IIR n e w s
Nouvelles de I'IIF
A w o r d from the Director
Le mot du Directeur
Gustav Lorentzen, in remembrance
Gustav Lorentzen, en souvenir
It was with great sorrow that we learned of the death of Professor Gustav Lorentzen, a few days before the Hague Congress. In Trondheim I conveyed to his family and his colleagues the sympathy of all those in the IIR, along with the admiration and esteem in which he was held. I thank Professor Lino Mattarolo, who succeededhim in 1975 as President of the Scientific Council, for reminding us, in the following tribute, of a l l of Professor Lorentzen's qualities. I thought it appropriate that it should appear in the I JR, a journal that both of them helped to initiate.
Quelques jours avant le Congr6s de La Haye nous apprenions la douloureuse nouvelle du d6c6s du Professeur Gustav Lorentzen. Sur place, &Trondheim, j'ai pu essayer d'exprimer &sa famille et & ses coll6gues, les sentiments que nous inspirent son dbc6s et surtout sa vie et son message. Merci au Professeur Lino Mattarolo, qui lui a succ6d6 en 1975 comme pr6sident du Conseil Scientifique de l'IIF d'avoir bien voulu nous rappeler son souvenir dans cette revue qu'ils ont tous deux particip6 ~ lancer.
The Director Louis Lucas
Le Directeur Louis Lucas
I had the rare privilege of being close friends with this extraordinary man, who died on 7 August 1995, at the age of 80 years, Our friendship began at the 9th International Congress of Refrigeration in London in 1951, and grew at each succeeding Congress, at countless other events of the International Institute of Refrigeration, during stays on his island in the Trondheim fjord,
Le professeur Gustav Lorentzen est mort le 7 aofit 1995 h l'fige de quatre-vingts ans. J'ai eu la chance de jouir d'une amitiO profonde avec cet homme extraordinaire, une amiti~ qui a dObutO h I'occasion du 9e CongrOs International du Froid gt Londres en 1951 et qui s'est accrue de plus en plus dans tousles Congr~s successifs, dans d'autres innombrables r~unions 509
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IIR n e w s
where he would receive his friends, and in Padua, Italy, where he would often come as a member of the Italian Institute of Refrigeration and as a member of the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Padua. Among the worldwide refrigeration community, his absence was deeply felt at the 19th International Congress of Refrigeration at The Hague in August, and numerous were the tributes to the greatness of both the man and his work. Professor Lorentzen was indeed one of the most eminent figures of refrigeration in the second half of the 20th century, and one of the most active figures in the IIR, where he was President of Commission 3 (the current Commission B2) from 1959 to 1967, President of the Scientific Council from 1967 to 1975, and President of the General Conference from 1979 to 1987. At the moment of his death he was Honorary President of the IIR. He introduced many changes that helped the Institute to run better, such as a greater flexibility in the workings of the Scientific Council, the body to which he devoted much of his attention. He had an unshakeable faith in the mission of the IIR, and it was a constant source of frustration to him that the Institute's resources were not at the level of what he recognized as the immense role of refrigeration in the modern world. His faith could be seen in the passionate addresses to the Congresses on how refrigeration could help solve the world's food problems. Throughout his life, his research activities constituted a formidable contribution to advancing refrigeration technology, particularly in the area of refrigeration plants and heat pumps, where his great experience and profound knowledge of energy savings and of the practical aspects of the systems was apparent in the almost 600 articles that he published. At the Norwegian Institute of Technology, in Trondheim, where he was a professor from 1952 to 1982, he founded the Department of Refrigerating Engineering, which, under his direction, became one of the most renowned in the world in its sector, for the level of experimental results that it achieved. He put all his efforts into the Department until his last days, believing, as he would say, that it was his duty to share his experience and to lend his support to the training of young researchers. Most recently, he had plunged with a young man's enthusiasm into the issue of CFC substitution, proposing new options, in the area of CO2 for example, that were always backed with results from the experiments he had led. We knew him as being rigorous and severe with himself; he would not compromise on his principles and would not tolerate superficiality in others. He was named doctor honoris causa and an honorary member of several universities and organizations. He was a Commander of the Norwegian Royal Order of St Olav and, in France, Commander of the Order of Merit for Research and Invention. Quite aside from his outstanding professional achievements, Gustav Lorentzen was an exceptional man. Inside his Viking-like imposing physique there was a great inner nobility. How honest he was, how caring of his friends, how ready he was to help others in need without asking anything in return, along with a certain innocence in business, were aspects of his personality that we particularly valued.
