INDEX TO CURRENT LITERATURE Edited by CHAItL~ E. HENRY Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio (U.S.A.) Authors are invited to foster the international character of this Index by sending notifications of their publications to the Editor of this section. These can be (preferably) the original reprint, or a typed reforence. In either case, there should be categc:ic indication of tbe journal, year, volume (not issue) number and inclusive pagination. Similarly,the sources of chapter reprints should be indicated.
ALiIIE-FESSABD,D. and FESSARD,A. Thalamic integrations and their consequences at the tolencephalic level. In G. MORUZZl, A. FESSARDmid H. H. JASPER(Eds.), Progress in brain research, VoL 1: Brain mechanisms. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1963:115-154. ANOKt,N, P. K. Now data on the specific character of ascending activations. In G. Moauzzl, A. FESSARD and H. H. JASPER(Eds.), Progress in brain research, VoL 1: Brain mechanisms. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1963: 325-339. AmSTOL, G. and VORONm, L. G. ]Electrical activity of rabbit cerebral cortes when pairing sound with rhythmic light.] Zh. vys.~'h,herr. De)at. Pavlova, 1963t 13: 699-704. Anoumi, A. The tonic discharge of the retina and its central effects. In G. Monuzzh A. F~SARD and H. H. JASPI~R(Eds.), Progress in brain research, Vol. !: Brain mechanisms. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1963: 1841-206. AnTIIU#S,R. G. S. and CAtlOON,E. B. A clinical and electroencophalographic surveyof psychopathic pe~oaality. Amer. $. Ps:vchlat., 1964, 120: 875-877. BAN, T. I~lectroencephalographicstudies of antipyretic analgesics. Jap. J, Pharmucol., 1963, 13: 104-121. BAN, T. Eleftroencephalographic studies of pyretic drugs. A quantitative treatment of electroencephalogram. Jap. J. Pharmacol., 1963, 13: 195-206. BARO,W. Z. Mothotoin,a new anticonvulsant. Dis herr. S.vst., 1964+ 25: 38-41. BARRATr, E. S. Ikhavioral variability related to stimulation of the cat's amygdala. J. Amer. reed. Ass., 1963, 186: 773-775. BATUEV, A. S. ]The changes of rabbit cortex electrical activity after enucleation.] Vestn. Leningrad Univ., 1963, 13:98~11 I, BATUEV,A. S. and BOGOSLOVS,'hM. M. ]Relations between occipital and motor cortical areas in the cat.] Fiziol. Zh. (Leningrad), 1962: 49: 1017-1025. qFLEKHOVA,M. G. [Electrical activity of cerebral hemispberes evoked by stimulation of diencephalic structures in Varanus.] Fiziol. Zh, (Leningrad), 1963, 49: 1318-1329. B~xKo, V. D. [The BEG changes in some ondocrinal insufficiencies.] Uch. SapisM Stavropolsk, Med. Inst., 1963, 12: 47-49. BERUN, L. Effects of seizutes on single pyramidal tract neurons. Arch. Neurol. (Chic.), 1964, I0: 271-282.
