Annual Buyer’s Guide for 1983
Jose Ma Hernandez MUNDI-PRENSA LIBROS S.A. Castello, 37 Madrid (1) Spain 276-99-97 Telex: 49370 MPLI - E Suppliers of Spanish books for libraries. Publishers of technical books. Subscription agency. esu
Ron Moulton MODEL 6 ALLIED PUBLICATIONS, LTD P.O. Box 35 Bridge Street Hemel Hempstead, Herts HP1 1EE England 0442 41221 Publishers of world's largest group of model making and leisure monthlies. Aeromodular model boats, model engineer scale models. Radio control models. R/C model cars. 5
John Cairns MODERN BOOK SERVICE 33 Beehive Lane Ilford, Essex England Booksellers, library wholesalers. Subscription agents. eu
Joachim Oest MOUTON PUBLISHERS Genthinerstr. 13 1000 Berlin 30 FR Germany (0301 261 13 41 Publications in history, linguistics, sociology, anthropology. S
Per Solberg NARVESEN A.S. Subscription and Trade Book Service P.O.Box 6125 - Etterstad N-Oslo 6, Norway 47-2-68 19 40 Subscription services and book suppliers to industries, institutions, government agencies, libraries, health and education. eu
Rumold Van Geffen NEW CITY LOWDON 57 Twyford Avenue London W3 9PZ England (01) 9927666 Publishing the writings of Chiara Lubich and other books concerning the focolare movement including a monthly magazine, “New City .’ S
John Newson NEW ERA BOOKS 124 Queen's Road Buckhurst Hill, Essex 01-505 7748
lG9 5BJ England
The postal retailing of books concerned with new developments in scientific and social ideas, ecology, psychological and spiritual development, etc. e
Company LlstlngdEurope and Asia Marketing Department NFER-NELSON PUBLISHING CO, LTD Darville House, 2 Oxford Road, E. Windsor, Berks. SL4 lDF, England Windsor 58961
C. K. Timms NTP PRESS,LTD Falcon House - Cable Street Lancaster LA1 lPE, England (0524) 68765
Publishers of test materials for educational, clinical and occupational use, together with over 200 books and journals on educational research and social administration. s
Publishers of books and journals on all aspects of medicine and related subjects. 5
Phillip Joester JAMES NISBET & CO, LTD Oigswell Place Welwyn, Herts., England Welwyn Garden 25491 Books for primary and secondary schools. University level economics.
Caryl Wilson NUU BOORS (UNIVERSITY BODKSROP) Coleraine BT52 1SA (02651 3942 International book acquisition specialists to academic & public libraries, normally 10% library discount. e
Hans Cristian Welle OLAF NORlIS BDKHANDEL Universitetsgt, 24 Oslo 1, Norway 02 895648
Book-sale. Wholesaler of Norwegian books. Our warehouse can deliver all Norwegian books. e
Ian Robinson OASIS BOOKS 12 Stevenage Road London SW6 6ES, England 01-736 5059 One of the England's leading small publishers, specializing in a wide range of poetry and prose books by English and foreign authors. S
Susan Hunt NORTHWOOD BOOKS, NORTHWOOD HOUSE 93-99 Goswell Road London EClV 7QA, England 01-253 9355
Jonathan R. Goodman OCTOPUS BOOKS, LTD 59 Grosvenor Street London Wl, England 01-493-5841
Publishers of trade and technical books on horology, gemology, precious metals, porcelain, catering and hotel management, building and construction, communications, medicine, printing and meat trades.
Family reference books, highly illustrated. 5
LAPT Annual Buver’s Guide for 1983
M. Lenthwaite J. S. PETERS & SON, LTD 28-32 Thorp Street Birmingham B54AX, England 021 622 4380
Juan F. Pons PONS- Libreria Especializada c/ Fernando el Catoluo -37 Faragoza - 6 Spain (76) 35 90 37
Specialist library suppliers. Books in all categories supplied. Fully serviced to individual requirements. e
Mathematical books and journals. Dealers. beu
Steve Rudd (Mailing List Dept.) PHILLIMDRE ElCO, LTD Shopwyke Hall Chichester, West Sussex PO20 684, England 0243-787636
N. B. Jdanoff POSSEV-VERLAG V. Gorachek K.G. Flurscheideweg 15 6230 Frankfurt a.M. 80, FR Germany 0611-341265
Britain's foremost local history and genealogy publishers and booksellers. Free catalog on request. Separate bookshop catalog available to librarians with authority to buy direct. es
Publishers for books/journals in Russian. Authors from Russia and emigration. Old and out-of-print books. Political monthly (Possev), literary uarterly (Grani), religious Samizdat 4 Madezmda). es
Pam Fulton FRANCES PINTER (PUBLISHERS) 5 Dryden Street London WCZE 9NW, England 01-240-2430
Advertising Manager POCIAO’S BOOKS - EXPANDED MEDIA ED. Alys Schulte Str. 15 5300 Bonn FR Germany 0228/229 583
Academic publishers specializing in the social sciences, including books in the fields of new technology, information science and innovation. Worldwide network of stockholding agents.
