805127 3D MINE PILLAR DESIGN INFORMATION FROM 2D F ~ ANALYSIS Parlseau, W G; Sorensen, W K Int J Num Anal Meth Geomeeh, V3, N2, AprilJune 1979, P145-157 The teehrdque is based upon a simple augmentation of forces in a twO-dimensional analysis to produce the same average pillar stress that would occur in a full three-dimensional analysis. Detailed comparisons between a threedimensional analysis, a two-dlmensional smalysis (plane stress and plane strain) and an augmented two-dimenslonal analysis (also plane stress and plane strain) of stress about a typical coal mine pillar are presented. A local factor of safety is defined and then mapped over the pillar midplane, the immediate roof and immediate floor using the results from the full three-dimensional analysis. 805128 SUPPORTS AT T-JUNCTIONS (IN GERMAN AND ENGLISH) Gluckauf, Vll5, N2$, 20 Dec 1979, Pl175-1202 (English version P554-SV2) Presents papers from a symposit~n of the Steinkmblenbergbauverein, held in Essen, May 1979. Topics covered include: underpinning roadway arches, securing roadway arches with rock bolts, effect of T-Junction supparts on convergence and cavities, effect of strata pressure on gateroads, use of powered SUplX~s, combining available supports (bolts, packlrg, backfill, yielding arches), mechanical backfilling, precalculation of convergence, improvements in face-end supports. 805129 SHIELD SUPPORTS FOR PNEUMATICALLY STOWED FACES. DEVELOPMENT AND FIRST OPERATIONAL EXPERIENCE
(IN GE~A~ ~
Reinshagen, K; Hs_hn, L Gluckauf, Vll5, NI4, 26 July 1979, P679-688 (Engliab version P314-320) 805130 FLOOR BOLTING IN A GATEROAD (IN G~q~WAN AND ENGLISH ) Oldengott, M Gluckauf, VII5, N14, 26 July 1979, P688-692 (English version P320-323) Reports a study of floor bolting at a West German coal mine, to assess the effectiveness in reducing gateroad convergence. Economic aspects are also discussed. 805131 TH]~KWODYNAMICS OF INHOMOGENEOUS/ANISOTROPIC DISCONTINUITIES AND THEIR APPLICATION TO MINE SUPPORT (IN GERMAN) Asszonyl, C Gluekauf-ferschur~sh, V40, N6, Dec 1979, P2~8-251 805132 STABILITY OF ROCK-BONDED SHTL~f AND T ~ L TUBULAR LININGs WITH ARTICULATED SECTION JOINTS
(IN GERmaN) Li r~k, H Gluckauf-ferschu~gsh, V40, N4, Aug 1979, P148-
157 A theoretical study of the stability urger axial loads of tubular linings elastically connected to the rock.
R',I ',1.~ 17 ~
805133 LINING OF A SHAFT S0CKRT BY sPRAYED CONCRETE AND SYS'I~TIC BOLTING (IN GEt,MAN) Maidl, B; Rapp, R Gluckauf-fc~schungsh, V$0, N3, June 1979, Pl02-106 Reports the use of armoured sprayed concrete and bolts in extending a abaft at General Blumerfahal Colliery. The advantages and theoretical principles of the lining method sre discussed. 805134 GROUND BEHAVIOUR AND SUPPORT FOR MINING AND TUNNELLING. THE FOURTEENgH sIR JULIUs WERNHER MEMORIAL LECTURE, MARCH 1979 Muir Wood, A M In: %hn%nelli~g '79, Proceedings of the 2rod International Symposium, London, 12-16 March 1979, Pxi-xxli. Publ London: IMM, 1979 805135 C O N T R I T I O N TO THE CALCULATION AN]) OPtIMIZATION OF ROCK ANCHORS IN TUNNELLING (IN GEINMAN) Seeber, G; Keller, S Rock Meeh, Suppl 8, 1979, P59-74 (paper to 27th Geomeahanlcal Colloquium, Austrian Society for Geemechanlcs, Salzburg, 12-13 Oct 1978) Discusses the relationship between anchor length and stress state around the cavity, the influence of the rheological properties of the rock mass, the dowel effect of anchors producing increased shear strength, and shows gral~hlcally the influence of anchor length on anchor eharacterlstlcs in use. 805136 DEVELOPMENg, TESTING AND ANALYSIS OF STEELFIBER-REINFORCED CONCRETE MINE SUPPORT MEMbERs. SUPPORT S Y S T ~ DESIGN AND RESULTS OF LABORATORY INVESTIGATION AND FULL-sCALE TESTING Anderson, G L] Smelser, T W USBM RI 8~12, 1980, 38P Avail: USBM, 4800 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, Pa, 15213 USA
Geological factors of importance in underground excavations 805137 TUNNELLING AND 'TALZUSCHUB' (IN GERMAN) Spaun, G Rock Mech, Suppl 8, 1979j PBB3-3h8 (paper to 27th Geomeahanlcal Colloquium, Austrian Society for Ge~nechanics, Salzburg, 12-13
Oct 1978 ) The term 'Talzuschub' is used for still active widespread movements of rock-masses, which Occur especially in young folded mountain ranges. The existence of such moving rOck-masses can be recognlsed by special surface features. Problems encountered in tunnelling in such rock masses are discussed, particularly temparary and permanent support requirements. Case studies considered briefly include the FreJus rail tunnel (Prance) and the Eisenhower Memorial Tunnel
(Denver, USA).