homoeostasis, the second deals with the search for the "'opnmum regime" for the "milieu interieur" and the third and highest domain provides for the optimum adjustment of the organism to the external environment. It is pointed out that algorithms for classification and pattern recognition tasks may, be useful in establishing the optimum control strategy' m this multivariable situation. The next chapter is devoted to the question of reliability of biologmal systems and the prinmple of randomness of connections is worked out as a basic necessity for such systems, which aNo shm~ the ability of pattern rccogmn,,u, adaptixccontrol, lcarnmg, ctc lastl 5 the tmportance of cybernencs for medicine at large
is dealt with and exemplified in some cases, ~uch as computer-aided diagnosis and automatically' conIrolled depth of anaesthesia. I hc book is well ~ rlttcn in a preclsc but not unduly dry manner. It succeeds in showing the mare principles without the burden of too much detml. The particular merit lies in showing the similarity of control problems in different systems irrespective of the physical realization. This analogy', however. ~s never overemphasized and tribute is paid to the enormous complexity of biological control. It is highly recommended to all those who wish to reform themselves about biocybernehcs L. U. E. KOHLLOFFEL
Da,~ Sauer,~tollJruckleld im normalen und pathoh~gi~'ch rer&ulerten Muske/. Unterslwhungen rail emer neuen Met/lode zur quanlilatiren EtTlhxsung der Hypoxie hi situ (Schriftenreihe Neurologie, Neurology Series, No. 3}, by K. KUNZE, viii+ 118 pages, 67 illustrations, Springer, Berlin, 1969, DM 58. , US $ 16. .
ly 1 t~ from the cusp. The result~ are given of measurements in the resting anterior tibial muscle of 24 normal cSntrols. In addition 22 patients suffering from a variety of myogenic (9 patients) and neurogenic (13 patients) conditions are given. The material is too small and too heterogenous t,, dra~ definite conclusions, while the diagnosis n/,ldc II1 ,~Ollle of the patieut~ m a y not always bc convincing to every, reader. The technique developed h 5 the Htllhor ",ecru', :1 very useful and reproducible method and /hcrcforc this monograph can be recommended to all neuro-physiologists and neurologists working in the field of normal and pathological muscle.
A very thorough description is given of a new technique to measure the oxygen pressure in muscle. With the aid of a micromanipulator very thin platinum needle electrodes are placed in the muscle perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the muscle fibres. In order to measure the oxygen pressure just at one single point, the electrode has been isolated by a glas, covering up to approximate-
J. [~E'rHI I,\l
,I. m'urol. Sci.. 1971. 14:377 379