M~d Mal Infect. 1 9 9 3 ; 23 : 1 1 4 - 6
PHARMUKA & LE G.E.D.A.M.I. (Groupe d'Etude et de Documentation des Antibiotiques et des Maladies...
(The Netherlands) Atlanta (Georgia~USA) Louvain-la-Neuve(Belgium)
Molecular immunology of virus infections Colloque Pharmuka "Le toxoplasme et sa pathologie" South Central Association For Clinical Microbiology Conference on Candida and candidosis Frontiers in HIV pathogenesis ECCMID European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (6th) FOCUS 3 on fungal infections Symposium Behring "Microbiologie" Conference of the European Actinomycetes Group (5th) Genetically targeted research and therapeutics : antisense and genetherapy Promoting quality outpatient infusion therapy for the treatment of infectious diseases and immunological disorders Annual meeting of the Society for Hospital Epidemiology of America (3rd) Human cytomegalovirus Sepsis in the intensive care unit : a master class symposium The foundation for advances in medicine and science and scanning Interscience world conference on inflammation, antirheumatics, analgesics, immunomodulators (5th) ICAR - International Conference on Antiviral Research (6th) Congr~s international de la m(~decinedes voyages (3e) Primordial immunology : foundations for the vertebrate immune system International symposium on AIDS and reproduction (2nd) Symposium on antibiotics policies. European guidelines for clinical trials of antimicrobial agents ( 2n )d ASM General meeting of American Society of Microbiology (93r~) Bioadhesion II 114
Vina del Mar (Chile)
Reykjavik (Iceland)
2/6/93 7/6/93 13/6/93
3 5 6
Washington (DC/USA) Berlin (Germany) Amsterdam
13/6/93 24/6/93
5 2
(The Netherlands) Florence (Italy) Brest (France)
24/6/93 26/6/93 27/6/93 29/6/93 2/7/93
3 5 7 3 3
Elsinore (Denmark) Washington (DC/USA) Stockholm (Sweden) Istanbul (Turkey) Bratislavia
10/7/93 8/8/93 23/8/93 31/8/93 2/9/93
5 6 4 4 3
7/9/93 8/9/93 12/9/93
6 4 4
(United Kingdom) Orvieto (Italy) Conference on trichinellosis Edinburgh (United Kingdom) International conference on HIV in children and mothers London (United Kingdom). RAMI - Intemational congress on Rapid Methods and Automation
19/9/93 19/9/93 19/9/93 19/9/93 19/9/93
5 5 6 7 4
Milan (Italy) Milan (Italy) Bath (United Kingdom) Brussels (Belgium) Granada (Spain)
(Czechoslovakia) Davis (Californio/USA) Glasgow (Scotland) Shatin (Hong kong) London (United Kingdom)
PAN America congress of infectious diseases (4th) and chilean congress of infectious diseases (i0 th) Slow infections of the central nervous system : the legacy of Dr. Bjorn Sigurds Son International conference trends in cell and molecular biology AIDS- International conference on AIDS (9th) World congress on diseases of the chest (17 th) European congress on biotechnology (6th) Prevention du risque infectieux en endoscopie. Congr~s national Soci~t~ Franc;aise d'Hygi~ne Hospitali~re (5 e) International symposium on modem concepts in endocarditis (2nd) Human gene therapy ICC - International Congress of Chemotherapy (18 th) FEMS FEMS symposium on the hepatitis C virus and its infection International interscience symposium on chemotherapy in compromised host (6th) ASV - Annual meeting of the American Society for Virology (12 th) ICV - International Congress of Virology (9th) Conference on mushroom biology and mushroom products (1st) International congress on ethics in medicine (5th) Trends in invasive fungal infections (2nd) -