Specialist in English and American contemporary literature, fiction and nonfiction, import and distribution in the German-speaking countries of Europe. es
Deirdre McKenna PITMANBOOKS,LTD 39 Parker Street London WCZB 5PB, England 01-242-1655
Mr. Dipl. Ing.,Dipl. Des. Siegfried Prasst ELISABETH PRAAST. Wi ss. Versandbuchhandlung Sonnenberg 15 Carlsberg/Pfalz West Germany D-6719 (06356) 8593
Publishers of business and technical books at school and higher education level; of medical, mathematics, engineering, computing, bioscience and management books for academics and practitioners.
Mail-order book-seller in technical and natural science; library services. Special interest Literatutur:EOP, engineering, wood SC. in large. beh
Company Listings/EuropeanclAsia Jill Dutt PRENTICE-HALL INTERNATIONAL 66 Wood Lane End Hemel Hempstd, Herts. HP2 4RG England Hemel Hempstead (04421 58531
R. Crowley RIBA PUBLICATIONS, LTD Finsbury Mission, Moreland Street London EClV 8VB, England (01) 251 0791
Publishes a wide range of technical, scientific and professional books as well as general interest titles.
Distributors for Riba, Landscape Institute and American Institute of Architects' Publications. Specializes in books on architectural subjects. Operates worldwide mail order service. es
George Prior GEORGE PRIOR ASSOCIATED PUB., LTD High Holborn House 52-54 High Holborn London WE1 V6R England Art, literature, history A politics; LARGE PRINT works of a scholarly and academic nature. ks
Mervyn Sage PURNELL BOOKS The Farmhouse Paulton Bristol, England Midsomer Norton 0761 413301 Foremost children's book publisher; discounts available to trade. Catalogs available. es
Advertising Manager ~.oRE;~~Ll;UBLISHING CO
. .
Frank Dobson RICHMOND PUBLISHING CO, LTD Orchard Road Richmond, Surrey TW9 4PN England 01-876 1091 Publishers and distributors of natural history and social history books. Botanical booksellers with stock including a wide range of foreign titles. es
Jens Koefoed
ROSENKILDE OG BAGGER A/S Kron-prinsens-gade 3 - P. 0. Box 2184 DK-1017 Copenhagen K - Denmark Booksellers, new, second hand and antiquarian Scandinavian books, scholarly books, new book specialties; Antiques, Norse history, the middle ages, all kinds of transport, Danish history. ers
3300 AA Dordrecht, Holland 035-135388 See our listing under North American Companies. 5
Ruurd Ruward E. R. RUWARD B.V. Noordeinde 122 2514 GN The Hague Netherlands (070) 65 87 55 Book supplied from any country to any country. Emphasis on England, Belgium, France, West Germany, DDR, Switzerland, Netherlands. Attractive competitive terms for libraries. e 425
LAPT Annual Buyer’s Guide for 1983 Jochen Barth W.E. SAARBACHGmbH P.O. Box lo 16 lo 5000 Koeln 1 West Germany (0221) 20 83 1 Telex 8 881 067 Subscription Agency; procurement of German and international periodicals, serials, books, microfilms, back issues. Write for our annual EXPORT SUBCRIPTION CATALOGUE. eu
Derick Bostridge SALAMANDER BOOKS, LTD (Distributed by New Engl. Lib. Ltd.) Hodder & Stoughton, Ltd. Mill Road, Dunton Green, Sevenoaks Kent TN13 2YA, England (0732) 50111 Full-color reference books on military subjects, natural history and music. Emphasis on illustrations -fine color artwork, line drawings, dramatic photographs -- combined with authoritative text.
