Fundamentals of Pediatric Orthopedics, 3rd edition

Fundamentals of Pediatric Orthopedics, 3rd edition

218 Book Reviews endocrine tumors and the immunoendocrinopathy syndromes. Utilizing the general principles of neoplasia, the authors provide a basic...

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Book Reviews

endocrine tumors and the immunoendocrinopathy syndromes. Utilizing the general principles of neoplasia, the authors provide a basic framework for understanding endocrine tumorigenesis. The diagnosis, management, and treatment of selected aspects of the multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes are presented. Chapters 38–41 comprise Section 10, “Paraendocrine and Neoplastic Syndromes.” In chapter 38, the authors lay the foundation for the section by discussing the “development of endocrine cell lineages during organogenesis in the endocrine pancreas and intestine and review the biologic actions of peptide hormones produced in the pancreatic and intestinal endocrine cells and the enteric nerves.” The authors of chapter 39 offer an insightful discussion of the etiology, risk factors, prevention, and treatment of endocrine-responsive cancers, in particular breast, endometrial, and prostate cancers. In summary, the 10th edition of Williams Textbook of Endocrinology is an excellent reference tool that fulfills the desires of the original editor by “providing an authoritative discussion of the management of clinical endocrinopathies based upon the application of fundamental information obtained from chemical and physiologic investigation.” The editors seek to achieve “relevance, thoroughness, and practicality through a unique combination of scientific knowledge and clinical familiarity” through the contributions of authors whom the editors describe as “physician-scientists.” The book represents an excellent accomplishment for the authors and editors who have compiled the data. However, because of the meticulous detail of the book, it is perhaps best suited for physicianscientists specializing in the field of endocrinology, as opposed to the general clinician, resident, or medical student who may be in search of a quick review tool. For the practicing physician who is engaged in the day-today management of a large volume of patients, the book does not represent a concise, condensed synopsis that could be quickly reviewed when presented with a complicated patient in the office. Similarly, this book contains so much information that it would not be a useful tool for the medical student or resident physician seeking a focused study guide while preparing for course examinations or medical boards. doi:10.1016/j.jpag.2004.03.047

Fundamentals of Pediatric Orthopedics, 3rd edition. Lynn T. Staheli, MD. ISBN 0-7817-4125-4. Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2003, 192 pp. Reviewed by Rebecca L. Collins, MD, Department of Pediatrics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky.

This book was intended by the author for primary care physicians as a basic pediatric orthopedic reference

guide. He authors a companion text for Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeons. The information presented in the fourteen chapters is easily read and serves as a general reference overview of pediatric orthopedics. Every page is supplemented with color photographs of patients, X-rays, bone scans, graphs, and flow charts to facilitate understanding of the text. In fact, the illustrations occupy more of the page than the text itself, which is a unique feature of this orthopedic text. References are listed at the end of each chapter and are up to date and evidence based, but the references are listed alphabetically, not numbered through the text, making it difficult to determine a specific reference. The first chapter does a nice job on normal and abnormal growth and development of the fetus and infant which is essential to understanding pediatric orthopedics. The second chapter supplies an overview of the general evaluation of children. A portion of this chapter spends some time on establishing rapport with the child and family and gives a chart of “Tips for the Physician” regarding this. While this may seem second nature to the seasoned practitioner who deals with children, it could be invaluable to the less experienced physician. This chapter also reviews the musculoskeletal system physical exam and comments on particular evaluations specific for this system, such as range of motion, joint laxity, gait evaluation, etc. The third chapter reviews general management of orthopedic problems and discusses particulars such as special shoes, orthotics, casting, therapy, surgery, and traction. Chapters 4 through 9 are divided into segments of the body—lower limb, upper limb, foot, knee and tibia, hip, spine, and pelvis. Each of these chapters discusses specific complaints and abnormalities found in that particular region of the body. Again, the text is heavily supplemented with pictures, X-rays, etc., often in conjunction with patient case histories. While I found this clinically relevant, at times I found the text to be lacking in details regarding specific disorders and found the illustrations to contain important information that was not in the text. Chapters 10–13 coverd the topics of trauma, sports, infections, and tumors. I found the trauma chapter to be the most clinically relevant to primary care physicians. This chapter includes many practical sections, some of which describe the evaluation of common fractures, which fractures can and can not be managed without a referral, X-rays of missed fractures, charts including information on healing times for specific types of fractures, common upper/lower fractures, location and management, etc. The sports chapter gives an overview of competitive sports in childhood and discusses specific injury types, overuse syndromes, evaluation, and management plans. It did not specify when a primary care physician should refer to an orthopedist or sports medicine doctor, which I think is valuable information. The last chapter is on parent

Book Reviews

information and includes four pages that can be used for parent distribution. In summary, this text is a good overview of pediatric orthopedics, but deals more with principles vs. details. The strengths of this text are the abundance of X-rays (abnormalities are highlighted with arrows), clinical vignettes, graphs, and flow charts. The book includes many clinical pearls that validate the author’s extensive experience in pediatric orthopedics. Because the book is only 192 pages and covers so many topics it could not possibly


cover each topic in detail. Because of this I would not use this text solely for quick reference in an acute clinic setting, but I feel that it contains information that is invaluable for the long-term practice of general pediatrics. For the practitioner who deals mainly with adolescents, this may not be your best bet as a single orthopedic reference in your library. doi:10.1016/j.jpag.2004.03.046