NEWS of .75 cubic meters, look at the system and open their eyes. The biometric face imaging relies on the same instruction set, resulting in dual biometric capture with no additional effort on the part of the subject. Also in September, Aware launched three new products: Forensic Workbench, FormScanner, and BioSP Report Manager. Forensic Workbench is an intuitive application for manual dragand-drop assembly of compliant biometric data records. FormScanner is an application for assisted batch processing and digitization of fingerprint cards. BioSP Report Manager is a serverbased Biometric Services Platform (BioSP) module that performs advanced analysis and reporting of biometric data and service levels, such as image quality, throughput, and other key metrics.
FBI funds twins iris study
esearchers from the University of Notre Dame’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering have received two grants from the FBI for research into the iris biometrics of identical twins. They are examining how iris biometrics performs in twins to confirm prior claims that biometrics is capable of differentiating between twins and to explore if human observers can make distinctions that current iris biometrics technologies cannot. Kevin Bowyer and Patrick Flynn have been developing and assessing image-based biometrics and multi-biometrics technologies, including comparisons of face photographs, face thermograms, 3-D face images, iris images, video of human gait, and ear and hand shapes.
recognise individuals who might pose a security risk to the nation. Algorithms that allow computers to recognise faces vary widely among software developers, and most have not faced real-world challenges. O’Toole and her team are examining where the algorithms succeed and where they don’t. So far, the results of man versus machine have been surprising, according to O’Toole. “In fact, the very best algorithms performed better than humans at identifying faces,” she says. “Because most security applications rely primarily on human comparisons up until now, the results are encouraging about the prospect of using face recognition software in important environments.” By using the software to spot potential highrisk individuals and then combining the software with the judgment of a person, nearly 100% of matching faces were identified, O’Toole says. The research is also evaluating how technological tools differ in recognising faces of varying race.
Southampton ear marks success
outhampton University researchers presented a new ear enrolment technique at the IEEE Fourth Conference on Biometrics in September. The technique uses the image ray transform, based upon an analogy to light rays. The transform is capable of highlighting tubular structures such as the helix of the ear and spectacle frames and can be used as the basis of a method for enrolment for ear biometrics. The technique achieves 99.6% success at enrolment.
October 2010
1-4 November 2010 ICAO HQ, Montreal, Canada
ICAO Sixth Symposium on ICAO MRTDs, Biometrics and Security Standards An exhibition will complement the civil aviation symposium and highlight important products and services related to MRTDs, biometric identification and border inspection systems. The 2010 Symposium follows last year’s event, attended by over 500 participants from international organisations, companies and institutions. More information:
4 November 2010 Brussels
6th EBF Research Seminar The Seminar will focus on ‘International Data Sharing’. Expert speakers at the event include Joaquim Nunes de Almeidam, DG Home Affairs, Reinhard Schmid, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Austria and Mark Branchflower, Interpol. The event will examine how policy makers and the users of large biometric systems can maximise the benefits of the exchange of biometric and other data while keeping in harmony with European principles on data protection and privacy. The seminar will also look at commercial and private applications of biometrics and related date exchange issues. The seminar will also hear presentations from the three finalists of the EBF European Biometrics Research Award 2010. The Award, now in its fifth year, is made annually to an individual who has been judged by a panel of internationally respected experts to be making a significant contribution to the field of biometrics research in Europe as evidenced by the submission of a research paper and delivery of a presentation. More information:
8-10 November 2010 Waltham, Massachusetts, US Technologies for Homeland Security An opportunity for both new and established companies and government institutions to display their capabilities and establish new business relationships. More information:
15-16 November 2010 Ottawa, Canada
Privacy & Security Congress 2010
Lockheed and ZyGEM to offer on the spot Texas University evalu- DNA ID ates face recognition Martin and ZyGEM have unveiled a DNA analysis system Lockheed in the real world research team led by Alice O’Toole, a professor in The University of Texas at Dallas’ School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences, is evaluating how well facial recognition programmes work. The researchers are comparing the rates of success for the software to the rates for human evaluation. The studies in the Face Perception and Research Laboratories are funded by the US Department of Defense. The agency is seeking the most accurate and cost-effective way to
aimed at law enforcement, homeland security and defence markets. The prototype, called RapID was previewed in September. John Mears, director, Lockheed Martin Biometric Solutions, says, “Our goal with the RapID sample-to-answer DNA analysis device is to transform today’s DNA identification process from one that takes a great deal of training, sophisticated equipment and days or weeks to complete, into an affordable, on-site process that takes less than an hour.” Continued on page 12...
Exploring the policies, programmes, research and technologies relating to the protection of privacy and security, this conferences is aimed at senior public and private sector officials, governmental and non-governmental agencies, technology experts and privacy advocates, and academics. More information:
5-10 December 2010 Florianopolis, Brazil
XXVth International Biometric Conference Organised by the Brazilian and Argentinean regions of the International Biometric Society. Held at Federal University of Santa Catarina. More information:
9-10 December 2010 Brussels, Belgium
RISE Multi-Stakeholder Conference “Ethics and governance of biometrics and identification technologies” The EU funded initiative RISE is convening the multi-stakeholder conference which will advance and further promote stakeholder involvement – including regulators, responsible agencies, lawmaking bodies, industry, third party privacy solutions providers and consumer representatives – in setting technology security policy in Europe. High-level speakers from policy, research, industry and from user groups will address the conference, that will be held in conjunction with the HIDE project final conference.
Biometric Technology Today