Index to current literature

Index to current literature


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E d i t e d by CHARLES E. HENRY htstitute of Living, Har(ford, Conn. (U.S.A.)

AMBROSETTO, C. Post-traumatic subdural hematoma. Further observations on nonsurgical treatment. Arch. Neurol. (Chic.), 1962, 6: 287-292. BABYANE, S. M. [Le probleme de la picnolepsie.] Nevropat. i Psiehiut.. 1960, 60: I 111-1114. BALLERINI, A. ka personalitb, dell'epilettico ternporale. Riv. sper. Freniat., 1961, Suppl. 3: 861-979. BAROLIN, O. S. und DONGIER, M. Das autogene Training beim epilcptischen Kind. Eine klinische und elektroenzephalographische Studie. Wien. Z. Nervenheilk., 1962, 19: 88-98. BOGACZ, J. and YANICELLI, E. Vegetative phenomena in petit real epilepsy. WId. Neurol., 1962, 3: 195-208. BRAZIER, M. A. B. The analysis of brain waves. Scient. Amer., 1962, 2I)6: 142-153. BROOKS, V. B. and ASANUMA,H. Action of tetanus toxin in the cerebral cortex. Science, 1962, 137: 674-676. BROWNE-MAYERS, A. N. Alerting systems and psychiatry. Dis. nerv. Sy~r., 1962, 23: 255-259. BUCHWALD, N. A., RAKIC, L., WYERS, E. J., HULL, W. C. and HEUSt:R, G. Integration of visual impulses and the "caudate loop". Exp. Neurol., 1962, 5: 1-2!). CRIGHEL, E. et STOICA, E. [Recherches sur le foyer mecalinique sigm~)idien.] Stud. Cercet. Neurol., 1961, 6: 547-556. DELANGE, M., CASrAN, PH., CADILHAC, J. et PASSOUANT, P. ¢2tude du sommeil de nuit au cours d'dpilepsies centrencephaliques et temporales. Rev. neurol., 1962, 106: 106-113. DIAIVlANT,J., DUFEK, M., HOSKOVEC,J., KRIgTOF, M., PEKAREK,V., RDfH, B. and VELEK, M. An electroencephalographic study of the waking state and hypnosis with particular reference to subclinical manifestations of sleep activity. Int. J. elht exp. Hypnos., 1960, 8: 199-212. DOTY, R. W. and GRIMM, F. R. Cortical responses to local electrical stimulation of retina. Exp. Neurol., 1962, 5 : 319-334. DRACAN, J. JUne methode commode d'electroencdphalographie basale I Nevropat. i Psichiat., 1960, 60: 167-171. DRACHMAN, D. B. and GUMNIT, R. J. Periodic alteration of consciousness in the "Pickwickian" syndrome. Arch. Neurol. (Chic.), 1962, 6: 471-477. DRAKONTIDES, A. B., SCHNEIDER, J. A. and FUNDERBURK, W. H. Some effects of sodium gamma-hydroxybutyrate on the central nervous system. J. Pharmacol. exp. Ther., 1962, 135: 275-284. DREYFUS-BRISAC,C. The electroencephalogram of the premature infam. W/d. Neurol., 1962, 3: 5-15. FAVALE, E., MANFREDI, M. e RossI, R. Considerazioni clinico-elettroencefalografiche sull'emetoma intracerebrale spontaneo. Sist. nerv., 1961, 13 : 314-322. FELDBERG, W. and FLEISCHHAUER,K. The site of origin of the seizure discharge produced by tubocurarine acting from the cerebral ventricles. J. Physiol. (Lond.). 1962, 160: 258-283. FELDMAN, S. Neurophysiological mechanisms modifying afferent hypolhalamo-hippocampal conduction. Exp. Neurol., 1962, 5: 269-291. FERN~NDEZ-GUARDIOLA, A., MANNI, F., W1LSON, J. H. and Dow, R. S. Microelectrode recording of cerebellar and cerebral unit activity during convulsive after-discharge. Exp. Neurol., 1962, 6: 48-69. FERRO-MILONE, F., GANDINI, S. e GANDINI-COLLODEE, E. Considerazioni sulle anormalitfi elettroencefalografiche in soggetti con crisi isteriche. Riv. Pat. herr. ment., 1961, 82: 558-575. FIESCHI, C. e FAVALE, E. L'Evoluzione dell'attivit/~ elettrica cerebrale helle lesioni cerebrali vascolari a focolaio. Considerazioni elettrocliniche. Sist. nerv., 1961, 13: 323-333. FOUTER, D. S., RONKINE, M. A. et NAZAROVA,E. M. [Les 6tudes clinicodlectroencdphalographiques de 1"6pilepsie apr6s la meningite tuberculeuse.] Nevropat. i Psiehiat., 1961, 61 : 984-994. FREEMAN, W. J. Linear approximation of prepyriform evoked potential in cats. Exp. Neurol., 1962, 5: 477-499. Electroenceph.