BLANC, C., LAFONTAINE, E., FISCHGOLD, H. ct LAPLANE, R. Significationot valour de l'~lectroon~phalographie on mb.decine a~ronautiquo. Presse todd., 1964, 72: 821-826. BLUM, B. and LmAN, E. Experience with experimental temporal lobe epilepsies produced by the tungstic acid method. Bull. Res. Coun. Israel E, 1963, !!: 7-17. BOUmN, G., LAURAS,A. et TArtARY,J. C. La place de I'~pilepsie tans la gen~se des 6pisodes psychotiques aigus. Presse m#d., 1963, 71: 2431-2434. BRADY, J. P. Epilepsy and disturbed behavior. J. herr. mont, Dis., 1964, 138: 468-473. BRAZIER,M. A. B. Responses in non-specific systems as studied by averaging techniques. In G. MonuzzG A. FESSARDand H. H. JASPER (Eds.), Progress in brain research, VoL 1: Brain mechanisms. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1963: 349-373. BRAZIER,M. A. B. Role of the limbie system in maintenance of consciousness. Anesth. Analg. Curt. Res., 1963, 42: 748-751. BUDAL,N, V. G. and LEVSCHmOVA,N. A. [r~EG during cortical pathologic dominants.] U..rl. Saplski Stavro. polsk. Med. Inst., 1963, 12:34-3 BOLOw, K. Respiration and wakefuhtess in man. Acts physiol, stand., 1963, .$9, Suppl. 2~9, I l0 p. BURE[IOV/~,O., SHIMA,[., BUREt, J. and FIFKOV/~,E. Unit activity in regions affected by spreading depression. Physiol. bohemoslov., 1963, 12: 488-494. BUSER,P., A~iCHER,P., BRUNER,J., J.ASSIK-GERSCHENFELD, D. and SINDBERO,R. Aspects of scnsorimotor revorber. ation to acoustic and visual stimuli: The role of primary specific cortical areas. In G. Moguzz|, A. FESSARDand H. H. JASPER(Eds.), Progress in brain research, Vol. !: Brain mechanisms. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1963: 294-324. CLRnOLL, D. and DAVIES, P. Renal tubular acidosis presenting with muscle weakness. J, Neurol. Nearo. surf. Psyehiat., 1964, 27: 5-9. CARUTttERS, R., MOLLER, A. K., MULLER, H. F. and GLOOR, P. Interaction of evoked potentials of ricocortical and hypothalamic origin in the amygdala. Science, 1964, 144: 422-423. CHAUDERLOT, B. l~tat actuol de pathologic m~dic~Io. Presse todd., 1963, 71: 2789--2791. CIO£NEK,L. [Electroencephalographyin brain perfusion.] ~s. NearoL, 1963, 26: 293-296. CLUTrON-BRocK, J. Some aspects of the problem of Electroenceph. olin. NeurophysioL, 1964, 17:480-484
INDEX TO CURRENT LITERATURE consciousness in anaesthesia. Anesthesia, 1964, 19: 115-116. COOPEX, G. P. and KIMELDORF,D. J. Electroencephalographic desynchronization in irradiated rats with transected spinal cords. Science, 1964,143: 1040-1041. DAVlDOPF,R. A. and MC DONALD,D. G. Alpha b!ocking and autonomic responses in neurological patients. A study of EEG and autonomic conditioning. Arch. Nearol. (Chic.), 1964, 10: 283-292. De LEMOn, M. Electro-corticography. Amer. J. EEG Technol., 1964~4:11-14. DELL,P, Reticular hon~:ostasis and critical reactivity. In G. Moa'Jzzi, A. FESSARDand H. H. JASPER(Eds.), Progress in brain research, VoL 1: Brain mechanisms. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1963:82-114. DOMINO,E. ~., CORSSEN,G. and SWEET,R. B. Effects of various reneral anesthetics on the visual evoked response it ~man. Anesth. Analg. Curt. Res., 1963, 42: 735-747. DOMINO,E. F., ~OTrLIEB,S. F., BRAUER,R. W., CULLEN, S. C. and x~EATHERSTONE,R, M. Effects of xenon at ~"evated t~r~ssures in the dog. Anesthesiology, I%~, 25: 43-53. DUMENKO, V. M. [Rapid oscillations in the electroencephalogram of dogs.] Fiziol. Zh. (Kieo), 1963, 9: 311-318. DZHAVmSHVlt.I,T, D. [The electrical activity of isolated neurons of the somatosensory cortex.] Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1963, 151: 1462-1465. Ere, M., MIKAMI,T., ITO, H., Anti, M. and MIVAZAKI,M. Photically evoked potentials (PEPs) in brain disorders. Tohoku J. exp. Mad., 1963, 80: 323-328. EDELW~IN,Z. and HADUCH,S. Electroencephalographic studies in persons exposed to microwaves. Acta physiol, pol., 1961, 13: 371-374. E~3Aa, G. W. F. and POST,P. J. J. Amaurotie idiocy and epilepsy. Epilepslu (Amst.), 1963, 4: 241-200. ENOEL,R. and BUTLER,B. V. Appraisal of conceptual age of newborn infants by electroen~phalographic methods. J. Pedlar,, 1963, 63: 386-393. EsecovEn, H. B., To~ats, A., TAVLOa,T., WSLKINS,B. and MALlXZ, S. Contingent alpha blocking and sen. ~itization. Nature, 1964, 201: 1247-1248. FALCONER,M. A., SERAFETINIDES,E. A. and COaSELLIS, J. A. N. Etiology and pathogenesis of temporal lobe epilepsy. Arch. Neuroi. (Chic.), 1964, 10: 233--248. FANARDJIAN,V. V. [Recruiting response in the cerebral cOrtex to cerebellar stimulation.] Fiziol. Zh. (Leningrad), 1963, 49: 1059-1066. FISCHOOLD, H. Sur la figure pointe-onde en ~lectroenc,~phalosraphi©. Presse m~d., 1964, 72: 1036-1037. FOR~£m, F., SZEOEUY,L. und Husz/~, 1. Ein ikitrag zu den kliniscben und pathologisehen Aspekten tier subakuten progressiven Panenzephalitis. Psychlat. et Neurol. (Basel), 1964, 147: 90-117. FuKuY^uA, Y., AroMA, M., N^OAHATA,N. and O~AO^, R. Medical treatment of epilepsies in childhood. A long-term survey of 801 patients. Epilepsia (Amst.), 1963, 4: 207-224. FULTON,W. H. and DWEN, P. R. Neurologicalsyndromes of systemic lupus erythematosus. Neurology (Minne-
ap.), 1964, 14: 317-323. GARLAND,H. and SUMNER,D. Sulthiame in treatment of epilepsy. Brit. meal. J., 1964: 474-475. GA~TAUT, H., BEEK, E., FAIDHERBE,J., FnA~4¢K, G., FRESsY, J., RI~MOND,A., SMITH, C. and WEm~E, P. A trans~anial chronographic and topographic study of cerebral potentials evoked by phasic stimulation in ulna. I11G. MORUZZ[,A. FESSARDartd H. H. JASPER (Eds.), Progress in brain research, Vol. 1: Brain mechanisms. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1963: 374-394. GEP.STEtN,G. L. and CLARK,W. A. Simultaneous studies of firing patterns in several neurons. Science, 1964, 143: 1325-1327. G ~ u m , G. V. [Evoked potentials and mechanisms of discrimination of an external signal.] Zh. vyssh, navy. Deyat. Paviova, 1963, 13: 882-890. Glans, F. A. and Glens, E. L. Exclusive monopolar recordings. Amer. J. EEG TechnoL, 1964, 4: 8-9. Glans, F. A., Gross, E. L., Sm~s, H. W. and CARPENTER, P. R. Common types of childhood encephalitis. Electroencepha|ographic and clinical relationships. Arch. Neural. (C~.'ic.), 1964, !0:1-1 !. GINO, R. J., JONES,E. and MAma, M. Electroencephaio. grams and multiple physical symptoms. J. Amer. mad. Ass., 1964, 187: 579-582. GINSaURO, S. E. [Bioelectrical activity of the brain in thrombosis of the internal carotid artery in the ~re. bral region.] Fop. Neirokhir., 1963, 27: 22-29. GLENN, C. G., KNUTH, R. and VmGIL, M. Tre~ment problems of the '°14 and 6" syndrome. Dis. herr. Syst., 1964, 2.5: 45-47. GMVRvA-NovA,V. A. [Investigationof induced potentials and EEG of the auditory area during change in the functional state of cerebral cortex due to muscular strain.] FizioL Zh. (Kiev), 1963, 9: 188--196. GOt.DMAN,D. and SCttVNOLL,G. The effect of chlordiazepoxide on convulsive disorder. Dis. nero. Syst., 