Mrs. Agnes A. Gonnet-Hill SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL BOOK CENTRE S.A. 12 rue de Neufchatel 1060 Brussels Belgium 02/537 94 74 Complete service for Academic and Industrial Libraries. We supply any book from any publisher and our Subscriptions Department handles journals and periodicals from all over the world. eu
Douglas Grant SCOTTISH ACADEMIC PRESS, LTD 33 Montgomery Street Edinburgh, Scotland EH7 5Jx 031 556 2796 Publisher of all types of academic books and books of Scottish interest. Catalogs available. S
Jack Brierley SCHOFIELD & SIMS, LTD Dogley Mill, Fenay Bridge Huddersfield, HD8 ONQ England Huddersfield 607080 Publish educational texts in a wide range of subjects for children aged 5-16. Catalog available on request. S
Erik Johannesen SCIENTIA, International Subscription Agency ApS Loevstraede 4 A DK-1152 Copenhagen K Denmark Subscriptions to journals and serial titles from all over the world. U
A. Werner SHEPHEARD-WALWYN (PUBLISHERS), LTD 12/13 Henrietta Street (Suite 85) London WC2E 8LH, England 01-240 5992 A quality list of general nonfiction. s
T. Rendall Davies SHEPPARD PRESS, LTD P.O.Box 42 Russell Chambers London WCEE 8AX, England (01) 240-0406 Publishers of the tories of dealers antiquarian books British Isles (3) (4) India, etc. S
standard direcin second hand and (1) North America (2) Continental Europe
Company Ustlng8/Europeand Ada Victor Manuel F. Soares VICTOR MANUEL F. SOARES International Bookseller and Antiauarv Rua Gil Vicente, 32-A _ ;;;C@,Coimbra (Portugal)
Alan Goodworth SPOK & SHELDON PRESS Holy Trinity Church Marylebone Road London NW1 4DU, England 01-387-5282
International library supplier, bookseller, journals subscription agency, serials subscription agency, dealer in back issues and volumes, antiquary. Worldwide inquiries/orders welcomed. beu
Publishers of religious books & adult nonfiction especially health/self-help 8 biography. Agents for Abingdon, Seabury, Littlefield-Adams.
Anna Beraud SOCIETE DES EDITIONS TECHNIP 27 rue Ginoux ',;;if,CkiEX15, France 75737 Scientific and technical books; main subject: Petroleum; Publishers of "Institut Francais Du Petrole". S
Mr. Hans Langlotz OTTO SPATZ Curschmannstr. 24 D
2000 Hamburg 20 B R
Meti;a; book seller.
Doris Palmer
Christopher K. Foster SPRINGWOOD BOOKS, LTD 22 Chewter Lane Windlesham, Surrey, England 0276-74741 Publishers of astrology, sport, biography and memoirs, fiction, company histories and children's books. S
Ms. S.M. Brunsmann STARKMANN LIBRARY SERVICES LTD 4a Wharton Street London WClX 9PX England 01-837-4144 Specialized in supplying Anglo-American and Dutch publications to academic libraries. Our bi-monthly bibliography announcing new foreign language BOOKS FROM HOLLAND is available to customers free of charge. e
SPECIAL LIBRARIES BOOKSERVICE White Lion Walk Banbury Oxfordshire OX16 8UD England 0295 52002
The complete service for industrial, coeraercial,academic and all other special libraries. A fast and efficient same day processing service. Foreign books can be supplied. e
Harold Starke HAROLD STARKE, LTD Pegasus House 116-120 Golden Lane London EClY OTL, England 01 253 2145 Publishers of reference, scientific, medical, art books beautifully produced and illustrated for the general and student markets. Distribution: "The Barn", Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 9AX, England. es
Sales & Marketing Director STEVENS h BROWN Ardon House, Mill Lane Godalming Surrey GU7 1HA England 04868 4391 For nearly 120 years we have specialized in providing a complete serials and book service to libraries in North America. eu
A. Sakoun STIM-DOC 6, Part de Diane Jouy-en-Josas France (3) 956-34-54
Subscriptions Agency - Booksellers, and periodicals from all couhtries, profession or business. eu
Jane F.Tatam SWEET 1 MAXWELL/STEVENS A SONS North Way Andover, Hampshire SPlO SBE England Andover (0264) 62141 Leading legal publishers; extensive list of books, looseleaf, encyclopedias and journals on all aspects of the law for the professions, lawyers and students. S
