BOOK fonerlutcsfotrscher 1955, Go pagcs,
Irn Laborafovrwn 60 figures
112 dcr
SWIW Chemtcal
This rhort publication contains the substance of four lectures delivered at the symposium on ‘*The chomlstry and uses of ion-exchange in science and technology”. arranged by the SWISS Chemical Aasoclation nt Lausannc in October, 1r)5,} With the cxceptron of the thrrd part, which IH In French. the four articles arc III German although the first two have summaries in French &scriber natural materials which have 3?art I, by Prof. 11 l.30~0~ AND li I~uTsc~~N~KER, ion exchange propertics, the prcparatlon of synthcttc aon-exchange resins of all kmds and gives a slmplc description of the many factors which affect the tlistributlon of ions bctwecn rosin and solution in the batch process Part II. by Prof W BUSER AND INS P CRAF AND W F. GRO~WR, is concerned wrth the goneral phyrical chcmrstry of ion-exchangers Titration curves and the kinctrcs of exchnnge arc intcrprctcd, the validity and limitationr of the application of the law of mass action and the Donnnn cqulhbrium to the Ion-cxchangc process arc explamcd, antI the xc&Ion ends with a short tlcscrlption of column and membrane theory. Part III, by Dr G Bnu~~sr~otz descrlbcs the apphcatlons of ion-exchange m analyttcal and preparative chemistry. Practical details of column construction nnd operation for the laboratory arc given Part IV, by Drs. I-I WOSIC AND E SAILISR, IS conccrncd with the apphcattons of ron exchange In mdustry (both by batch process and by the USC of columns or membranes). At least haff thrs section deals with the demmcrnhzatlon of water. It IY unfortunate that the data released at the Gcncva Conference on Atomic Energy on the puriflcatlon of uramum by anion cxchangc were not avarlablc at the trmc of pubhcatron to redress what woulcl nowadays be a lack of balance In this aspect of the subject In all, this monograph gives a comprehonsrvc review of rts SubJcct The authors have w~scly conccntrnted on covcrmg the whole field rn gcncrat, and have not allowed themsetvcs to bc trcatmcnt of the column tl~vcrt~cl by mdividual facets of the subject e 6, the mathematical process is not dcscrlbed m detail but rcfcrcnces which allow a detailed cxammntaon arc glvcn In full Two further features arc especially worthy of apprectatlon The diagrams arc numerous and appostta and a comprehcnstvc list IS given III Table 8 of the names and propetttcs of some hundred drffcrent rcsms from variour countries The rcfcrenccs arc also complete up to the autumn of 1~55 and compri#c some 1300 m all They are perhaps the most valuable feature of ait. There 1s somcthzng of rntcrcst to aIf. who USC jon-exchange resms isa this small book, since It IY obvious that great patns have been taken to make it compact, comprchcnsivc, and as up-todate R’I posslblc For the research worker In particular, It IS a useful source-book of mformatlon IS. J. CABP;LL (Harwotl)