1964, 25: 52-58. GREEN,J. R. and SCHEETZ,D. G. Surgery of epileptogeni¢ lesions of the temporal lobe. Arch. NeuroL (Chic.), 1964, 10: 135-148. GmNDEL,O. M. and PO~OtNV, A. J. [Eleetroenceplmlo. graphic peculiarities in tumor lesions of subcortical nodes.] Vop. Neirokhir., 1963, 27: 34-39. GmSELL,J. L., L~VIN,S. M., COH,BN,B. D, and 11OmN, E. A. Effects of subelinical seizure activity on overt behavior. Neurology ( Minncap.), 1964, 14: 133-135. GUERRERo-FIouEaoA, R., BARROS, A. and DE BALelAN V~RSTBR,F. Some inhibitory effectsof attentive factors on experimental epilepsy. Epilepsia ( Amst.), 1963, 4: 225-240. GUERRERO-FIOUEROA, R. and HEATH, R. G. Evoked responses and c.hangesduring attentive factors in man. Arch. NeuroL (Chic.), 1964, 10: 74-84. HEIMBURGER,R. F., DEMYER, W. and R~IXAN, K. M. Implications of Gcrstmann's syndrome. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat., 1964, 27: 52-57. HVLUAN,Z. Impulsion motrice et expression graphique. Dessin, Rorschach, test myokin~tique de Mira et /:lectroenc~phalogramme clans l'observation d'une schizophr~nieinfantile entre 12at 17 arts. Cab. Groupe Electroenceph. clin. NeurophysioL, 1964~ 17:480-484
de sommeil. Tht~;e, Lyon, 1963, I01 p. fran¢. Minkowska, December 1963: 7-38. H t L t ~ , Z. et NAomi, J. Le dynamographe d'Henri KOZHEVNIKOV,V. A. and MESHTCHERSKI,K. M. [Modern methods of EEG analysis.] Medgiz, Leningrad, 1963, Wallon darts un cas d'association typologique; 325 p. ~tude conjointe par le Rorschach, le dessin et I'electroen~phalogramme. Cab. Groupe franf. Minkowska, KRU~I, F. [The phenomenon of"alpha discharge" in the electroencephalogram due to conditioned reflexes.] December 1963: 79-102. ¢~s. Neurol., 1964, 27: I-I0. H~R~aANN, C., AOU~LAR, M. J. and SACKS, O. W. Hereditary photomyo~lonus associated with diabetes LAeOnIT, H. Les rapports neurono-n~vrogliques. Interp~tation sur des bases eXl~timentales de fears r61es mellitus, deafness, nephropathy, and cerebral dys~n neurophysiologie et clans le m~anism¢ d'action function. Neurology (Minneap.), 1964, 14: 212-221. des drogues psychotropes. Presse m6d., 1964, 72; I-5. H~a~orr, P. The clinical, electroenccphalog-aphic and social progJ~osis in ~tit real epilepsy. Epilepsia LAeomT, H. Sur la participation de la n6vroglic/t l'~lectrogcn/:se c~r~brale. Presse m6d., 1964, 72: 1047-1051. (Amst.), 1963, 4: 298-314. HeaD, D. J. Computers in brain research. Amer. J. EEG LAuas~N, A. M. Corpus striatum. Acta physiol, scand., 1963, 51, Suppl. 211:106 p. Technol., 1964, 4: I-7. l w ~ ^ , K. and Y^M&~OTO,C. Cortical and reticular L~P~DEVA,L. I. [Rhythm driving response of the r,et'ebral :ortex during parturition.] Fiziol. Zh. (Leningrad), effects upon evoked activity ofthala~'nic somatosensory 1963, 49: 1150-1154. relay nucleus. Folia psychiat, neurol. Jap., 1963, 17: L~sN~', I. [Electroencephalography in children having 6O-7O. posten~phalitic sequelae.] ¢~s. Neurol., 1964, 27: J~p~a, H. H. Studies of non-specific effects upon elec53--~0. trical responses in sensory systems. In G. Monuzz~, A. FaSSARDand H. H. JASpeR (Eds.), Progress in L~USmNA, L. I. [Potentials evoked by optic stimulation in different zones of the cerebral hemispheres of brain research, Vol. 1: Brain mechanisms. Elsev!