INDEX T O C U R R E N T L I T E R A T U R E Edited by CHARLES E. I=IENRY Institute of Living, H a r t f o r d , Conn., U.S.A.
AIRD, tl. B. and TSUBAKI, T. Common sources of error in the diagnosis and treatment of convulsive disorders: A review of fi04 patients with temporM lobe epilepsy. J . here. qnent. Dis., 1958, 127 : 400-406. ALA.IOUANINE, TH. (Ed.) Bases Physiologiques ct Aspects Cliniques de l'Epilepsie. Paris • M a s s o n & Cie, 1958, 274 pp. ALAJOUANII~'E, TH., SCIIERRER, J-., BARBIZET, ,]'.~ CALVET, 5. et YERLEY, R. Pote~Ltiels 6voqu~s corticaux ehez des sujets atteints de troubles somesth~siques. Roy. Neurol., Paris, 1958, 98: 757-762. ALEXANDER, L. Appar~,tus aml method for the study of conditional reflexes in man. Preliminary results in normal control subjects, in mental disorders, and ~s a result of drug action. Arch. Neurol. Psychiat., Chicago, 1958, 80: 629-649. AMBROSIO, L., LAMBIASE, M. e SERRA, C. Modific~lzioni d e l l ' a t t i v i t a ' elettriea eortieale nelle intossicazioni sperimentali da solventi. Boll. Soc. Ital. Biol. sper., 1958, 34: 987-989. ANDR~I-BALISAUX, G. et GONSETTE :R. Corrdlations 61ectro-eliniques d:~s 300 cas de convulsions de l'enfanee. A e t a neurol, psychiat. Belg., 1958, 58: 31-49. ANDY, O. J.~ CttINN, R. ~[., ALLEN~ ~{. B. and SttA-WVER, E. ~. Influence 6f mesencephalic and diencephalic stimulation on limbic system seizures. Ne~trol., 1958, 8: 939 952. ANGRIaANI, D. e SERRA, C. Considerazioni patogenetiche e studio elettroeneefalografico sulla sindrome di Hoeri1~g-Bardet-Beidl. Folia Psychiat., Leone, 1959, 1: 25-43. BALDWIN, M. ~/IId P~AILEY, P. (Eds.) l'c~ltporal Lobe Epilepsy. Springfield, Illinois: Clmrles C. Thomas, 1958, 581 pp. BARANI)E, R. Contributiou d l'(:t~de de l'dtat dangereux ehez les @ileptiq~ws. E~;aetions •nt;dico-l~gales et suicides des dpileptiq~ws. Etude clinique ct (lcclro c~w~phalographique. (Th~se, P a r i s ) , 1958, 337 pp. BASSET, 5I. tlecherches sur l'gtiologie des convulsions d~ nourrisson. (Thbse, Paris) 1958, 174 pp. BONVALLET, ~[. et SIAL, ]3. Etude 61ectrophysiologique des aff5rences wtg:~h.s Au niveau de leur pdn6tration darts le bulbe. J. Physiol., 1958, 50 : 63-74. 130RENSTEIN, P., DABBAH, M, et ~[ETZGEg, J. L'ene@halographie fraetimmde et ]'61eetroenc@halogramme dans la psychose maniaque d@ressive. A~t~t. m&t. ps.,ehol., 1958, 116 : 417-450. BOUDIN, G., IJAURAS, A., ~REBS, ]7[. et ~ANI~:CE, ~I. LO Sylldrollle neurologique du delirium tremcns, llev. Ncurol., Paris~ 1958, 98: 381-390. BOYAN, C. B., BELLVILLIE, J. W., WANG, ]~. C. ~'lnd HOYCLAND, W. S. The relative potency of beta, beta-methyl ethyl glutarimide (Megimide) and pentamethylenetetrazol (Metrazol). Ancsthesiol., 1958, 19: 321-327. BmxI?¢, R. The physiological basis of consciousness. A critical review. BrabG 1958, S t : 426-455. ]3m~ZlER, 3~[. A. 13. (Ed.) The Central Nervo~s S)lst~m a , d Behavior. Transactions of the :First Conference. New York: Josiah Macy, Jr. :Foundation Publications. 