The Journal o f the American Dental Association
health agents already in the field, and feeling that the public health and school nurses are the most logical persons to do this, the state dental society invited all o f the public health nurses in Iowa to attend the state meeting. Lectures on various phases o f dental health were given and the nurses received instruction in mouth examinations. Several dental hygienists in public health w ork demonstrated to the nurses how to examine and chart mouths, and the members o f the committee answered innumerable questions that came to the minds o f the nurses. There were about 100 present. There is a question whether it might not be feasible fo r other states to f o llo w this unique plan developed by Iow a, fo r , undoubt edly, the public health nurses and the school teachers w ill have to help in the solution o f the dental problem. D E N T A L SLOGANS A set o f thirty dental slogans, 15” x 10” , may be purchased f o r 10c each; 50c f o r any 10 or $1.00 a set. Please order by number. F ollow in g are the slogans: 1. Teeth are built from the food s you eat. M ilk and the dairy products, fruits and vegetables, and whole grain bread are most important. 2. End your meal with a self-cleansing fo o d : celery, lettuce, apples, etc. 3. Chew your fo o d w ell; your stomach has no teeth. 4. Spare the sweets and save the teeth. 5. First teeth are the pathfinders o f perma nent teeth. Guard them well. 6. Coarse fo o l w ell chewed saves teeth and preserves good health. 7. Be both “ choosey” and “ chewsy” about eating. 8. Choose your fo o d wisely and chew your fo o d well. 9. Be true to your teeth or they w ill be false to you. 10. There are thirty-two reasons why every member o f every fam ily should have a toothbrush; every reason is a tooth. 11. A toothbrush is a better friend than a toothache. 12. A clean, healthy mouth is g ood life in surance. 13. Brush your teeth after meals. Use a down stroke on the upper teeth. Stroke up on the lowers— jaws apart.
14. D irty teeth decay most at night. 15. A dirty mouth poisons the whole system. 16. F ill your candy box with fruit. 17. Whose teeth w ill you be wearing when you are 40? 18. Have you a perfect 32? 19. M any people are digging their graves with their teeth. 20. See your mouth as others see it. 21. An unhealthy mouth neglected never gets better. 22. Keep well teeth well. 23. Make your dentists’ office a service sta tion, not a repair shop. 24. Be selfish about your toothbrush. It is yours only. 25. T h e best toothpaste or toothpowder is elbow grease. 26. A tooth in the mouth is worth ten on a plate. 27. An ounce o f prevention is worth a pound o f promises. 28. It is easier to prevent tooth decay than to check it. 29. I f a tooth could talk, it w ould surely say, “ I need to be brushed three times a day.” 30. When you come to the end o f a perfect day, clean your teeth. F IE L D N O TE S* T h e Ohio State Department o f Health has distributed throughout the state about 16,000 copies o f the bulletins o f the American Academy o f Periodontology. Any state de partment o f health can obtain permission to print these bulletins by applying to the De partment o f Dental Health Education o f the American Dental Association. Smithfield, Utah, is conducting a dental health campaign in the schools, with 100 per cent corrections as the goal. D uring “ Health W eek,” one day has been set aside f o r the schools in order that they may demonstrate what has been done along health lines. T he Bureau o f Maternal and Child Health o f the State Board o f Health o f Kentucky is distributing the pamphlet “ Children’s Teeth— H ow to Use and Keep Th em ” (Part I I ) , which is published by the Department o f Dental Health Education, American Dental Association. ♦The Department o f Dental Health Education will be glad to receive items o f news along the lines o f education in dental or general health.