Métabolisme des phosphopeptides et des phosphoprotéines de microsomes isolés du cerveau de rat
BIOCHIM1E, 197'8, 60, 601-607.
Mdtabolisme des phosphopeptides et des phosphoprotdines de microsomes isolds du cerveau de rat. Marc LEDIG ( *) ~ , Je...
Mdtabolisme des phosphopeptides et des phosphoprotdines de microsomes isolds du cerveau de rat. Marc LEDIG ( *) ~ , Jean-Yves LE DEAUT et Paul MANDEL.
Centre de Neurochimie du CNRS, Institat de Chimie Bioloyique,
11, rue Humann, 67085 Strasboury Cedex France.
are preferentially localized in membranous formations. The phosphopeptides were solubilized b y extractinq delipidated microsomes with an acidified methanol-chloroform solution ; the solution w as shaken with 1/5 of its volume of water, the phosphopeptides were found in the upper phase and their specific radioactivity was measured.
Nous avons mis en 6vidence des phosphopeptides qui pourraient ~tre impliqu6s dans le m6canisme du transport actif [1]. Leur localisation membranaire pr6f6rentielle de m~me que le renouvellement rapide de leur copule phosphor6e parlent en faveur d'un tel r61e" semblable & celui des phosphoprot6ines. Nous avons 6tudi6 l'incorporation de phosphate ~P dans les phosphopeptides et phosphoprot6ines de microsomes de cerveau de rat incub6s en pr6sence de [~2p] ATP. L'effet de I'ATP, de I'ADP, du sodium et du potassium a 6t6 6tudi6. Par aiUeurs, nous avons isol6 de la phosphos6rine m a r q u e e au 32p & partir de phosphopeptides isol6s du cerveau de porc, incubus en pr6sence de [y32p] ATP et de microsomes de cerveau de rats. Ces exp6riences suqqbrent que les phosphopeptides pourraient ~tre des accepteurs du Py de I'ATP dans le m6canisme des activit&s ATPasiques intervenant a u cours du transport actif.
Summary. W e studied the incorporation of 32p into phosphopeptides and phosphoproteins after incubation of rat brain microsomes in the presence of [s2p.~] ATP and various factors involved in (Na +, K+) ATPase dependent reactions. The phosphopeptides are different from the phosphoproteins, since their phosphate is stable under alcaline condition. They contain hiqh amounts of phosphoserine and qlycine ; they
(*) Chargd de Recherche au CNRS. (> To w h o m all correspondence s h o u l d be addressed.
The residue was hydrolysed durinq 15 h at 37°C with N KOH; the phosphate of the phosphoproteins was liberated and its specific radioactivity was measured. The kinetics of 32p incorporation into the phosphopeptides w as found to be different accordinq to the ATP concentration in the incubation me, dium. When ATP was 0,025 mM the maximum 32p incorporation was reached after 15 rain ; when ATP w as 1,5 mM the maximum was reached within 1 rain, then decreased. In presence of 5 mM ADP the rate of 32p incorporation was reduced in the phosphopeptides and in the phosphoproteins. W h e n K was omitted the specific radioactivity increased mainly in the phosphoproteins. When K and Na were omitted the specific radioactivity increased in the phosphoproteins, but decreased in the phosphopeptides. We also showed that the 32p was ensymatically transferred from ATP to the phosphopeptides b y the isolation of ~'~P labeled phosphoserine from partially purified phosphopeptides of piq brain incubated with (32P7) ATP and Triton X-100 treated rat brain microsomes taken as a ~ crude enzyme preparation of phosphopeptide phosphokinase ,,. No labeled phosphoserine was found when the microsomes were boiled before incubation. Our data show that the phosphopeptides as well as the phosphoproteins m a y be acceptors of the 7P from ATP, related to m em brane ATPase activities.
M. L e d i 9 , J . - Y . L e D e a u t et P. M a n d e l .