1959, 450 pp. BgAZlER, hi. A. 13. The development of concepts relating to the electrical activity of the brain. J. here. ment. Dis., 1959, J26 : 303-321. IIgE~En, F. Du m6eanisme de l'@ilepsie fnradique. Acla ~cvrol. psychial. Belq. 1958, 58: 5-9. ]~RUCHER, J. ~[., ]])EREYMAEI.:ER, A. (~t VAN DE VOOI~I)E, II. Trois cas d'abeSs c(;rSbraux actinomycotiques. Acta )~eurol. psychiat. Belg., 1958, 58: 372-388. ]3uISSON, J. E E G et GEL dam~ le diagnostic amb~daloirc des tt~m~nrs l,;n~isph~:riqnes. Premiere approch(. (, Paris) 1958, 47 pp. CAZZULLO, C. L. e TERRANOVA,l~. Reattivita' neuronale alla, cloropromazina. Pr('messe di psiehiatria biologica. Sisl. Nerv., ~[ilano, 1958, ~0: 271-307. CItEFER, D. G. [Diencephalie epilepsy and diencephalie scizures.] Nevropat. Ps,lchiat., Moskva, 1958, 58 : ]377-]382. CLASEN, R. A., COOKE, P. M., MAnT~N, :F. A., WILLIA~IS, J. R. and IIASS, G. M. Cerebral edema and electroencephalographie changes after local t~cute closed cerebral injury. Areh. Ncurol. Psychiat., Chicago, 1958, 80: 696-707. [4t)5 ]
COnN, R. and ROSO~OFF, H. L. Evoked electrical activity of the brain during hypothermia: The visual system. Arch. Neurol. Psychiat., Chicago, 1958, 80: 554-561. CORmER, J. Quelques observations d'~pilepsie "g~n~tique ' '. Acta ne~rol, psychiat. Belg., 1958, 58:10 25. CORDIER, J. Quelques remarques sur un ~tat de mal 6pileptique v~rifi6. Aeta zte~rol. psychiat. Belg., 1958, 58: 26-30. COURJON, J. et COTTE, ~/I. L'epilepsie avant trois ans. Rev. Ne,rol., Paris, 1959, 99: 68-76. CREMIEUX, A., GASTA~JT, H., DONGIER, ~/[. et ][)ONGIER, S. Etudes cliniques et 61eetroenc~phalographiques chez 300 ndvros~s. Pr. todd., 1958, 66: 1736. DREYFUS-]~RISAC, C., BLANC, C. et KRA]~[ARZ, P. Etude 51ectroene~phalographique du sommeil spontan@ de l ' e n f a n t atteint de convulsions avant trois ans. Rev. Ne,rol., Paris, 1958, 99: 54-67. Duc, N., I'¢[INVIELLE, J. et ]DANAN, M. Etude de ]'ac@tazolamide duns le traitement de l'~pilepsie. Pr. ~n@d., 1958, 66: 1949-1950. DUMERMUTH, G. EEG-Befunde bei Hirntumoren im Kindesalter. ~rch. f. Psychiat. u. Z. Neurol., 1958, 197 : 594-618. FAURE, J. Analyse critique de l'exploration neurophysiologique de l'animal libre 5vcill@ pour servir aux ~tudes endocrino-m6taboliques. Rev. Neurol., Paris, 1958, 99: 170~ 177. FAURE, J. et GUI~RIN, A. Au sujet de ]'@leetroenc~phalogramme des enfants caraethriels. Rev. Neurol., Paris, 1958, 99: 209-219. PINK, M.' E f f e c t of anticholinergic agent, diethazine, on EEG and behavior. Significance for theory of convulsive therapy. Arch. Neurol Psychiat., Chicago, 1958, 80: 380-387. GALLA, S. G., ROCCO, A. G. and VANDAM, L. D. Evaluation of the traditional signs and stages of anesthesia: An electroencephalographic