clin. Neurophysiol.,

1962, 14: 970 972



FREEMAN, W. J. Phasic and long-term excitability changes in prepyriform cortex of cats. Exp. Neurol., 1962, 5: 500-518. FRIEDE, R. L. Correlations between the electroencephalogram and cortical histochemical changes in experimental brain lesions. Exp. Neurol., 1962, 5: 89-99. GAUTRAY, J.-P. et NATTER, S. L'int6r6t des 6preuves EEG et des th6rapeutiques neuros6datives en clinique gyn6cologique. Ann. Endocr. (Paris), 1961, 22: 173-185. GOLDIE, L. and GREEN, J. M. Attention and in-attention in neurophysiology. Nature, 1961, 192: 1116-1121. GONZALEZ, D. and ELV1DGE, A. R. On the occurrence of epilepsy caused by astrocytoma of the cerebral hemispheres. J. Neurosurg., 1962, 19: 470--482. GOUSKOVA, A. K., YOURKOVA, N. N. et KIRUCHKINA, V. 1. [Le probl6me des r6actions compensatrices ~t l'insuffisance de la circulation sanguine c6r6brale.] Nevropat. i Psichiat., 1961, 6l: 1457-1462. GRACHTENKOV, N. 1. et SEVASXIANOVA,G. A. [Les particularit6s des r6flexes vasculaires h la lesion du domaine hypothalamique.] Nevropat. i Psichiat., 1961, 61: 837-842. GRBE~A, B., KOPgA, M. and GAZlVODA, N. [A case of optic neuroencephalomyelitis.] Vojnosanit. Pregl., 1962, 19: 55-58. GUZMAN-FLORES, C., BUENDiA, N., ANDERSON, C. and LINDSLE¥, D. B. Cortical and reticular influences upon evoked responses in dorsal column nuclei. Exp. Neurol., 1962, 5: 37-46. HARDY, J. Electrophysiological localization and identification of subcortical structures as an aid to stereotaxic surgery: A preliminary report. Canad. med. Ass. J., 1962, 86: 498-499. HARRIS, A. B., ERICKSON, L., KENDIG, J. H., MINGRINO, S. and GOLDRING, S. Observations on selective brain heating in dogs. J. Neurosurg., 1962, 19: 514-521. Huvos, M. C., GREENE, N. M. and GLASER, G. H. Electroencephalographic studies during acute subtotal sensory denervation in man. Yale J. Biol. Med., 1962, 34: 592-597. JOYNT, R. J. and GREEN, D. Tonic seizures as a manifestation of multiple sclerosis. Arch. Neurol. (Chic.), 1962, 6:293-299. Juls, A. [L'appr6ciation du m6canisme de Faction th6rapeutique de certaines substances psychotropes darts l'6tude exp6rimentale des r6flexes conditionn6s.] Nevropat. i Psichiat., 1961, 61: 1828-1835. KREINDLER, A., CR~GHEL, E. et C~,L~.ClANU, GH. [Modifications de la r6ponse 6voqu6e somesth6sique provoqu6es par les d6charges locales p6nicilliniques et pentazoliques.] Stud. Cercet. Neurol., 1961, 6: 347-352. KREINDLER, A. et ION~SESCU, V. [Consid6rations sur la chor6e chronique de Huntington, en raison de l'6tude de 22 cas.] Stud. Cercet. Neurol., 1961, 6: 457-475. LANOO, L. I. [L'influence de plejicycle sur certains indices biochimiques et morphologiques du sang chez les chiens.] Nevropat. i Psichiat., 1961, 61: 901-908. LASATER, G. M. Reading epilepsy. Arch. Neurol. (Chic.), 1962, 6: 492-495. LlYTLE, S. C. and BEV1LACQUA, A. R. Dysrhythmia associated with proved hypothalamic disease. Fourteen- and six-per-second dysrhythmia. Arch. Neurol. (Chic.), 1962, 6: 324-330. LOEB, C., GARELLO, L. e PASTORINO, P. Aspetti clinici dell'insufficienza cerebrovascolare. Sist. herr., 1961, 13: 334-351. LbRAND, B., NAGY, T. and TARlSKA, S. Subacute progressive panencephalitis. WId. Neurol., 1962, 3 : 376-394. LUNDERVOLD, A., ENGESET, A. and LONNUM, A. The EEG in cerebral atrophy. EEG findings in cases of cerebral atrophy with third ventricle of 12-ram width or more and their clinical significance. 147d. Neurol., 1962, 3: 226-234. MAGR1, R. e MENOZZl, C. Epilessia parziale continua di Kojewnikow associata ad "6pilepsiesursaut". Studio clinico, elettroencefalografico ed elettromiografico. Riv. Pat. nerv. ment., 1961, 82: 427-449. MANFREDI, U. e MASTROPAOLO, C. Manifestazioni neurologiche in corso di insufficienza polmonare cronica. Sist. nerv., 1961, 13: 455-479. MARTIN, F. et CHARGHI, A, La crise 61ectro-clinique/a la Mdgimide et l'activation de 1'61ectroenc6phalogramme par quelques sddatifs et hypnog6nes, l~tude comparative chez l'6pileptique. Schweiz. Arch. Neurol. Psychiat., 1962, 89: 72-93. McGREAL, D. A. Brain abscess in children. Canad. med. Ass. J., 1962, 86: 261-268. McQuEEN, J. D. and JEANES, L. O. Influence of hypothermia on intracranial hypertension. J. Neurosurg., 1962, 19: 277-288. MONNIER, A.-M., LAGET, P. et MONNIER, A. Actualit~s Neurophysiologiques. Troisi6me Sdrie. Masson et Cie., Paris, 1961, 369 p. Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol., 1962, 1 4 : 9 7 0 - 9 7 2