Marketing Manager SWETS SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE Heereweg 3478 2161 CA Lisse, The Netherlands 02521 19113/Telex 41325 International subscription agent with offices in The Netherlands, U.S., S. America, England; comprehensive coverage of worldwide titles; various invoice plans; tailor-made customer information & full claims services. U
Mr. I.F. Madeira STOBART A SON, LTD 67/73 Worship Street London ECEA 2EL England Subscription agents handling purchase of journals worldwide for libraries, Book Dept. handling books; also publishers of books in specfalfst r and fields of ~od~rking, ti forestry. esu
Karl-Ernst Sakobielski SYNDIKAT-VERLAG Savigny Str. 61-63 6000 Frankfurt/Main 1 FR Germany O-0611/751801/751781 We are a publisher specializing in: Science criticism, psychology, ethnology, anthropology, psychiatry, pedagogics, economy-history, social-science. S
Advertising Manager ~RDE~ELD/ROTER STERN Postfach 180147 DdDDO Frankfurt a.M. FR Germany 0611-599999 Literary and critical publishing; Frankfurt Holderlin Edition; avantgarde German literature; psychology, sociology, philosophy; women's literature. S
Tarhan Kitabevi TA~NB~ST~ Sakarya Caddesi 2/A Ankara, Turkey Book importers and subscription agents. Retailers and wholesalers. eu
Company UstingslEurope and Aala
Mr. Patrick Gonnet TECHNISCIENCES Sarl 103 rue La Fayette 75010 Paris France 285.50.44
Mike Weaver STANLEY THORNES (PUBLISHERS), LTD Educa House, Old Station Drive Leckham ton Road Chelten amn GL53 ODN England (0242) 42127/42451
Complete service for academic and industrial libraries. We can supply any book from any publisher and handle journal and periodical subscriptions from all over the world. eu
Publishers mainly educational textbooks for schools, colleges and universities; specializing in mathematics, sciences, engineering and languages. Catalogs available upon request.
Melvin Tenner MELVIN TENNER COt@ANY 76 Ladbroke Grove London Wll 2HE England 01-229-7794 International booksellers in the field of social and political science. Specialties: international affairs; strategic studies; development. New, second hand and out-of-print books. Catalogs issued. eu
A. A. Hurst TEREDO BOOKS, LTD P.O.Box 430 Brighton BNl 6GT Sussex, England Brighton (02731 505432 Booksellers and publishers of high quality books on Nautical subjects and on Marine Art. es Peter Wigglesworth THORNES BOOKSHOPS Head Office - 63-67 Percy St. Newcastle Upon Tyne NE1 7RS England (0632) 326421 Booksellers supplying hospitals, industry, libraries, schools, colleges, polytechnic and universities. New and secondhand books. Computer-based ordering system. eu
Michael McWhinnie THORSONS PUBLISHERS, LTD Denington Estate Wellingborough, Northants NN8 2RQ England /(0933) 76031 Major publishers of books and cassettes in alternative medicine, wholefood and vegetarian cookery, mysticism, occult, parapsychology New Age philosophy, personal development. S
Colin Elliott TOPS'L BOOKS 13 Wise's Firs. Sulhamstead, Berkshire RG7 4EH England (073-529) 2851 Publishers of books of maritime history, specializing in traditional local craft of Britain - its seafaring and fishing conmnunities. S
James Rutherford TOP STONE BOOKS 29 Station Road Harpenden, Herts. AL5 4XB, England Harpenden (05827) - 64510 Specialize in readable esoteric books of a worthwhile nature. Current titles include "Pvramidoloov." "The Great Pyramid Deioded," "Eiastonbury Tales," "Stonehenge and Druidism." es
LAPT Annual Buyer’s Gukfe for 1983
TOP James Rutherford TOP STDNE DISPLAYS 29 Station Road Harpenden, Herts. AL5 4XB Harpenden (05827) - 64510
Supply a wide variety of display items to the book trade. One-off items are also manufactured to suit customer's special needs. jq
Leonard E.H. Maylett J. B. TRATSART LTD 154 a Greenford Road Harrow MDDX HA1 3QT England 01-422-8295 Booksellers & periodical subscription Sole overseas distributors for ,"&%tles of technical press (USA) & for Anerican Federation of Information Processing Societies. eu
