The Tintern Foray. E . M . Wakefield HYPHOMYCETES. Ovularia obliqua (Cooke) Oud. Botrytis cinerea (Pers.) Fr. Scolecotrichum graminis Fuck. Volutella ciliata (A. & S.) Fr. Vermicularia trichella Fr.
Species found on Gloucestershire side of River Wye. Panus stipticus (Bull.) Fr. Polystictus versicolor (Linn.) Fr. Merulius coriuln (Pers.) Er. Trametes mollis (Sommerf.) Fr. Corticium caeruleum (Schrad.) Fr., comedens (Nees) Fr. Peniophora caesia (Bres.) Bourd. & Galz., cinerea (Fr.) Cooke. Hymenochaete rubiginosa (Dicks.) LBv., corrugata (Fr.) LCv. Uromyces Scillarum (Grev.) Wint. Puccinia Violae (Schum.) DC., Hieracii Mart., obscura Schroet., holcina Erikss. Phragmidium violaceum (Schultz.) Wint., Fragariae (DC.) Wint. Melampsora Rostrupii Wagn. (Aecidium on Mercurialis). Milesina Polystichi (Wineland) Grove. Stigmatea Kobertiani Fr. Mycosphaerella maculiformis (Pers.) Schroet. Hypospila Pustula (Pers.) Karst. Didymella Salicis Grove. Cryptosphaeria eunomia (Fr.) Fuck. Diatrype disciformis (Hoffm.) Fr. Eutypa lata (Pers.) Tul. Hypoxylon fuscum Fr., rubiginosum (Pers.) Fr. Xylaria Hypoxylon (Linn.) Grev. Phyllachora graminis (Pers.) Fuck. Rhopographus Pteridis (Sow.) Wint. Gloniopsis curvata Sacc. Mitrophora hybrida (Sow.) Boud. Disciotis venosa (Pers.) Boud. Sarcoscypha coccinea (Jacq.) Fr. Ciliaria scutellata (Linn.) QuCl., trechispora (B. & Br.) Boud. Mollisia cinerea (Batsch) Karst. Pseudo~ezizar e ~ a n d a(Fr.) Karst. ~ r o ~ o faginea' l& ( ~ c h r a h . )karst. Stegia Ilicis Fr. Phyllosticta hedericola Dur. & Mont. Septoria Hederae Desm.
LICHENS OF THE TINTERN FORAY. By H. H. Knight, M.A. T H Erocks in the Tintern district were similar to those met with at the Spring Foray at Matlock last year. In both districts Carboniferous Limestone rocks occur, but instead of the Millstone Grit of Derbyshire we had Old Red Sandstone rocks. The Wye Valley at Tintern however is well wooded, and consequently calcareous lichens were less plentiful than in the exposed valleys of Dovedale and Millers Dale. The most interesting find was O$egra$ha $araxanthodes, a lichen of shady calcareous rocks.
Transactions British Mycological Society. Several of the lichens in'this list were found on sandstone walls; these compared favourably with the grit walls in the Matlock district. Tree lichens were more numerous than in Derbyshire, though only some of the common species were met with. The parasitic fungus Ticothecium rimosicolum Arn. was found growing on Rhizocarpon petraeum. In the Journal of Botany, May 1925,Dr Watson has described under the. name Clathroporina calcarea a lichen found at the foray last year in Dovedale and Millers Dale. A few lichens in this list (indicated by the letter G.) were found on the left bank of the River Wye in Gloucestershire. Placynthium nigrum S. F. Gray Collema cheileum Ach. C. granuliferum Nyl. Leptogium lacerum S. F. Gray Peltigera canina Willd. P. horizontalis Hoff m. Parmelia physodes Ach. P. caperata Ach. P. sulcata Tayl. P. dubia Tayl. P. fuliginosa Nyl. and var. laetevirens Nyl. Evernia prunastri Ach. Ramalina farinacea Ach. Usnea florida Web. var. hirta Ach. Xanthoria parietina Th. Fr. X. polycarpa Oliv. Placodium murorum DC. P. anrantiacum Anzi var. flavovirescens Anzi Physcia hispida Tuckerm. Lecanora subfusca Ach. L. campestris B. de Lesd. L. atra Ach. L. Hageni Ach. L. varia Ach. L. polytropa Schaer. Id. parella Ach. Acarospora fuscata Th. Fr. Lecania syringea Th. Fr., G. Pertusaria faginea Leight. P. pertusa Dal. Tor. and Sarnth. P. leioplaca Schaer. Phlyctis argena Koerb.
Diploschistes scruposus Norm. Cladonia sylvatica Hoffm. C. pyxidata Hoffm. C. fimbriata Fr. C. furcata Schrad. Coenogonium ebeneum A. L. Sm. Gyalecta cupularis Schaer. Lecidea lucida Ach. L. uliginosa Ach. L. parasema Ach. L. contigua Fr. L. sorediza Nyl. L. confluens Ach. L. lithophila Ach. L. fuscoatra Ach., G. Biatorina cyrtella Th. Fr., G. Bilimbia aromatica J a t t a B. sabuletorum Br. & liostr. Buellia canescens de Not. B. myriocarpa Mudd Khizocarpon petraeum Massal. Arthonia lurida Ach. var. spadicea Nyl. A. radiata Ach. Opegrapha paraxanthodes Nyl. Graphis elegans Ach., and f . stellata Leight. Graphis scripta Ach., and var. pulverulenta Ach. Verrucaria nigrescens Pers. Arthopyrenia fallax Arn. Porina carpinea A. Zahlbr. P. chlorotica Wainio