and clinical study. Anesthesiol., 1958, 19 : 328-338. GARNER, J. and FRENCH, J. D. Regional differences in seizure susceptibility. Arch. Neurol. Psychiat., Chicago, 1958, 80: 675-681. GASTAU% It. et GASTAUT, Y. Etude ~lectroenc~phalographique et clinique dse convulsions •~noxk, ues de l ' e n f a n t . Leur situation duns le cadre des convulsions infantiles. l~ev. Neurol., Paris, 1958, 99: 100-116. GASTAUT, [l., NAQUET, R.. and FISCHER-WILLIAI~fS, M. The pathophysiology of grand real seizures generalized from the start. J. nerv. ment. Dis., 1958, 127: 21-33. GASTAUT, H-., ROGER, J. et TOGA, M. Etude ~lectroclinique et anatomique d'un cas d'6pilepsie focale. Rev. Neurol., Paris, 1958, 98: 781-789. GATTUSO, R. e L.< BORIA, G. Comportamento elettroencefalografico degli epilettici t r a t t a t i con diuretici mercuriali. Aeta Neurol., Napoli, 1957, 12: 359-365. GAVRILOVA, N. A. [EEG research on the reciprocal action of audio and visual analyzers in some mental disorders.] Nevropat. Psikhiat., ~{oskva, 1958, 58: 351-357. GUILMOT, P. et SOREL, L. Consid@rations critiques, neurologiques, psychiatriqucs et @lectroenc6phalographiques sur le ph~uom~ue de la crise d'angoisse. Acta ~w~rol. psychiat. Belg., 1955, 58: 65-85. GUILLAUME, J., BILLET, R., CAROI%J.-P. et CUCCIA, D. Les wgningiomes. Etude clinique et chirurgicale. Paris, Presses Universltaires de France 6dit., 1957, 173 pp. GURDJIAN, E. S., WEBSTER, J. E., HARDY, W. (~-. and LINDNER, D. W. Nonexistence of the so-called cerebral form of carotid sinus syncope. Ncurol., 1958, 8: 818-826. HENRY, C. E. Chap. V I I , "Electroencephalography" in Spiegel, E. A. (Ed.) Progress in Ne~trology and Psychiatry. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1958, 13: 130-149. HESs, R. Elektroencephalographiscl~e Studien bei Hirnt~tmoren. S t u t t g a r t : Georg Thieme Yerlag, 1958, 106 p. HESS, R. Die differentialdiagnostische Abgrenzung der Epilepsie im Elektrencephalogram. Dtsch. Z. Nervenheilk., 1957, 176: 304-320. HESS, R. Verlaufsuntersuchungen fiber Anf~lle und EEG bei kindlichen Epilepsien. Arch. f. Psychiat. u. Z. Neurol., 1958, 197 : 568-593. HUGELIN, A. et BONVALLET, 2~[. Tonus cortic~d et controle de la facilitation motriee d'origine r~ticulaire. J. Physiol., Paris, 1957, 49: 1171-1200. HUGELIN, A. et BONVALLET,~/[. Etude exp~rimentale des interrelations r@ticulo-corticales. Proposition d'une th@orie de l'asservissement r@ticulaire a un systbme diffus cortical. J. Physiol., Paris, 1957, 49: 1201-1223. HUGELIN, A. et BONVALLET, ]Vf. E f f e t s moteurs et corticaux d'origine r~ticulaire au cours des stimulations somesth~siques. Rhle des interactions cortico-r~tieulaires dans le d6termlnisme du r~veil. J. Pl~ysiol., Paris, 1958, 50: 951-977.