Hermann Bausinger TUEBINGER VEREINIGUNG FUR VOLKSKUNDE e.V. SFhloss D-7400 Tuebingen FR Germany 07071-292374 Editor of a series in folklore, popular culture and social history; 1963-1981 published Vols. 52. Catalog available. S
Harry C. Shaw ULVERSCROFT LARGE PRINT BOOKS, LTD The Green, Bradgate Road Anstey, Leics. LE7 7FU, England 053-721 4325 Pioneer publisher in the field of LARGE PRINT -- over 1200 titles always available from stock; best of the world's authors for housebound and handicapped readers. eks
W. E. Stennenberg UITGEVERSING JHKOL BV Gildestreat 5 Kampen, Holland 8263 AH Theology and religion (specialized in children's bibles, biblical encyclopedias and handbooks, scientific and popular scientific commentaries to the bible), philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, novels, juveniles, more. e
Ray Tillett UNIVERSAL SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE LTD. Universal House 3 Hurst Road Sidcup, Kent DA15 9BA England 01-302-7833 Journal subscription agents and booksellers. eu 1 UNIVERSITY OF WALES PRESS 6 bennyth Street, Cathays ;$ciff, South Glamorgan CF2 4YD 0222-31919 Established in 1922; publishes a large number of titles belonging to a variety of academic disciplines, with over 500 titles in print. S
Camp&y lJstlngs/Europe and Ada E. Turner VARIORUN REPRINTS & VARIORUM PUBLICATIONS, LTD 20 Pea&ridge Mews London Wll 3EQ England (01) 727 5492 Academic books on history, art, law and literature of the Middle Ages, Byzantium, the West, the Slavs, Islam and Christianity. New Books, revised editions, reprints. es
Margarethe Harms VERLAG GRUNDLAGEN U PRAXIS WISSENSCHAFTLICHER AUTORENVERLAG Bergmannstr. 40, Pf. 1507 2950 Leer, FR Germany 0491/61886 Publishers - Main subjects: Natural medicine, humane health services; personality development in family, ;;;;;;ion and society; outlines for the - social strategies. es
Albrecht Weddigen VERLAG OTTO HARRASSOWITZ Taunusstr. 6 P.O. Box 2929 D-6200 Wiesbaden, FR Germany 06121-521046 Publishers. Fields: Library and Information Services; Bibliographies; Oriental Studies; Linguistics; History of Eastern Europe; Slavistic. S
Dr. Ludwig Reichert VERLAG DR. LUDWIG REICHERT Reisstrasse 10 D-6200 Wiesbaden FR Germany 06121/465686 Facsimile editions of high quality. Publications to history of art and history of the Middle Ages. Tubinger Atlas of the Near and Middle East. Catalogs available. rs
VER Werner Eyericha VERLAG KARL THIEMIG AG Pilgersheimer Str. 38 ",&n;;hg3FRGermany D-8000 Illustrated volumes on arts and history of civilization, monographs; "DIE KUNST und DAS SCHONE HEIM" - eldest art magazine in the German linguistic area. S
Wilhelm A. Eckhardt VERLAGTRAUTVETTERa Gladenbacher Weg 57 Marburg FR Germany 06421/23309
Publishers in history and lyric poetry. S
Valentin Koerner VERLAG VALENTIN KOERNER GmbH Postfach 304 D-7570 Baden FR Germany 07221/22423 Publishers of bibliographical catalogs - Bibliographical Service - Abstracts. Esp. 16th and 17th century French and German. bes
Heinz Gollhardt VERLAGSGESELLSCHAFT SCHULFERNSEHEN Breite Strabe 118/120 D-5000 Koln 1 FR Germany 16886 0221/219641 Publisher of multi-media programs, concentrating on education, science, technology, hobby (books, records, film/video). Cooperation with TV stations and broadcasting. ais
IAPT Annual Buyer’sGukb for 1983
VIR Kate Griffin VIRAGO PRESS, LTD Ely House 37 Dover Street London WlX 4HS England (01) 499-9716/7 Publishes, for a general market, books which highlight all aspects of women's lives. Since becoming independent in 1976, have published 160 titles. S
Jean Plumner VIRTUE & COMPANY, LTD 25 Breakfield Coulsdon CR3 2UE England 01-668 4632 Leading publisher of books for the hotel and catering industry. Also publish educational titles for the home. S
Michael Klostermann VITTORIO KLOSTERMANN GmbH Frauenlobstrasse 22 Postfach 90 06 01 D-6000 Frankfurt FR Germany 77 40 11 Publisher of Buch-und Bibliothekswesen, Bibliographie, PhiloSophie, Romanistik, Germanistik, Geschichte, Rechts-und Staatswissenschaften. bfs
