Ensemble pour des Quartiers verts, actifs et en santé

Ensemble pour des Quartiers verts, actifs et en santé

abstract 216 What predicts dropout of an exercise intervention with obese adolescents? A.S. Alberga1, H. Tulloch2, G.P. Kenny1,3, D. Prud’homme1, G. ...

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216 What predicts dropout of an exercise intervention with obese adolescents? A.S. Alberga1, H. Tulloch2, G.P. Kenny1,3, D. Prud’homme1, G. Goldfield4, S. Hadjiyannakis4, S. Sweet5, and R.J. Sigal3,6 1 School of Human Kinetics, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 2University of Ottawa Heart Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 3Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 4Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Ottawa, Ontario,Canada; 5School of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada; 6Faculties of Medicine and Kinesiology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Introduction: Current exercise interventions in obese youth are modestly successful, and attrition is of great concern in most behavioural interventions with obese individuals. The purpose of this study was to determine what factors (physiological or psychological) predicted dropout in overweight and obese adolescents enrolled in a six-month exercise intervention study aimed to improve body composition. Methods: A subsample (n=116) of sedentary overweight or obese adolescents (BMI 34.6 ± 4.3 kg/m2) aged 14-18 years who volunteered for the HEARTY (Healthy Eating Aerobic and Resistance Training in Youth) trial completed physiological (BMI, waist circumference, total adipose tissue, percent body fat, and aerobic fitness) and psychological (self-esteem, mood, body image, and self-efficacy) baseline measures. results: Twenty-six out of 116 dropped out of the six-month intervention (22%), with no significant differences between dropouts and completers on any variable examined (p>0.05). After controlling for age and sex, logistic regression analysis revealed that body image was the only significant predictor of dropout (p=0.036). Fifty-eight per cent (15/26) of dropouts had a score above the median, while 44% (40/90) of the completers had a score below the median on appearance orientation. Appearance orientation measures the importance, the attention to, and the frequency of behaviours to maintain or change his/her outward appearance, with higher scores indicating greater body dissatisfaction. Our study shows that obese adolescents with high appearance orientation are more likely to drop out. Discussion: Appearance orientation should be assessed to identify participants who may be at high risk of attrition in future interventions. 217 Ensemble pour des Quartiers verts, actifs et en santé C. Voyer Coalition québécoise sur la problématique du poids, Centre d’écologie urbaine de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada contexte : Au Québec, 23 % des enfants sont en surpoids. Les déplacements actifs permettraient de multiplier les occasions d’activité physique, mais 70 % des écoliers ne marchent pas pour se rendre à l’école. Les enfants sont des usagers de la route extrêmement vulnérables : huit enfants par semaine sont blessés par un véhicule à Montréal. Des aménagements pour assurer la sécurité des piétons et cyclistes constituent une stratégie efficace pour réduire les accidents et ainsi inciter au transport actif. Objectif : Susciter une nouvelle façon d’aménager les rues et l’espace public dans les quartiers pour favoriser les transports actifs sécuritaires. Méthode : La démarche de planification de Quartiers verts, actifs et en santé (QVAS) est intersectorielle : elle regroupe des acteurs du milieu municipal et communautaire ainsi que des citoyens. Il s’agit de conjuguer les savoirs citoyens et les savoirs spécialisés par différentes activités d’échanges et exercices d’idéation. Le projet intervient à différents niveaux pour créer des alliances en vue d’obtenir l’appui politique nécessaire. résultats : Des communautés locales de Montréal sont accompagnées dans un processus participatif de planification de QVAS. L’expérience

rejoint une diversité d’acteurs. Les élus et les professionnels démontrent une volonté de collaborer et d’inscrire les valeurs de QVAS dans leurs actions. Les répercussions de ce projet sont multiples et peuvent être significatives. conclusion : Les QVAS mèneront à des changements sur le plan socioculturel en instituant de nouvelles normes sociales et des pratiques professionnelles favorisant les modes de vie sains. 218 single-pill combination of telmisartan 80 mg/amlodipine 10 mg provides superior blood pressure reductions in patients with severe hypertension: teamsta severe HtN study J.M. Neutel1, G. Mancia2, H.R. Black3, B. Dahlöf4, H. Defeo5, L. Ley6, R. Vinisko5, and E. Andalib 1 Orange County Research Center, California, U.S.A.; 2University of Milano-Bicocca, San Gerardo Hospital, Milan, Italy; 3New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York, U.S.A.; 4Sahlgrenska University Hospital/Östra, Sweden; 5Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc., Connecticut, U.S.A.; 6Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH & Co. KG, Ingelheim, Germany Introduction: The aim of this study was to investigate the efficacy and safety of the single-pill combination of telmisartan 80 mg/amlodipine 10mg (T80/A10) vs. its respective monotherapy components in patients with severe hypertension. Methods: An eight-week, double-blind, parallel-group study, in 858 patients aged ≥18 years with severe hypertension (i.e., SBP ≥180 and DBP ≥95 mmHg), randomized to T80/A10 (n=421) or to monotherapy with T80 (n=217) or A10 (n=220). The primary endpoint was change from baseline in seated trough cuff SBP. results: Baseline characteristics were comparable between the treatment groups. At eight weeks, significantly greater reductions from baseline in seated trough SBP/DBP were observed with T80/A10 vs. T80 or A10 monotherapy, with superior reductions evident at one week. BP control and response rates were consistently higher with T80/ A10 vs. T80 or A10 alone. T80/A10 was well tolerated, with similar rates of common adverse events (AEs) vs. T80 or A10 monotherapy. Treatment-related AEs were less frequent with T80/A10 (12.6%) vs. A10 (16.4%), with a numerically lower incidence of peripheral edema and rate of treatment discontinuation. conclusions: Treatment of severely hypertensive patients with a single-pill combination containing T80/A10 results in significantly greater BP reductions (–47.5/–18.7 mmHg) and higher BP control/ response rates than the respective monotherapies. The safety profile of T80/A10 single-pill combination was comparable to that of its respective components. 219 Obesity still follows an inverse socioeconomic (sEs) gradient by gender in canada N. Dumas Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada Recent Canadian data show that the likelihood of overweight follows a socioeconomic (SES) gradient. However, in 2010 at the 2nd Canadian Obesity Student Meeting, we demonstrated that risk increases with the SES for men and decreases for women. aim: (1) To examine if this gender-reversed SES gradient is observable for pre-obesity as well as for obesity, and (2) to examine to which extent this gradient can be explained by psychosocial or behavioural factors. Methods: Data were derived from a subsample of Canadian adults (2565 years) who responded to the Canadian Community Health Survey (CCHS 4.1, Statistics Canada, 2007/8). The BMI is derived from selfdeclaration measures of weight and height. SES is a measure of income sufficiency and education respondent. Multinomial logistic regression adjusted for sociodemographics (age, marital, and employed status)

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