¢r, animals.] Flzlol. Zh. (Leningrad), 1963,49: 1400-1409. Amsterdam, 1963: 272-293. LIBaRso~, W. T. Electroencephalography. Amer. J. J~CKOVA,D. and SCHULZ,H. 0ber die Dokumentation Psychlat., 1964, 120: 631-634. yon Fachliteratur anfdcm Gebiet derElcktroencephalog,'aphie mittels Lo~hkarten. Psychlat. Neurol. reed. LxsK~, E. and FORSXER,F. M. Pseudoseizures: a problem in the diagnosis and management of epileptic patients. Psycho/. (l,pz.), 1964, 16: 70-75. Neurology ( M inneap.) , 1964, 14: 41-49. JOHNSON,D. A., KLAn, D. W. and MILI.ICHAP,J. O. El~troen~phalogram in Sydenl,am's chorea. Arch. LORM~AU,G. Un nouvel anti~pileptique: le 10 248 RP. Neurol. (Chic.), 1964, 10: 21-27. R~sultats obtenus plus particuli6rement dans 1'6pi. JUNO, R,, KOItNHUBER~ H. H., and DA FONSECA, J. S. lepsie temporale, Pre~se mid., 1964, 72: 1241-1242. Multiaensory convergence on co, tical neurons: LUTHE, W., Jus, A. and GEISSMANN. Autogenic state Neuronal effects of visual, acoustic and vestibular and autogenic shift: psychophysiologic and neurostimuli in the superior convolutions of the ~t's physioloBiG aspects. Aeta psycl~othrr. (Basel), 1963, cortex. In G. MoRuzzt, A. F~sS~R~ and H. H. 11: 1~13. JASFI'~R(Eds.),Progress in brain research, Vol. 1: Brain M^RoULI£S,M. E. Concerning unusual etiologic factors mechanisms. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1963: 207-240. in the production of estradural hemorrhage. Antllo. K~ZAN~Z|S,G., McL^uotlu~, A. L G. and PRIOR,P. F. Iogy. 1963t 14: $64-569. Po~nin$ in industrial workers by the insecticide MAItlNACCI, A. A0 A special type of temporal lobe aldrin. Brit. J. industr. Med., 1964, 21: 46-51. (psychomotor) seizures following ingestion of alcohol. K~LeR, M. H., K~E, F. and D^t.v, R. An acute schizoBull. los Anfeles neurol. See., 1963, 28: 241-250. phrenic episode following abrupt withdrawal of MARKOV,K. M. [Nature and interaction bet~een effects Enovid in a patient with previous post-partum psychiof catecholamines and hormones of the pituitaryatric disorder. Amer. J. Psychiat., 1964~ 120: 1123adrenocortical system on spontaneous electrical 1124. activity of the brain in rabbits.] FizioL Zh, (Leningrad), KEtTH, H. M. Convulsi~e disorders In children: with 1963, 49: 1137-1144. reference to treatmem with ketogenic diet. Little, MAaqU^RDS~N,J. andI'IARVALD,B. The electroencephaloBrown and Co., Boston, Mass., 1963, 311 p. gram in acute cerebrovascular lesions. A report of Knot.obey, J. A. [Changes of electric activity of rabbit 50 cases verified at autopsy. Neurology (Minneap.), cerebral cortex in the action of ultra high-frequency 1964, 14: 275-282. electromagnetic field.] ByulL eksp. Biol. Mcd., M~HKOvs~y, M. D. and RUSTCmNA. [L'influence de 1963, 56: 42-46. l'oxylidine sur I'activit6 bio~lectrique du ecrveau.] KLAPEXEK, J, [The filing of electroencephaiographic Zh. Nel~ropat. Psikhiat., 1963~63: 1532-1540. reeordings.] ~s. Neurol., 1964, 27: 15-16. MASQUIN, A. and CoutuoN, J, Prognostic factors in KLAPETEK,J. [A new type of ruler used for measuring EEG posttraumatic epilepsy. Epilepsia (Amst.), 1963, 4: recordings.] ¢~s. Neurol.~ 1964, 27:11-14. 285-297. KLan, M. R. and OFF~NLOCH,K. Postsynaptic potentials M^XSUMOTO, H. and AZMONB MARSAN, C. Cellular and spike patterns during augm,~nting responses in mechanisms in experimental epileptic seizures. Science, cat's motor cortex. Science, 1964, 143: 488-489. 1964, 144: 193-194. K~EIN, M. l~tud¢ polygraphique et phylogdniqu¢ des ~tats MATTHEWS,C. G. and MAN~tNO,G. C. Psychological test
Electvoeneeph. din. NeurophysioL, 1964. 17:480--484
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