ICHINO, Y. [EEG and sleep. (IV Report) EEG during all night natural sleep in cases with intracranial abnormalities.] Brain and Nerve, Tokyo, 1958, 10: 35-55. ]NGHIRAMI, L. :Frequenza e caratteristiche dei disturbi visivi nelle manifestazioni critiche della epilessia. Sist. Nerv., Milano, 1958, 10: 194-215. ]NGHIRAMI, L. e FABIANI, ]). Rilievi EEG sull'azione dell'idrossizina cloridrato in soggetti normali cd epilettici. Sist. Nerv., Milano, 1958, 10: 63-70. IScH-TREUSSARD, C. L ' E E G des convulsions dans l'~ tet.mie de l ' e n f a n t de moAns de trois ans. t~ev. Neurol., Paris, 1958, 99 : 77-90. IVAN.OVA, N. S. i ROBINER, I. S. [Clinico-electrographic study of ei)ileptic patients in the course of treatment by Hexamydine.] _TVcvropat. Psikbiat., Moskva, 1958. 58: 971-979. KAELBER, W. W. and CORRELL, R. E. Cortical and subcortical electrical effects of psychopharmacologic and tremor-producing compounds. Arch. Ncurol. Psychiat., Chicago, 1958, 80: 544-553. I{ELLA~VAY,P. and CONE, H. P. (Eds.) " S y m p o s i u m on the convulsive disorders." In: The Medical Clinics of North America. Philadelphia: W. B. S'mnders Company, 1958, 313-479. (16 papers). I{ENNARD, M. A., SCHWARTZMAN, A. E. and ~IILLAR, T. P. Sleep, consciousness, and the alpha electroencephalographic rhythm. Arch. Neurol. Psychiat., Chicago, 1958, 79: 328-335. KooI, K. A., BOSWELL, R. S. and THOMAS, 35. H. Critical flicker frequency and EEG findings in patients with brain damage. Ncurol., 1958, 8: 764-768. LANGLOIS, ]V~.~}*{ORIN, G. et GASTAUT~ ]{. Les manifestations @ileptiqucs :m cours de la grippe. Etude clinique et 61eetrocnc6phalographiquc. Bey. Neurol., Paris, 1958, 98: 799-803. LAPLANE, R., I~UI~tBERT, R., LEGET, P., SALBREUX~ R. et DEBRAY, P. Suites immSdi'ltes et lointaines des convulsions f~briles avant quatre ans. Bey. Ncurol., Paris, 1958, 99 : 26-38. LERIQUEKOECHLIN, A. L ' E E G dans lcs convulsions de l'enfance avant trois ans. Rev. Neurol., Paris, 1958, 99 : 1-10. LERIQUE I(OECHLIN, A., ~'~¢[ISES~ TEYSSONI]~RE DE GRAMONT et LOOSKY-~EKHOROCItEI~'F. 1~'EEG duns les convulsions f6briles, tlev. Neurol., Paris, 1958, 99 : 11-25. LEROY, C. et NOEI~, P. Remarques sur l'51ectroenc~phalographie des schizophr~me~. Ann. m&l.-psychol., 1958, 116: 311-319. LETEiXIENDIA,F. and PAI~{PIGLIONE,Cr. Clinical and electroencephalographic observations in Alzheimer's disease. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat., 1958, 21:167 172. LIDOELL, D. W. Investigations of EEG findings in presenile dementia. J. Neurol. Net,rosurg. Psychiat., 1958, 2l : 173-176. MAGE, J.~ KLEYNTJENS, A.~ ]~RIt[AYE, J. et "VAN BOGAERT, L. SclSrose diffuse (In type conccntrique & ~volution aigu~. Rcv. Neurol., Paris. 