PUBLI'C H E A L T H , April, 1944
B. Christopherson (Tuberculosis Officer,
Norfolk C.C.).
Hon. Secretary: Dr. R. L. Midgley (Medical Superintendent, Devon C.C.). A meeting of the Tuberculosis G r o u p Committee was held at the rooms of the Society o n N o v e m b e r 19th, 1943. T h e President occupied the chair, and there were 14 m e m b e r s present. T h e m i n u t e s of the previous meeting were read and signed. T h e result of the postal ballot was announced, and Dr. Lissant Cox was welcomed as Council Representative. T h e Hon. Secretary then presented a balance sheet. A discussion on experiences of the past two m o n t h s ' working of Memo. 266/T was held. Attention was drawn to the Information Bureau set up by the N.A.P.T. to which any tuberculosis officer could s u b m i t difficulties and get advice. A resolution was passed for submission to the Council " that ultimate fitness for work should not be the criterion for eligibility for allowances u n d e r M e m o . 266/T, b u t that all cases of pulmonary tuberculosis who conform with the instructions of the tuberculosis officer should be eligible to receive allowances." A letter from Dr. Jessel was read announcing his wish to resign from the committee so that his place as a North-Western representative could be taken by Dr. G. Lissant Cox. M a n y tributes to Dr. Jessel's tong years of valuable service were recorded, and it was hoped that he would consent to become a co-opted m e m b e r . T h e following officers were nominated for 1943-44: President: Dr. H, Selby ; Vice-Presidents : Drs. W. Christopherson and J. T . Crowe ; Hon. Secretary : Dr. R. L. Midgley ; CouncilRepresentative : Dr. G. Lissant C o x ; Representatives on ff.T.C. : Drs. H. Selby, C. K. Cullen, and R. L, Midgley ; Representatives on the Inter-Group Committee: Drs. H. Setby, C. K. Cutlen, and R. L. Midgley. Co-opted Members : Drs. P. Edwards and N. Tattersall. T h e next meeting will be held on February 18th, 1944, at 9.30 a.m. T h e Annual General Meeting of the Tuberculosis Group was held on N o v e m b e r 19th, 1943, at the rooms of the Society. T h e President occupied the chair, and there were 15 other m e m b e r s present. T h e minutes of the last annual general meeting were read and signed. T h e Hon. Secretary gave an account of the year's work. T h e officers nominated by the C o m m i t t e e were elected for the year 1943-44.
EASTERN BRANCH President: Dr. H. Roger (C.M.O., W e s t Suffolk). Hon. Secretary : Dr. J. W. H u n t e r ( M . P . H . and S.M.O., Ipswich C.B.). A meeting of the Branch was held on December 4th, 1943, on behalf of the United States A r m y Medical Services at the invitation of Col. Gable. T h e President, 14 m e m b e r s , and several visitors were present. T h e session was spent in visiting the hospital, and m u c h of interest, both from the administrative and clinical aspect was demonstrated to the members. T h e gratitude of the Branch was expressed by the President to Col. Gable and his staff for the trouble they had taken in making the session a success.
YORKSHIRE B R A N C H President:
Dr. E. C. Benn (Med. Superintendent, Seacroft Hospital, Leeds). Hon. Secretary : Dr. J. M. Gibson (M.P.H., Huddersfield). A meeting of the Branch was held in Leeds on December 3Ist, I943. Eighteen m e m b e r s were present. T h e minutes of the meeting held on December 3rd, 1943, were approved. It was resolved that the Yorkshire Branch nominate Dr. J. Johnstone Jervis,, Leeds, for the Presidency of the Society for 1944-45. Dr. K. J. G. Milne, Resident Physician, City General Hospital, Sheffield, read a paper on the bacteriology and chemotherapy of pneumonia with special reference to cases admitted to Sheffield City General Hospital, 1938-1943. In the discussion which followed, Dr. E. C. B~NN said that he had found that treatment by sulphapyridine tended to delay resolution. In his experience of well over a thousand cases he had encountered blood changes in one only. Dr. PICKUP referred to a comparison made by Dr. Milne between cases treated by sulphapyridine alone, compared with those treated with sulphapyridine plus serum. H e wondered what was the result of treating cases with serum alone. Dr. Milne explained that this had not been tried out, owing to the fact that
the results of typing were not availahle until at least 24 hours had elapsed, and he felt that it was not fair to a patient to withhold treatment for this length of time. Dr. Milne stated that in his experience sulphapyridine was not more toxic than sulphathiazole. H e always aimed at obtaining concentration within the first 24 hours, and had reserved the intra-muscular injections for 9nty the few cases in which vomiting had been excessive. In reply to a question regarding the prophylactic use of sulphapyridine, Dr. Milne believed that this was ineffective and probably dangerous, because it is possible for a person to become sensitised by its use. A vote of thanks was then accorded to Dr. Milne for a highly instructive paper.
