La duracion de la colapsoterapia gaseosa y el problema de su interrupcion

La duracion de la colapsoterapia gaseosa y el problema de su interrupcion

4~ TUBE RCLE tendency towards specialization and to enforce upon him a broad attitude which is the basis on which the fight against tuberculosis oug...

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tendency towards specialization and to enforce upon him a broad attitude which is the basis on which the fight against tuberculosis ought to be carried on. The greater part of the book is devoted to tuberculosis as a systemic disease and is written by Deist himself. It includes discussions on the clinical aspect (history of the individual case, symptomatology of pulmonary tuberculosis, methods of investigation), on prognosis, constitutional factors and heredity, course of the disease, complicating illnesses, general and special therapeutic measures. The chapter dealing with tuberculosis in childhood is written by H. Brtigger, who clearly discusses our present conceptions in respect to the pathogenesis of tuberculosis, a subject which has become rather puzzling for the young student, confronted as he is with ever-changing theories Oll allergy and immunity. Excellent reproductions of X-ray films help to make the subject clearer. The final chapters are devoted to the question of compensation for tuberculosis acquired in industrial and other work (especially during military service) and to some important aspects of surgical tuberculosis. The con-

O c t o b e r I938

cluding chapter on X-rays and their importance in medicine might in our view be left out in a future edition. The brief way in which the subject is treated will hardly enhance the student's or the general practitioner's understanding of the intricate matter. LA D U R A C I O N DE LA COLAPSOT E R A P I A GASEOSA Y EL PROBLEMA DE SU I N T E R R U P C I O N (The duration of artificial pneumothorax and the problem of its interruption). Tesis de docto~ado I937. Acta No. 4952. By Dr R. C. Acevedo. 1938. Pp. 66. In this Buenos Aires thesis D. Acevedo describes the anatomical processes of recovery in pulmonary tuberculosis consisting in resolution or fibroid tissue transformation, the causes of interruption of artificial pneumothorax, viz. the wishes of the patient, the advice of the doctor or the formation of adhesions, the comparative advantages and disadvantages of a pneumothorax of long and of short duration, the technique of interruption, and the re-establishment of artificial pneumothorax.