au sein de l'lnstitut International du FroM, clans des sOjours h son lle au fjord de Trondheim oh i/accueillait ses amis en 9tO et encore en Italie, & Padoue, o~ i/venait souvent comme membre de l'lnstitut #alien du From et membre de l'AcadOmie des Sciences, Lettres et Arts de Padoue. A La Haye, en ao6t dernier, au 19e CongrOs, on a ressenti profond~ment son absence. Le professeur Lorentzen a repr~sentO dans la seconde partie de ce sibcle une des figures les plus ~minentes de la Technologie du From et des plus actives au sein de l'11['. Dans cet Institut il a ~t~ Prksident de la Commission 3 (l'actuelle Commission B2) de 1959 gt 1967, President du Conseil Scientifique de 1967 h 1975, PrOsident de la Confkrence GknOrale de 1979 h 1987. I1 en ktait maintenant President d'Honneur. Nombreuses ont Ot~ les modifications qu'il a introduites pour le meilleur fonctionnement de l'lnstitut, telles que l'assouplissement du Conseil Scientifique, l'organisme auquel il a d~di~ la plupart de ses attentions. 11 croyait plus que tout autre h la fonction de I'IIF; c'~tait une souffrance pour lui de comparer les trop faibles possibilit~s d'action de l'Institut avec l'immense importance du froM dans le monde moderne. On se rappelle ses allocutions passionn~es aux Congrbs o~t il r~p~tait sa foi clans le r6le du f r o m pour la solution du problbme de l'alimentation dans le monde. Son activitk de recherche pendant toute sa vie a donn~ un apport formidable au progrbs de la Technique du From surtout dans la Technologie des installations frigorifiques et des pompes h chaleur olt l'approfondissement des concepts relatifs h l'~conomie d'~nergie se mariait h une large expOrience et h une profonde connaissance des aspects pratiques des systbmes. Prbs de 600 articles tkmoignent de cette activitY. A Trondheim, ?1 l'Institut Norv~gien de Technologie, o~t il a ~t~ professeur de 1952 ?t 1982, il a fond{ le D~partement de G~nie frigorifique qui, sous sa direction, est devenu I'un des plus renommOs du monde dans son secteur, pour le niveau des r~sultats exp~rimentaux obtenus. A c e d~partement il a d~di~ tous ses efforts jusqu'aux derniers jours, conscient, comme il le disait, qu'il Otait de son devoir de partager son expOrience et d'apporter son concours gtla formation des jeunes chercheurs. Rdcemment il s'~tait consacr~ avec l'enthousiasme d'un jeune au problbme de la substitution des CFC, proposant des solutions nouvelles, comme sur l'usage du C02, toujours avec des travaux e~cp~rimentaux. I1 ktait rigoureux et skvbre avec lui-mOme; il n 'admettait pas de compromis; il ne tol~rait pas non plus la superficialit~ des autres. II a ~t~ nomm~ docteur honoris causa et membre d'honneur de plusieurs universit~s et organisations. II ~tait Commandeur de l'Ordre Royal Norv~gien de St. Olav et Commandeur de l'Ordre du M~rite pour la Recherche et l'Invention en France. Sur le plan humain Gustav Lorentzen Otait un homme exceptionnel. Sa figure physique, comme celle d'un Viking ancien, cachait une grande noblesse intOrieure. L'honnEtet~ de son 6me, la d~licatesse de ses rapports avec ses amis, une certaine na'ivet~ dans les affaires, sa disponibilit~ h aider les autres sans rien demander, ont dt~ les aspects de sa personnalit~ dont nous avons joui et que nous avons admires et aim~s.
IIR news
Within the intimacy of his family, he showered affection and his hard-won wisdom on his many children and grandchildren. It was especially there, surrounded by his family in the quiet and peace of his home, that he would feel that a lifetime of hard work was worth it. In his last days, as he suffered from an incurable sickness, he kept up his work with the superhuman will that we saw on display at the Hanover meeting in May 1994, the last time he was with all of us. At the end of last year, his beloved wife Siss died unexpectedly. Gustav seemed to realize that his life, as well, was also coming to a close. In a moving postscript to an article that was published in 3 (1995) of this Journal, he took leave of the refrigeration community, on whom he had bestowed the fruits of his intelligence and his work. We shall retain that which he gave us, we shall keep him always in our hearts, and we shall strive to follow the example he gave us, as a scientist, but, even more importantly, as an honest, upright man. Lino Mattarolo
Dans l'intimitd de sa famille, entourd passes nombreux enfants et petits enfants, il ddversait toute la richesse de son esprit; clans la tranquillitd des q[]'ections familiales il trouvait la raison de sa vie laborieuse. ll a souffert dans la dernibre pdriode d'une maladie sans remOde, tout en continuant son travail en rOagissant avee une volontk surhumaine. Nous nous rappelons sa dOmarche h la r~union d'Hanovre en Mai 1994, la derni~refois qu'il dtait avec nous. A la.fin de l'annde derniOre, son 6pouse, l'aimable Siss, est morte subitement. Gustav semble avoir alors rdalisd que pour lui aussi latin de la vie ~tait proche. Dans un touchant post-scriptum d'un article, qu 'il publia dans la n.3/1995 de cette Revue, il prenait congd de la communaut~; h laquelle il avait tellement donnd les fruits de son intelligence et de son travail. Nous conserverons bien vivant son message. Gardant en m~moire l'image de son visage droit. Lino Mattarolo
Trondheim University has asked us to publish the call for applications for the Gustav Lorentzen Chair. Refer to the back of this issue, after the calendar.
L'appel de candidatures pour la chair¢ Gustav Lorentzen. Voir fi la fin du Journal apr6s le calendrier.
The HR is" considering a special initiative in memory of Prof. Lorentzen (either a prize or a scholarship in his name). Everyone wishing to be part of it is asked to contact the IIR at."
L'IIF envisage de lancer une action particuli6re en souvenir du Professeur G. Lortenzen (prix ou bourse). Toute personne qui envisage de s'y associer est pri6e de prendre contact avec l'IIF.
International Institute of Refrigeration; 177, boulevard Malesherbes, 75017 Paris, France. Tel:; fax."; Email:
[email protected].
Institut International du Froid - 177, Boulevard Malesherbes - 75017 PARIS - T61.: iifiir(a:,ibm.net