NORTHERN BRANCH President : Dr. I. McCracken (M.P.H., D u r h a m C.C.). Hon. Secretary: Dr. J. A. Charles (M.P.H., Newcastle-uponTyne). A meeting of the Branch was held in N e w c a s t l e - u p o n - T y n e on M a r c h 4th. T h e President and 25 m e m b e r s were present. T h e minutes of the meeting held on January 29th, 1944, were read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman. T h e C h a i r m a n referred to the recent death of Dr. James Angus, Medical Officer of Health for the south-east N o r t h u m b e r l a n d area, and informed the Branch that the Hon. Secretary had conveyed a message of s y m p a t h y to Mrs. Angus. Consideration was given to the Introduction, and to Sections I, II, and I I I of the G o v e r n m e n t ' s White Paper on a National Health Service. T h e following Resolutions were passed unanimously by the B r a n c h : (1) Central Organisation--Ministry of Health : It was resolved that there should be some method of concentrating the various health functions in the Ministry of Health or of co-ordinating them under the aegis of the Minister of Health. (2) Local Organisation--Local Health Services Council: It was resolved that the Medical Officers of Health of the major local authorities should be, by virtue of their office, members of the Local Health Services Council. It was agreed that the remaining sections of the report should be discussed at the next meeting of the Branch. A preliminary meeting of those members interested in the setting up of a School Medical Service Group was held before the ordinary meeting of the Branch, on March 4th, 1944. T h e C h a i r m a n and four m e m b e r s were present. T h e Hon. Secretary read a letter from Dr. Newth on reviving the School Medical Service Group of the Society and asking for suggestions from interested persons. It was agreed that the Hon. Secretary should write to all Medical Officers of Health and School Medical Officer in the area, enclosing a copy of Dr. Newth's letter, and asking any persons interested to get in touch with Dr. Newth direct. A meeting of the Branch was held in N e w c a s t l e - u p o n - T y n e on January 29th. T h e President and 21 members were present. T h e minutes of the meeting held on January 8th, 1944, were read, confirmed and signed by the Chairman. T h e Hon. Secretary reported that he had received a letter from the Metropolitan Branch withdrawing their nomination of Dr. Allen Daley for the presidency of the Society. He also reported that the Yorkshire Branch asked for the support of the Northern Branch for the nomination of Prof. J. Johnstone Jervis as President of the Society. It was agreed that this matter be referred to a later meeting of the Branch. T h e Hon. Secretary submitted a letter he had received from the Ministry of Labour in reply to the Branch's request that a medical officer o f health" might be co-opted to serve on the Advisory C o m mittee dealing with the recruitment and distribution of nurses and m{dwives. T h e letter stated that the Ministry of Labour appreciated that medical officers of health are able to give valuable assistance on certain matters in the nursing profession and that each local advisory committee had the power to invite the appropriate medical officer to attend any individual meeting at which such matters were under discussion. T h e Hon. Secretary referred to a letter received from the Hon. Secretary of the School Medical Service G r o u p of the Society regarding the proposed revival of the Group, and asking for observations of interested persons. It was agreed that it would be advantageous if this Group were revived, and that an invitation to attend a preliminary meeting should be sent to all School Medical Officers and their assistants in the area. Prof E. M. Dunlop, M.C., Professor of Bacteriology, King's College. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, delivered an address on the laboratory and the health services. After a general discussion, during which Professor Dunlop answered questions, Dr. Grant, on behalf of the Branch, moved a hearty vote of thanks to him for h{s interestin~ address.