1958, 98: 723-732. MARTYNOV, Y. S. [EEG in hemorrhagic and thrombotic apoplexies.] Nevropat. P:dkhiat., Moskva, 1958, 58: 1064-1069. Mc ADASI, W. L. and ROBINSON, R. A. Psychiatric aml electro-encephalographic studies in socially adjusted old people. J. ment. Sci., 1958, 104 : 840-843. MELNITCHIUK, P. V. [Study of the electrical activity of the brain in patients having a disturbance of the cerebr'tl blood circulation by the method of a rhythmic light stimulant.] Nevropat. PsiI~hiat., Moskva, 1958, 58: 35-38. MONNIER, M. et TISSOT, R. L ' a e t i o n de la R~serpine-S6rotonine sur le cerveau; suppression par les antagonistes de la R~serpine: Iproniazid (Marsilid) et L.S.D. Schweiz. Arch. Ne~rol. Psycbiat., 1958, 82: 218-228. MONTI, A. A., DI CARLO, F. C., BERGOGLIO, R. y ~VILDE, It. Electroencefalograma en la brucelosis, t~cv. reed. Cordoba, 1957, 45: 496-500. MOROCUTTI, C. Azione della cicloserina sul cervello del eoniglio. Studio istologico ed elettroencefalografico. Riv. Neurol., 1957, 27 : 473-492. MOUNTCASTLE, V. B. Somatic functions of the nervous system. Ann. Rcv. -Physiol., 1958, 20: 471-508. NORDLIE, R. Chronic subdural hematoma. With particular reference to the diagnosis. A clinical, roentgenological and electroeneephalographical study. Oslo: Johan Grundt Tanum Forlag, 1958, 164 pp. PAVLONSKI, Y. M. [Some problems on the subject of diagnosis of tumors of the base of the frontal region.] Nevropat. Psikhiat., Moskva, 1958, 58: 521-525. PESCET2~O, C-. e PALADINI, G. P. Contribute allo studio dell'epilessia nei gemelli. Sist. Nerv., Milano, 1958, I0: 216-230.
PETRICHTENKO, N. V. [Bioelectrie cerebral activity in brucellosis patients.] Nevropat. Psikhiat., Moskva, 1958, 58: 1371-1376. PINNE¥, E. L. What is the nature of psychomotor epilepsy ? Arch. Neurol. Psyehiat., Chicago, 1958, 80 : 760-767. PISANI, C. e BossI, R. Rapporti tra quadro clinico-evolutivo e circolo collatera]e nelle occlusioni della cercbrale media. Sist. Mere., Milano, 1957, 9: 177-192. POSER, C. M. and ZIEGLER, D. X. Clinical significance of 14 and 6 per second positive spike complexes. Neurol., 1958, 8: 903-912. RADERMECKER, J. Enc~phalopathie infantile avee @ilepsie et 6tat de real mortcl au cours d'une furoneulose. Acta neurol, psychiat. Belg., 1958, 58: 86-94. RADERMECKER, J. ],cs convulsions hyperthermiques chez l ' e n f a n t . Aeta ne~trol, psychiat. Belg., 1958, 58: 50-64. RERUFAT-DESCHAMPS, IV[. Spasmes en flexion el hypsarythmia. Etude critiq~te de, 30 observatio~s. (ThSse, Paris) 1958, 141 pp. RI~MOND, A. et RIPOCHE, A. Technique topographique: sur nn compteur d'intSgration, exemples d 'utilisation. l~ev. Neurol., Paris, 1958, 99 : 179-186. RIBSTEIN, M. et WALTER, IV[. Convulsions du premier nmis. 1~ev. Ne~lrol., Paris, 1958, 99 : 91-99. RICIITER, ][. R. und I~AESER, I{. E. Klinische Verlaufsform der Karotisthr.