INDEX TO CURRENT LITERATURE MOORE, G. P. and TSCHIRGI, R. D. Nonspecific responses of reptilian cortex to sensory stimuli. Exp. Neurol., 1962, 5: 196-209. PODOLSKY, E. The electrophysiology of homicide. Dis. nerv. Syst., 1962, 23: 146-151. POLEJAEV,E. F. [L'action de l'aminazine et de l'adr6naline ~t petites doses sur la formation de la coordination corticale.] Nevropat. i Psichiat., 1960, 60: 568-576. La psychiatrie de l'enfant. Publication annuelle, Vol. III, Fasc. 1 et 2, 330 et 408 p., Presses Universitaires de France, 1961. PURPURA, D. P. Synaptic organization of immature cerebral cortex. Wld. Neurol., 1962, 3: 275-298. REISNER, H. und SPUNDA, CH. Die Bedeutung der Elektroenzephalographie ffir die Beurteilung des Gesundheitszustandes eventueller Nachkommen yon Epileptikern. Wien. Z. Nervenheilk., 1962, 19: 35-43. ROKHLINE, L. L. [Les probl6mes de la clinique de la schizophr6nic avec manifestations hypochrondriques.] Nevropat. i Psichiat., 1961, 61: 565-571. SAVXC~OUK, V. 1. [L'action de l'aminazine sur les diff6rentes parties du cerveau d'apr6s les donn6es d'une 6tude exp6rimentale.] Nevropat. i Psichiat., 1960, 60 : 182-193. STERIADE,M. [Propagation non-sp6cifique des potentiels visuels.] Stud. Cercet. Neurol., 1961, 6: 415-424. STER1ADE, M. [M6canismes de dynamog6n&e et de suppression des potentiels 6voqu& sensoriels.] Stud. Cercet. Neurol., 1961, 6: 523-546. THOMSON, A. F. y ALVAREZ, F. A. Las emociones ictales como expresi6n de una alteraci6n fisiopatol6gica de116bulo temporal. Wld. Neurol., 1962, 3: 216-225. TRAGAOUTTE, N. N., BALONOV, L. Y. et KAUFMANN, D. A. [Les m6canismes de Faction de l'amythal-sodique sur I'activit6 sup6rieure du syst+me nerveux de I'homme.] Nevropat. i Psichiat., 1961, 61: 1847-1854. TREMBLY, B. and SUTIN,J. Slow-wave activity in the ventral tegmental area of Tsai related to barbiturate anesthesia. Exp. Neurol., 1962, 5: 120-130. UNGHER, J., MARINCHESCU, C., SEVASTOPOL, N. et MIH.~ILESCU, L. [La r6activit6 bio-61ectrique c6r6brale darts I'epreuve associative verbo-verbale.] Stud. ('ercet. Neurol., 1961, 6: 557-570. WALKER, A. E. Post-traumatic epilepsy. Wld. Neurol., 1962, 3: 185-194. WALKER, A. E. and JABLON, S. A Follow-Up Study o f Head Wounds in World War H. VA Medical Monograph. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1961, 202 p. WASMAN, M. and FLYNN, J. F. Directed attack elicited from hypothalamus. Arch. Neurol. (Chic.), 1962, 6: 220-227. WEIL, A. A. LEG observation in narcoleptic adults. Dis. herr. Syst., 1962, 23: 279-283. WELLS, C. E. Response of alpha waves to light in neurologic disease. Arch. Neurol. (Chic.), 1962, 6: 478-491. YAKOVLEV, P. 1. Maturation of cortical substrata of epileptic events. WId. Neurol., 1962, 3: 299-315. Electroenceph. clin. Neurophysiol.. 1962, 1 4 : 9 7 0 - 9 7 2