Denis Kennedy WATERLOW PUBLISHERS, LTD Holywell House, Worship Street London EC2A 2EN England 01-247 5400 Publishers of banking, general business and legal books; general interest audio cassettes, e.g. on public speaking and letter writing; publishers of "The Bankers' Magazine" as
B. Rand WEALD U. K.. LTD 43 The High Street Tunbrid e Wells Kent TNf 1XU England Publishers' agents. rs
Mr. Muszynski JULIETTE WEKSELMAN Bookseller Belaielei 18 Antierpen Belgium 2000 3/230 21 75 Act abroad as representative of official Belgin Institutions for purchases of books and journals. e
Geoffrey Dent WHITE EAGLE PUBLISHING TRUST New Lands, Brewells Lane Liss Hants GU33 7HY England 073082 3300 Religious book publishers. S
Konrad Hopkins WILFION BOOKS (PUBLISHERS1 12 Townhead Terrace Paisley Renfrewshire, Scotland (041) 887-1241, Ext. 299
Specialists in English translations of minority literatures; poetry, fiction, biography, psychic phenomena; distributors of Trends, international literary magazine; organizers of The Erich Wolfgang Korngold Society. beu
WK. Trueman DART WILSDNLTD l-9 Broad Street Margate Kent , England 0843 28873 Booksellers and subscription agents specializing in supplying to institutional libraries. eu
Peter Wolfe WOLFE MEDICAL PUBLICATIONS Ii01fe House 3 Conway Street London WIP 6HE England Wolfe Atlases provide probably the world's most comprehensive systematic collection of color photographs in medicine, surgery and dentistry.
S. C. Albert
WORLD VICTIM PU~ICATI~, 62 Queen’s Grove London NW8 6ER 01 5863092
Leading British micropublishers. American history, architecture, art, cinema studies, illuminated manuscripts, law, history, Medieval studies, sic, otography, politics, Quakers, relig !h on, Shakespeare, women's studies, labor history. ams
Advertising Manager WORLD'S ~~/~YE 61 ~D/~IN~ILL PRESS Kingswood Tadworth Surrey KT20 6TG England 0737 833511
Publishers of books, juvenile, picture book and educational. Adult: archaeology, inspirational and sports. ;;$e;;rtIfn Manager B BOOKS, LTD Friedrich-Ebert Str. 00 6520 Worms FR Germany 06241-51425 Publishers of: lyric ~try/biography/ literature on tape-cassettes. Coieputer software in BASIC. ehs
Michael G.Morris DOF INF TIOU 21 Gold Street Saffron Walden, Essex CBlO 1EJ England (0799) 21150 Publishers of international yearbooks on developing countries. Titles include Middle East Review, Africa Guide, Asia & Pacific and Latin America & Caribbean. S
Gordon Wright GORDON WRIGHT PUBLISHING 55 ~rch~nt Road Edinburgh EH9 1HT. Scotland 031-229-8566 Specializing in books of Scottish interest covering a wide variety of subjects. Catalog sent on request. S
Anthony Gresford JOHN WRIGHT di SONS, LTD 823/825 Bath Road Bristol BS4 5NU England (0272) 778344 dical, dental and veterinary publishers. Books and journals. Catalogs available on request. 5
WRI Sian Williams WRITERS & READERS PUBLISHING COOPERATIVE SOCIETY, LTD 144 Camden High Street London NW1 ONE England 01-267-0511 Publishers of fiction, politics, sociology, children's books, poetry, drama, cartoon documentaries "Beginners' Books". es
Roger van Zwanenberg ZED PRESS 57 Caledonian Road London Nl 9DN England 01-837 4014 Specialized publisher producing books in the social sciences on third world: Africa, Asia, Middle East, third world women & contemporary world events. Catalogs available. S
LAP1Annual Buyer’sGuide for 1983 Michael P. Zographos ZEN0 BOOKSELLERS 6 PUBLISHERS 6 Denmark Street London K2H 8LP England 01-836 2522 The best way to obtain your Greek books, the quickest and most efficient service in supplying Greek books. Catalogs available on reques t. eu
Mr. F. Braun, Vice President ZEUTSCHEL GmbH & CO Wurmlinger Str. 11 D-7400 Tuebingen-5 West-Germany 07071-71024 For more than 20 years the manufacturer of high quality and versatile microform equipment under the names OMNIA and OMNIPRINT. mp