~)mbose. Schweiz. Arcl*. Neurol. Psychiat., 1958, 82: 273-294. ROHI~[ER, ]?., WACKENHEII~I[, A. et GLISS~LXNN, P. Contribution h l'6tude EEG des syndromes ddg6n~ratifs. Pr. todd., 1958, 66: 1736. ROSSINI, R., CORSINO, G. ~f. e LUGARESI, E. L'epilessia psicomotrice n e l l ' c t a ' dcllo svihppo. /~iv. Sperim. Freniatr., 1958, 82" 186 pp. ROTH, G. Das persistierende juvenile EEG. Psychiat. Neurol., Basel, 1958, 136: 1952O3. SARI¢ISSOV, S. A. i iKOKHOVA, T. M. [Modifications of structures of inter neuronal connections and electrical potentials of the cerebral cortex under the :,ctien of eserine.] Ncvropat. Psit~hiat., Iv[oskva, 1958, 58: 907-913. SCH~,VARTZ,B. A. Endormissement et rgveil du sommeil nembntalique de l'ad~dte. T~,chniques ~lectrographiqucs, psychologiques, somatiques et vdgdtatives. (Thbse, Paris) 1958, 62 pp. SERRA, C. c LA~IBIASE, M. Significato dei reperti e]ettroencefalografici nci tr~tmnatizzati crnn]ei. Acta Neurol., Napoli, 1958, J3: 479-484. S3,IITH, C. IV[. Comments and observatimls on psychogenic hypersomnia. Arch. X,~trol. Psyehiat., Chicago, 1958, 80: 618-624. S~[ITIL C. M. ]'sychosonlatlc aspects of narcolepsy. J. merit. Sci., 1958, lc)i: 593-(;07. SOLOMON, H. C. and PENFIELD, W. (Eds.) The brain and human belmvior. R(s. l'~bl. Ass. herr. ~ent. Dis., Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins Co., 1958, 3 6 : 5 6 4 pp. SPIEGEL, E. A., WYCIS, I~. T. and BAIRD, II. W. Pallidotomy and pallidoamygdalotem~~ in certtdn tyi)es of convulsive disorders. Arch. Ne~rol. Psychiat., Chicago, 1958, 80:714 7°8. S\VANS'ON, A. G., STAVNEY, L. S. and PLUI~f, :F. E f f e c t s of blood pH "tnd carbon dioxide on cerebral electrical activity. Ne'ltrol., 1958, 8 : 787-792. TCIIOUDNOVSKI, V. S. [Dynamics of bioelectric modifications of cerebral activity in schizophrenic patients undergoing insulin therapy.] Nccropat. l'sil:hiat., Moskva, 1958, 58: 1079-1089. TE~KOE~', I., A,I:SE~'~', A., DITSOVA, A. and JORD,XNOrF, B. [Effect of h r g a c t i l on epilepsy (clinical, biochemical and electreencephalogral)hic studies).] Xcvropat. Psikhiat., Moskva, 1958, 58:1164-1175. VAN I\IETER, W. G., OWENS, H. F. and H1M'WICH, ][. E. Cortical ,nnd rhinencei)halic electrical potentials during hypoglycemia. Arel~. Ne~crol. Psycldat., Chicago, 1958, 80: 314-320. VAN ~VULFFTEN PALTHE, P. IV[. and PUISTER, G. J. Primovaccination nnd electroenccptmlographic pattern. Aeromcd. acta, Soesterberg, 1'956 1957, 5: 309-319. VERDEAUX, J., DROSSOPOULO, G. et CHANOI% P. Int6r~t et utilis,ntion de snbstnnces activantcs en 61cctroenc~phalographie. Psychiat. Ne~trol., Basel, i 3 6 : 2 0 4 214. Vmocaoux, R. Etude 51ectroenc@halographique des h~mi-eonv~lsions suivies d'hdmipl6gie (syndrome H. It.) et de ~es sSquelles @ileptiquos (syndrome I L I [ . E.). Rev. Neurol., Paris, 1958, 99: 39-53. WILSON, W. P. and TYOR, IV[. P. Electroencepbalographic observations during experimental hypcramnlonemia. Neurol., 1958, 8:913-916. WOLSTENHOLME, G. E. W. and O'CoNNoR, C. M. (Eds.) Neurological Basis of Btl~avio~r. Ciba Fomldation Symposium. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1958, 400 pp.