in Microbiology and Immunology (7th) Society for human and animal mycology International conference on Cryptococcus and cryptococcosis (2nd) International symposium on subsurface microbiology European cause of european certificate in anti-infective therapy Conference on identification of bacteria : present trends-future prospects (FEMS meeting) Australian Society for Microbiology South Central Association of Clinical Microbiology Infectious Diseases Society of America Conference intemationale sur la prise en charge extra-hospitali~re des patients atteints de SIDA (I re) International conference on zoonoses ICAAC - Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (33 ro) World congress for infectious diseases in obstetrics and gynecology (3rd) SPILF - Conference de consensus en th~rapeutique anti-infectieuse de la SPILF (6e) MST chez la femme, la m~re, la mineure International symposium on infective endocarditis CACMID - Conjoint Meetings on Infectious Diseases (60th) RICAI R~union Interdisciplinaire de Chimioth~rapie Anti-lnfectieuse (13 e) ICMAS - International Conference on the Macrolides, Azalides and Streptogramins (2nd) WCID - World Congress of Infectious Diseases BICON - Biennial Conference on Chemotherapy of Infectious Diseases and Malignancies (5th) -
Adelaide (Australia)
14/4/94 26/4/94 1/5/94 19/6/94
3 5 5 4
(The Netherlands) Cincinnati (Ohio~USA) Prague (Czechoslovakia) Las Vegas (Nevada~USA) Davos (Switzerland)
9/7/94 4/9/94
5 5
Madison (Wisconsin~USA) London (United Kingdom)
(Tennessee/USA) Orlando (Florida/USA)
Congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology CMI - I n t e m a t i o n a l Congress on the Management of Infection (2nd)
(Rep. of Singapore)
SCACM - South Central Association for Clinical Microbiology ICID - International Congress for Infectious Diseases (6th) ASM - American Society for Microbiology general meeting (94th) ISIIH - International Symposium on Infections in the Immunocompromised Host (8th) ASV - American Society for Virology scientific meeting (13 th) HIS - International conference of the Hospital Infection Society (3rd) International conference on chemical synthesis of antibiotics and related microbial products (4th) ICAAC - Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (34 th) Intemational union against venereal diseases and the treponematoses world
Pr D. Serini Pr J.F. Delfraissy Dr J.P. Viard Pr G. Beaucaire
SIDA et m~decine praticienne La maladie VIH en m~decine de ville Infection par le VIH et m~decine praticienne Dipl6me inter-universitaire sur les infections nosocomiales
Paris (75) Clamart (92) Paris (75) Bordeaux/Lille/Poitiers Grenoble/Paris Bordeaux (33)
Pr J. Aubertin
05/06/93 06/93
Dijon (21) Poitiers (87)
Pr H: Portier Pr Jacquemin
13/05/93 25/05/93
L~le (59)
Pr C. Chidiac Pr Y. Mouton
DiplOme universitaire de prise en charge de rinfection VIH DiplOme d'universit~ chimioth~rapie antHnfectieuse et SIDA Dipl6me d'universit~ de pathologie et ~pid~miologie des grandes end~mies DiplOme d'universit~ sur le SIDA et l'infection ~ VIH DiplSme d'universit~ d'antibioth~.rapie et chimioth~rapie infectieuse Dipl~me inter-universitaire de lutte contre l'infection nosocomiale Virologie g~n~rale et syst~matique Preparation et r~alisation d'actions de prevention du SIDA Communication pers. ou groupes t~ propos de rinjection t~ VIH et de la maladie L'infection t~ VIH et approche psychologique et sociale des malades Anti-infectieux en ville Certificat europ~en de traitement anti-infectieux Formation t~ l'antibioth~.rapie hospitali~re Attestation d'universit~ de formation continue en m~decine tropicale
1993 01/07/93 1993 06/93
Lille (59) Vandoeuvreles-Nancy (54)
Bobigny (93) H
Toulouse (31) Lille (59) Toulouse (3 I) Vandoeuvreles-Nancy (54)
Pr Hartemann Pr Le Faou DDASS wl
Pr Armengaud Pr Y. Mouton Pr Armengaud Pr Canton
Directrice de la Publication : C. GALLULA- D~p6t l~gal Ier trimestre 1993 - CPPP 51460 - Imprimerie du Maine Libre - Le Mans 116